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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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When my mate nearly got killed two weeks ago (an Albert regular) he'd been nowhere near the pub and was walking back from JAMM. I certainly haven't heard of an epidemic of Albert regulars getting attacked.
Ah, I understood he'd been in the Albert, my mistake. I've known him & his family for nearly 30 years (originally knew them in Wales) so I know him very well too.
Ah, I understood he'd been in the Albert, my mistake. I've known him & his family for nearly 30 years (originally knew them in Wales) so I know him very well too.
He's very lucky to be still alive but is happily sufficiently recovered enough to pop into the pub for a bit. He's still a long way of being back to full strength though, but I hope they find the cowardly fuckers that attacked him soon.
Dunno who is on at the Academy tonight but there are a lot of touts at the top of the stairs out of the tube station.

With all the people from a packed train trying to get out of the station at the same time it got a bit push and shove, a few of the touts didn't think moving out of the way to let people past would be a good idea. One of them got a bit irate, followed me along the street effing and blinding and then into Sainsburys saying "I'll be waiting outside for you!"

After a little chat with Sainsburys security guard and pointing the guy out in the street he became less interested in harassing me.

I think I prefer the drug dealers to the ticket touts, at least the dealers leave you alone if you say no thanks.
Same happened to my lodger a couple of weeks ago, last weekend of Sept. He does bar work, was coming home from work at about 2am sat/sun morning and right outside our gate he was hit on the head with a bottle during an attempted robbery. He's very tall (6' 6") and the bottle wielder wasn't very tall so no real damage was done, not even to the bottle. He didn't report it though, despite my encouragement that it was worth doing because our estate is heavily CCTVed.

It would be worth him reporting it, if only so the police can try to work out some kind of pattern. I know I've got a bit of a personal interest in catching the guy, but if there is CCTV evidence to link him to your lodger that might be what they need to join everything together. When I sat down with the police they were saying that they had just arrested one guy after four or five years of incidents because they were able to build up a picture of the attacks. Your friend was fortunate but obviously there have been a few not so lucky and it sounds as if the poor guy from the Albert is an example that these attacks can get really nasty. I guess you can't exactly force him to go but it would be good if he could at least see if where he got attacked is covered by CCTV then pop in to make a quick report...
Black Cultural Archives on BBC London news at 10pm now.... as is traditional with any Brixton based story - started out with footage of riots...

looks like it could be really good...
Some impromptu pretend signs have appeared this morning saying ''Welcome to London, twinned with Panic'' and ''Panic'' with a twitter address which was too small/far away for me to read.

Hmm.. wonder if this is my old flatmates larking about again...

There was some sort of student photo / fashion shoot outside Granville Arcade yesterday, that could have been lifted straight from Hackney Hipster Hate.

Sounds like the same lot who have been filming in The Windmill and at the top of Blenheim Gardens last week
crepes on the hill

Anyone on here been in?

Tried Ty Crepe yesterday.

The crepes are pretty good, especially the Ecremee

The service is charmingly clueless. But I guess they'll get to grips with it.

For now it's cash only and bring a bottle (we did). Takeaways too.
A little bird told me yesterday that the arcades will be trialling some new opening hours possibly by the end of the month. Late nights Friday/Saturday and Sunday day also.
Don't let little birds tell you this, get out there and find out for yourself.
Open studio's tomorrow around Granville/ Brixton village, lots going on.
Estate agent description said:
You are close to all the eating, drinking and shopping facilities of Brixton including the fantastic market offering produce from around the world and the wonderful Ritzy cinema offering great films from around the world! The newly landscaped Windrush Square is a real treat giving Brixton a welcome facelift - there's even a new Starbucks near the station!
10's not that many. It was a Monday lunchtime so it's put me off going as with a baby, I don't want to be waiting an hour to get my food.
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