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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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the new safe corners at the junction of shakespeare and railton haven't had much effect either. someone managed to go into the bollard at speed the other day.
And no one seems to understand that just cos its a raised bit of road, it doesn't give everyone permission to go first. I've seen three near misses already. Are they going to paint a white give way line on Leeson Road?

Lambeth seem to be determined to fill in more potholes - the craters outside Brixton Cycles are starting to be filled in.

Would Stockwell road be Lambeth or TFL?

TFL's current record is dire - almost my whole commute (by bike) is on badly maintained TFL roads. Brixton road & Borough High Street are particularly bad.:mad:
Stockwell Road: TFL I guess, as its on a major bus route. At least they've started fixing it, but there's still more towards the YMCA end that push you out of the bus lane and into the traffic.

And I've given up riding on Borough High St.
argy bargy on the number 3

Coming home early today, I witnessed the most amazingly depressing kerfuffle on the number 3. I was sat upstairs, when at Brixton, apparently 2 pushchairs and then a wheelchair got on. There wasn't much room downstairs, which apparently led to arguments as to whether the wheelchair user could get on. There was plenty of room upstairs though, but no one came up to make room downstairs until someone shouted that there was room and then a few people came up. Some old bloke got all excited and shouted "fight fight!" like a 15 year old in a playground. Bus stopped again at the stop on Effra Rd where I heard shouting downstairs. I went to get off to walk the last 3 stops and was greeted by a woman fighting with the wheelchair user. There were still seats upstairs but no one bothered going up to make some room downstairs. I got off the bus in disgust, shouting at everyone, calling them "fucking selfish".

It was extremely depressing, the selfishness of people, not bothering to move down the bus or go upstairs. I hate this city sometimes.
Coming home early today, I witnessed the most amazingly depressing kerfuffle on the number 3. I was sat upstairs, when at Brixton, apparently 2 pushchairs and then a wheelchair got on. There wasn't much room downstairs, which apparently led to arguments as to whether the wheelchair user could get on. There was plenty of room upstairs though, but no one came up to make room downstairs until someone shouted that there was room and then a few people came up. Some old bloke got all excited and shouted "fight fight!" like a 15 year old in a playground. Bus stopped again at the stop on Effra Rd where I heard shouting downstairs. I went to get off to walk the last 3 stops and was greeted by a woman fighting with the wheelchair user. There were still seats upstairs but no one bothered going up to make some room downstairs. I got off the bus in disgust, shouting at everyone, calling them "fucking selfish".

It was extremely depressing, the selfishness of people, not bothering to move down the bus or go upstairs. I hate this city sometimes.

I wonder if it was Zoe Williams.
Railton road is closed between Spenser (I think) and Milton roads so that the Shakespeare road speed table can be put in.

All of the new speed tables look worryingly as if they're too shallow to slow people down.:rolleyes:
And the closure made Railton Road great last night, quiet and for some reason lots more people around. Shame they can't do it all the time!
And the closure made Railton Road great last night, quiet and for some reason lots more people around. Shame they can't do it all the time!

I thought that too. Maybe we should campaign for a permanent road closure with a lane for bicycles and buses.:D
It was extremely depressing, the selfishness of people, not bothering to move down the bus or go upstairs. I hate this city sometimes.

it's bizarre isn't it? I think some folk must enjoy being rammed in together downstairs, trying not to fall over or look at each other.

Thing is, if you ask people - they'll shift for you. It just doesn't occur to them to move :D
Coming home early today, I witnessed the most amazingly depressing kerfuffle on the number 3. I was sat upstairs, when at Brixton, apparently 2 pushchairs and then a wheelchair got on. There wasn't much room downstairs, which apparently led to arguments as to whether the wheelchair user could get on. There was plenty of room upstairs though, but no one came up to make room downstairs until someone shouted that there was room and then a few people came up. Some old bloke got all excited and shouted "fight fight!" like a 15 year old in a playground. Bus stopped again at the stop on Effra Rd where I heard shouting downstairs. I went to get off to walk the last 3 stops and was greeted by a woman fighting with the wheelchair user. There were still seats upstairs but no one bothered going up to make some room downstairs. I got off the bus in disgust, shouting at everyone, calling them "fucking selfish".

It was extremely depressing, the selfishness of people, not bothering to move down the bus or go upstairs. I hate this city sometimes.

Disgusting behaviour. The amount of times my b/f gets on the bus and gets off cursing all the people sitting in the disabled/elderly seats. I've told him to wave his walking stick at them :D
Anyone know who played the academy last night? I got off the tube just after 11 and there were hundreds of teenage girls leaving brixton - who'd clearly never even been on the tube before, some even accompanied by their mums. Quite a few had matching pink scarves, but I couldn't see the band name
it's bizarre isn't it? I think some folk must enjoy being rammed in together downstairs, trying not to fall over or look at each other.

Thing is, if you ask people - they'll shift for you. It just doesn't occur to them to move :D

It's because the average human being is a fuck-brained, empty headed clone with less neural activity than a walrus.
I think it's interesting how those with prams have adopted the wheelchair space on the bus as their own, and never give a single thought to how us plain old pedestrians are supposed to move up and down the aisles.

Had to fold your pushchair up when my kid was little - which was never that much of a hardship tbh.
I think it's interesting how those with prams have adopted the wheelchair space on the bus as their own, and never give a single thought to how us plain old pedestrians are supposed to move up and down the aisles.

The 'wheelchair space' as you call it is actually for buggies as well:

Low-floor buses are designed to allow buggies to remain unfolded in the wheelchair space, since this is the oly place in which they can travel safely. If somene in a wheelchair wishes to board, and the wheelchair space is occupied by standing passengers or buggies, standing passengers will be asked to make room lease make sure that buggies are safely positioned within the designated area. Unfolded buggies cannot travel in the gangway.

(from TFL website)
The 'wheelchair space' as you call it is actually for buggies as well:

(from TFL website)

It is a wheelchair space with signage to say so (push chairs allowed or not!) - and I'm not against push chairs being there, just against the way in which (lots of, not all) people with push chairs appear to dispense with manners the moment they board a bus with one, and act as if they have the god given right to plonk themselves slap bang in the middle of the bus, getting in the way of people trying to get off.

I only use buses and weekly witness the stupid petty pushing and shoving of pram users, usually with each other, and have also witnessed some scathing insults being thrown between mums battling for their little bit of space for their kids on wheels.

I appreciate that folding up a buggy is a pain in the arse, and the space now on buses is useful for parents to park up, and saves time etc, but I believe it is abused and many parents use their push chairs like battering rams (..and yes I also witness how people push infront of push chairs and ignore parents trying to get their kids on the bus...and that I think that's fucking rude too).

..actually, in Brixton, where buses are concerned, all manners seem to go out the window, it's not just parents with push chairs. :(
..actually, in Brixton, where buses are concerned, all manners seem to go out the window, it's not just parents with push chairs. :(

Last night I was giving directions over the phone to an out-of-towner trying to tell them the best way from the tube to Blenheim Gardens. He had a guitar and some luggage and sounded a bit daunted by the walk up the hill but i assured him that it would be more convenient than a little ruck at the bus stop.

Actually this should be on that Brixton is Cool thread with the conclusion that:
Brixton is cool cos it makes you walk rather than get a bus for a few stops.
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