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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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I didn't know there was a restaurant next door? Maybe that's what I saw when I passed it on the bus

The Telegraph itself was definitely open last night. They seemed to be painting it in the afternoon and there were people there at 1am...loads of blingmobiles parked on the hill.
I had a nosey at Iroko on the way past today - no menu outside, but there is a sign saying 'no hoods or trainers', which pretty much rules me out...
They're doing a special promotion, no purchase necessary, giving away a 'razor sharp vegetable slicer' in the big Tesco at Brixton at the moment.

They are doing it about every 30 minutes, got the call to the booth as I was in the checkout so I didn't get one, but there was a scrum there, some trolley rage, and two women almost coming to blows because someone apparently pushed in - even though it was an unlimited supply of giveaways and everyone got one.

I heard that too, but at the time was wondering how sensitive it was to be advertising free knives. Then I queued up for ages to buy my one item and got told off by a mother for swearing under my breath. And thankyou GaijinGirl, I'll pop into St Francis after your review!
I heard that too, but at the time was wondering how sensitive it was to be advertising free knives. Then I queued up for ages to buy my one item and got told off by a mother for swearing under my breath. And thankyou GaijinGirl, I'll pop into St Francis after your review!

Are they giving them away to kids as well? :eek:
No idea, but I imagine not. It was too dangerous to wander down the aisle as they demonstrated their patent ever-sharp kitchen appliances. Felt like something out of Phoenix Nights

Nah, apparently Tescos and Lambeth Council have been in 'secret' talks about the possibility of Tesco taking over neighbouring council land and expanding that way.

They can fuck off frankly. Brixton's in a fairly decent balanced state - it doesn't need a larger supermarket sucking trade to the wasteland of Acre Land.
Market traders might not agree with you

I'm not sure that there's a huge amount of competition between the market and Tescos. Still I virtually never use the Tescos in Brixton.

Tarranau - where's the land? There's no obvious big chunk of land nearby is there?
I'm not sure that there's a huge amount of competition between the market and Tescos. Still I virtually never use the Tescos in Brixton.

Tarranau - where's the land? There's no obvious big chunk of land nearby is there?

There's a big chunk next to it on Acre Lane.
And I'd use the market more if Tesco wasn't there for sure :oops:
<wags finger disapprovingly>

Nice mushrooms and pumpkins down the market today. And some fennel from O Talho. Just got to look
I'm not, but it's possible to go on your way to work quite often. From 7, possibly 7.30 these days onwards

Only not Wild Caper it seems. Bastards hadn't even opened by 10am the other morning, scuppering my plans for a baguette and a big bag of Monmouth for a mate. Had to resort to Rosie's for coffee instead and go breadless.

I could understand it if the place was open long hours, but it's closed on Sundays and runs down from early afternoon most days. Lazy scoundrels.
It'd be much more convenient if they were open till at least 1830. I tend to do quite a bit of shopping after work (despite best efforts to stock up on weekends)
I'm not, but it's possible to go on your way to work quite often. From 7, possibly 7.30 these days onwards

Only not Wild Caper it seems. Bastards hadn't even opened by 10am the other morning, scuppering my plans for a baguette and a big bag of Monmouth for a mate. Had to resort to Rosie's for coffee instead and go breadless.

I could understand it if the place was open long hours, but it's closed on Sundays and runs down from early afternoon most days. Lazy scoundrels.

I need to get panniers
There are a fair few decent places still open at that time. Not least Wing Tai, O Talho, the Portuguese deli and a few other nearby shops. Enough to pick up emergency veggies imo.
You certainly could in Streatham, but I haven't seen it in Brixton for some time. Can't say I've been looking though
You're such a grouch, tarannau. What on earth is wrong with Acre Lane?

I couldn't get a breadfruit there on Sunday for love nor money.


Did you walk down Atlantic Road. There were some fine breadfruit specimens in the shops near Beach Bar or whatever T&G's called now.

Acre Lane suffers from Streatham High Road syndrome really - it's a road on the way to somewhere, not an integral part of Brixton town centre. Rather not have more people drawn to the hinterland of industrial premises, a big supermarket and a tile warehouse when there's a nearby high st to support
Did you walk down Atlantic Road. There were some fine breadfruit specimens in the shops near Beach Bar or whatever T&G's called now.

Acre Lane suffers from Streatham High Road syndrome really - it's a road on the way to somewhere, not an integral part of Brixton town centre. Rather not have more people drawn to the hinterland of industrial premises, a big supermarket and a tile warehouse when there's a nearby high st to support

Oh, I got some the other week no bother. I'll confess I didn't look very far. I already had a pile of root veg for roasting so it wasn't 'needed'.

Plus I find breadfruit is best enjoyed when someone else cooks it. My efforts are patchy.
Oh, I got some the other week no bother. I'll confess I didn't look very far. I already had a pile of root veg for roasting so it wasn't 'needed'.

Plus I find breadfruit is best enjoyed when someone else cooks it. My efforts are patchy.

It's something I rarely cook tbh. I like it, but smothered in butter. I could eat most things smothered in butter - it's not as though I need encouragement or further butter overload opportunities.
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