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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Today is the last day that the Victoria line shuts early. Hurrah!
Apparently, apart from the odd weekend closure next year, there is no need to shut the line down in the evenings again.
Today is the last day that the Victoria line shuts early. Hurrah!
Apparently, apart from the odd weekend closure next year, there is no need to shut the line down in the evenings again.

And there was rejoicing all through the land!
Shouldn't that be :mad: rather than ;)

No,there comes a time in your life when you just accept that Brixton will never be finished - whether it's the tube, roadworks, pavements etc. You should have learnt to accept this watching the farce that was the middle escalator and the lift :)
I got home anad turned a lightbulb on, and it popped. I only have a 40w in the cupboard so I'll have to make do until I can get a proper one next time I go shopping.

Harder and harder to find 'real' lightbulbs these days, and the "low energy" things don't do an equivalent of a 100w bulb yet, or at least I haven't seen one.
Well you haven't been looking very hard. You want a 20W CFL for comparable output.
They're all over the fucking place but shopkeepers hide them from ajdown just to keep him a miserable cunt and try to get him to move out of an area he despises so much :D
They're all over the fucking place but shopkeepers hide them from ajdown just to keep him a miserable cunt and try to get him to move out of an area he despises so much :D

No, I just haven't needed to buy light bulbs for a while. I had some in stock, and you know how it goes when several blow in the space of a week or 2 and you realise you need to get some ... then you can't find the ones you want.
Nah, you're just looking in the wrong places.

They're in the same aisle as the halal meat section, just past the mp3 playing mobile phone display...
I can't use them, I discovered after spending a small fortune on them only to watch them blow in seconds.

Something to do with dimmer switches, apparently.
Um, okay.

This doesn't make us friends. You're still very wrong indeed.

Thank you for the juice.
The new speed hump on the corner of Leeson & Railton roads isn't high enough to actually slow down cars. :rolleyes:
And no one seems to understand that just cos its a raised bit of road, it doesn't give everyone permission to go first. I've seen three near misses already. Are they going to paint a white give way line on Leeson Road?

Lambeth seem to be determined to fill in more potholes - the craters outside Brixton Cycles are starting to be filled in.
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