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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Mad shouty woman on Coldharbour Lane seems to be getting worse, hanging out of her window and hurling weird abuse at passers by all day long. I feel sorry for her kids.
The kids in Brixton currently have lots of lycra and back combed hair - Steel Panther are playing the Academy and win the biggest tour bus this year award.
This I must try...it's a long time since anyone paid me a compliment...

I wonder what kind of compliment one might get from some cheese?

"you are so grate"

"you make me melt"

"I feel more mature around you"...


or bread..

"ooh I can feel myself rising.."

"you certainly know how to butter me up"..

endless possibilities..
i got a barely intelligible letter through the door from Lambeth legal department going about "stopping up" footpaths in Myatts Fields north - sounds like they want to close down some public rights of way because they are "unnecessary". In reality I guess it's probably something to do with crime though, and stopping asbo kids escaping from the police down alleyways.

Couldn't find anything on the web apart from a similar unintelligible notice in Lambeth life. Anyone know any more?
i got a barely intelligible letter through the door from Lambeth legal department going about "stopping up" footpaths in Myatts Fields north - sounds like they want to close down some public rights of way because they are "unnecessary". In reality I guess it's probably something to do with crime though, and stopping asbo kids escaping from the police down alleyways.

Couldn't find anything on the web apart from a similar unintelligible notice in Lambeth life. Anyone know any more?

Not about Myatts Fields. Though the police tried to persuade us to do the same thing on Angell Town. They want to be able to bottle people up on an estate in order to make it easier to arrest suspects. Which is fine if you look at it from their POV, but a bit iffy for those of us on an estate being bottled up with whoever the plods are after. We asked them to come back with some figures to show that reducing the access to and from an estate did something to reduce crime. Haven't heard back about the subject since. Which tallies with our experience here. Since the estate used to have limited access and much more crime, simply because the criminals could more easily tell when the police were on their way, and it was harder for the rest of us to evade the criminals.

One of those dumb ideas that get proposed when somebody assumes that the only effect of a change will be the one they intend.
"Stopping up" alleyways doesn't really work. They get used for fly-tipping and stashing stolen stuff which happened with a stopped up alley on our estate. Anyway young people are really good at climbing fences. Our estate was massively remodelled, getting rid of loads of alleys completely and 'turning round' houses. What happens now is that they escape over garden fences with policeman in hot pursuit and gardens and fences get wrecked. Robbery on the estate has gone right down though.
Cheers eric and mrs magpie, interesting. I dont actually live on myatts north but next door...and i cycle/walk through there all the time so it'd be right pain in the arse if you couldnt cut through there. I remember they did it at the end of a street in Tulse Hill - Deronda Road I think. I was going round my mates and I hadnt been round for a while, so I came bowling round the corner really fast on my bike to be confronted with a 20 foot high iron fence across the road. It's the slow erosion of liberty through street design!
Both Continental Deli and Sesame (on Station Approach in HH), are nominated in the Smooth FM Deli of the Year Award

#closet smooth fm listener#
Wow, after threatening to get some big live acts, the Fridge have finally done it...with Keane!! say what you like about them, there is a LOT worse out there.
Of course nothing on the Fridge's crap website about it.
well, I'm not about to hold forth on the relative artistic merits of one shit band over another, but, yes, that's a lot more of a punter-puller than Jack Penate was.

In fact, aren't Keane a bit on the large side for the Fridge? The Fridge is definitely smaller than the Academy, right?
I was just thinking the other day, wonder what's haoppening with the Fridge. Because when it reopened there was all that talk about how it was going to be more of a live music venue and so forth... but I hardly ever see anything advertised and on the occasions when I've walked past and there's been something on, it's looked like much the same kind of night and punters as I used to see before it got closed down.
well, I'm not about to hold forth on the relative artistic merits of one shit band over another, but, yes, that's a lot more of a punter-puller than Jack Penate was.
In fact, aren't Keane a bit on the large side for the Fridge? The Fridge is definitely smaller than the Academy, right?

Yeah I was surprised at that. 1100 vs 4500. It's apparently an intimate show to launch a new EP. £25 plus booking fee to you sir.

I was just thinking the other day, wonder what's haoppening with the Fridge. Because when it reopened there was all that talk about how it was going to be more of a live music venue and so forth... but I hardly ever see anything advertised and on the occasions when I've walked past and there's been something on, it's looked like much the same kind of night and punters as I used to see before it got closed down.

Apart from the Jack Penate gig they've just had a few indie-schmindie nights that have been badly publicised (their website is a trainwreck). Their problem is that they're up against the Scala, Koko and probably the Garage so unless they get in a booker who works closely with big promoters like Live Nation, SJM and Metropolis they're only going to pick up scraps.
I'd hazard a guess that if you looked at all venues between 700-2500 capacity in London on that day they would already be booked up.
what's it called?

Can't remember but going there for lunch tomorrow so will try to remember to have a look.

Had a pizza at Franco Manca today. I thought it was not very good, soggy. The only other one I've ever had there was burnt. I do, however, really rate their bread at Wild Caper.
Hmm, it's almost exactly their identikit Pizza Express building isn't it? Very similar to the one opposite Charing Cross station...

That new traffic island there opposite Milkwood Road is interestingly placed.
I was at the Ritzy this evening and quite a few people were happily sat at the outside tables after dark. Not sure that would have been the case before the windrush square re-arrangements. I reckon the Ritzy bar is going to be very popular this summer.

P.S. Ritzy people can you PLEASE SORT OUT THE SEATS IN SCREEN ONE :mad: Yet again left with various aches caused by the awkward downwards slope on them which seems designed to gradually slump you onto the floor over the course of watching a film. I even heard people further along the row from us complaining about the same thing. It's a shame because otherwise that screen is great.
There's been some sort of crash on Gresham Road between a bus and an AA van I think, anyway, the result is that no traffic is going up or down Gresham Road and there are buses doing u-turns all over the place.

Police tape and incidents vehicles everywhere, so I hope no one was hurt.
San Marino cafe is moving into the old building society building on the corner of Brixton Station Rd in a couple of weeks... It's a good cafe; hope they do well (it should do - will pick up all the Sunday Market crowd I reckon)
Is there really a demand for it though? I guess so, otherwise they wouldn't have planned the development, but there's heaps of other (better) restaurants around there, and very few places to park your 4x4.
San Marino cafe is moving into the old building society building on the corner of Brixton Station Rd in a couple of weeks... It's a good cafe; hope they do well (it should do - will pick up all the Sunday Market crowd I reckon)

It is. I keep meaning to use that more. Let's hope they keep the old school decor and not have some shiny bright interior as seems to be the norm these days.
San Marino cafe is moving into the old building society building on the corner of Brixton Station Rd in a couple of weeks... It's a good cafe; hope they do well (it should do - will pick up all the Sunday Market crowd I reckon)

By far the best cafe in Brixton imo :cool:
San Marino cafe is moving into the old building society building on the corner of Brixton Station Rd in a couple of weeks... It's a good cafe; hope they do well (it should do - will pick up all the Sunday Market crowd I reckon)

This is excellent news - I love San Marino :cool:
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