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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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I think I'm gonna put something down on my estate, 'cos I can't walk out at all and I'm getting fed up, it's utterly black ice. Should I buy a big bag of salt? Someone mentioned something about cat litter? What's best?

dishwasher salt I think.
It's not gonna snow this weekend

Really? This is from the Guardian just now:

Today the Met Office issued an early warning of severe or extreme weather affecting London and the south-east from tomorrow evening until Sunday morning.

and the Met Office (yeah, not always reliable, I know :)) says:

Further heavy snow showers will feed in from the North Sea this afternoon with further accumulations of 2 to 5 cm generally with locally up to 10 cm. The snow will start drifting in a freshening northeasterly wind.
Really? I'll check that out - thanks. I'm obviously looking for the cheapest option...

That would be it, I think. You won't be able to buy grit and cat litter isn't that cheap. Not all types of cat litter would work either. Salt's your best option and dishwasher salt's the cheapest way of buying it.
We were just up in Streatham for a couple of hours and it snowed quite heavily there for an hour or so - very pretty is was. It didn't settle on the main road/streets there though.
Ash or sawdust works too. I know the latter, as some 'handyman' who fitted my back gate didn't sweep it away, resulting in one clear patch in our garden.
Ash or sawdust works too. I know the latter, as some 'handyman' who fitted my back gate didn't sweep it away, resulting in one clear patch in our garden.

I still have a small bale of sawdust I didn't use from my deceased ex-hamster, that's an interesting thought. Wonder how that works?
In this weather, probably very little ... or they've shipped it all over to the Camberwell store and put it in the cold room there, or they have a small generator "out back" running the freezer section.
Just saw a guy getting ticked off, and apparently being booked by a plain-clothes cop, for spitting onto the pavement just outside the Abbey Bank.

Hope they start nicking the closing-time street pissers and vomiters soon! :D
Did you hear/find out any more about the Yoga on BWL?

Nope - I went past there again the other day but the windows are still papered over with newspaper. I'll keep an eye out though. I've been doing pregnancy yoga with Sitaram at the lido and I'd like to do post-natal with them too - but it's quite pricey and things are getting a bit tight - I'd be interested to see how much it costs and what kind of yoga they do at this place.
I wonder if they'll be selling rather cheap food on Monday.... :D

They're open again, and a fair amount of stuff on cheap - but by the looks of it, short date stuff rather than "defrosted and refrozen".

It is, however, complete chaos in there because everyone's on a mad panic buy due to it being shut for a day and a half.
There was a bus broken down outside Argos, but I'm not sure whether that caused it. Lots of uniformed police about too for some reason.

Oh and the Telegraph is being sold to housing developers.
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