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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Yes, but if you want the money for yourself the commission they charge is prohibitive. It's only worth it if you want to donate the money to charity, as they get 100%.

Hmmm, will see then...
Have a lot of coins here...
More bothered about the space/weight of them all rather than the cash.

I've used the coin sorter in big Tescos.

It takes something like 10 percent commission.

Then again, if you go to a bank you have to sort out all the coins by denomination which I frankly couldn't be arsed to do - I had that many coins.

If you actually need to buy anything from Tescos you may as well use their machine.
i beg your pardon?

If I get a 2 pound coin in my change I save it and put it in a pot. My g/f does too.

Then after a few months we count it and spend it.

We had a few days away in a nice B & B in the country once, then a week off with the kids in London and we used the cash for that.

I think the next lot's going on Morricone Tickets.
If I get a 2 pound coin in my change I save it and put it in a pot. My g/f does too.

Then after a few months we count it and spend it.

We had a few days away in a nice B & B in the country once, then a week off with the kids in London and we used the cash for that.

I think the next lot's going on Morricone Tickets.

blimey! that wouldn't work for me as i'd just run out of money and grab the coins
I know, I love it when the newsagent gives me one or two but when they give you a whole tenner and you've got to put it away you certainly think twice... I had dip into it when i was waiting for a new bank card. Didn't replace it so now our holiday is looking like a summer break rather than a winter break.
ShiftyJunior and I have got a pot that we are both going to save up in for the holiday which is an altogether good thing I reckon.
I know, I love it when the newsagent gives me one or two but when they give you a whole tenner and you've got to put it away you certainly think twice... I had dip into it when i was waiting for a new bank card. Didn't replace it so now our holiday is looking like a summer break rather than a winter break.
ShiftyJunior and I have got a pot that we are both going to save up in for the holiday which is an altogether good thing I reckon.

I can't cheat....they have to go in the pot.

I sometimes stop them at the till though and say 'I can't have all those 2 pound coins!' and they look at me weird, but always change them for soemthing else.
I have a spare change jar. You know what its like when you go for a night out... you ALWAYS come back a few stones heavier because of all the change in your pocket. It all goes in the jar. I must admit though, except 1s and 2s, it get raided all the time!

I like the £2 coins idea, but dont think I get that many?!?!?
If you had discipline then you wouldn't need this system, you'd just spend less.

OK....Mr Spock!

It's the discipline of saving I am excercising, not the discipline of not spending.

And surely by saving all the 2pound coins....I am automatically spending less.

Same result, different discipline.

I also put a large amount of money in a saving's account each month.

So I think I have discipline, and deploy it with success!
I've used the coin sorter in big Tescos.

It takes something like 10 percent commission.

Then again, if you go to a bank you have to sort out all the coins by denomination which I frankly couldn't be arsed to do - I had that many coins.

If you actually need to buy anything from Tescos you may as well use their machine.

I used it in the end.
There was £35 in coppers and carrying it there was a fucker.
The commission charged was 8.9% and I just got cash from the customer service desk.

I chuck everything under 50p in a jar/bucket thing and it soon stacks up. However during the lazy Christmas season I raided the silver to buy beer/smokes because I could not be arsed to walk to a shop that takes cards.
Marvellous, they run out for the weekend when people want to get places, not during the week so we can't get to work.

Only in Lambeth could they cock up that badly.
I think I'm gonna put something down on my estate, 'cos I can't walk out at all and I'm getting fed up, it's utterly black ice. Should I buy a big bag of salt? Someone mentioned something about cat litter? What's best?
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