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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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I got a snowball thrown at me while I was walking up the hill yesterday evening. I can confirm this was not with my consent. Remarkably I did survive though. And they didn't even *try* to stab me!
If a stranger throws a brick at you, what is that? Assault, possible GBH.

Snowballs, especially slightly frozen slushy ones, can be incredibly painful. Yes, fresh fluffy snow is soft and tolerable but still unnecessary, I don't want to end up with a wet coat if it's not directly from the weather.

Have to say that, although I normally love the snow, I agree that it can be unpleasant getting hit by snowballs unexpectedly - I got smashed in the eye with one last night at close range by a stranger - she was still holding it in her fist when it made contact, so hadn't been just lobbed gently towards me...she said she thought I was her friend. Had to point out that even if I had been her friend, it still wasn't a very nice thing to do! Eye is still sore now :(
I got a snowball thrown at me while I was walking up the hill yesterday evening. I can confirm this was not with my consent. Remarkably I did survive though. And they didn't even *try* to stab me!

Thank you for confirming the marauding gangs of oiks assaulting random passers-by with snowballs.

I guess you were just lucky really then.
Only 2 and a half hours from Camberwell! Another nomination for post of the year. AJ's terror at walking past the fearsome Barrier Block is so funny you might think he's making it up. But as we all know by now, he's not. FFS shit-for-brains, it's not the fucking Somme. My 5'2" slim Swedish blonde flatmate has walked up and down that road to work from Brixton to Camberwell countless times, and has never had any hassle - not once. Numerous small female hospital staff make the same journey.

You really are a poltroon. Are you really so terrified? You work in IT don't you? So surely you can do the math? Haven't you worked out how much of the violence round here is teenager on teenager, or drug related? Adult whites like yourself are statistically much safer here than in thousands of other urban areas where white teenagers dish out random violence to grown-ups.

If you can't take the risk of walking around here you'd better give up buses too. There's a very good chance you'll be impaled on a bit of railway track. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...double-decker-overturns-during-rush-hour.html
Thank you for confirming the marauding gangs of oiks assaulting random passers-by with snowballs.

I guess you were just lucky really then.

It was a close shave alright. I was so shaken up by my encounter with ruffians that after I got home, I passed out whilst having my foot-bath. My housekeeper had to revive me with smelling-salts!
It was a close shave alright. I was so shaken up by my encounter with ruffians that after I got home, I passed out whilst having my foot-bath. My housekeeper had to revive me with smelling-salts!

Gosh! I hope you reported the whippersnappers.
As well as the fact the areas have a reputation for being dangerous, I don't suppose the facts that

a) it was very cold,
b) the paths were incredibly slippery, and
c) there are long stretches of nowhere to shelter/take a break if you need to,

seemed to register with anyone.

If it had only been a short distance then yes we would probably have walked it, but as it was so long, we decided it was just easier to sit on the bus in comparative warmth, safety and comfort.

Not to mention, of course, that you know as well as I do that as soon as you get off a bus in a queue, the traffic starts moving again.
Only 2 and a half hours from Camberwell! Another nomination for post of the year. AJ's terror at walking past the fearsome Barrier Block is so funny you might think he's making it up. But as we all know by now, he's not. FFS shit-for-brains, it's not the fucking Somme. My 5'2" slim Swedish blonde flatmate has walked up and down that road to work from Brixton to Camberwell countless times, and has never had any hassle - not once. Numerous small female hospital staff make the same journey.

You really are a poltroon. Are you really so terrified? You work in IT don't you? So surely you can do the math? Haven't you worked out how much of the violence round here is teenager on teenager, or drug related? Adult whites like yourself are statistically much safer here than in thousands of other urban areas where white teenagers dish out random violence to grown-ups.

If you can't take the risk of walking around here you'd better give up buses too. There's a very good chance you'll be impaled on a bit of railway track. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...double-decker-overturns-during-rush-hour.html

Read kanda's post.
I suspect ajdown was laying it on a bit as you haven't slagged him for a while.
A bus was toppled over by a lorry just a few days ago.

I don't want to risk being toppled over on a bus. It looks hurty.
Does anyone want to guess the cost of the (work paid) Christmas lunch for 5 Lambeth Council workers and guess the price of the most expensive bottle of wine they drank?
hey guys

jus wondered if anyone knows why the south circular was so totally fucked yesterday, feeding into other roads off it also being fucked.

didnt see anything on the news but ive been travelling back to the shire today
hey guys

jus wondered if anyone knows why the south circular was so totally fucked yesterday, feeding into other roads off it also being fucked.

didnt see anything on the news but ive been travelling back to the shire today

If you're talking about the evening, my guess would be the snow that pretty much bought the south east to a grinding halt.

During the day? Not so sure.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to give it up. He only posts to get attention anyway - S&M by trolling.

If what I say bothers you so much, just put me on the ignore list and you won't have to read it any more - hopefully neither will I have to listen to your mindless blatherings either.

Christmas is a time for merriment and extending the hand of friendship to all of mankind. I'm happy to make an exception in your case.
the 2 hours of snow broke the south circular? thats pretty pathetic if true

no accidents? lights down? etc etc
Does anyone want to guess the cost of the (work paid) Christmas lunch for 5 Lambeth Council workers and guess the price of the most expensive bottle of wine they drank?
I fully expect they had the best interests of the Lambeth taxpayer at heart, and chose only the cheapest things from the menu and stuck to half a bottle of blue nun... :hmm:
the 2 hours of snow broke the south circular? thats pretty pathetic if true

no accidents? lights down? etc etc

Everything from Queenstown Road through Clapham, all the way up the Sth Circular, including Kings Avenue was gridlocked. I went to the shop just before 11pm and it was still the same on the Sth Circular.

Took me an hour and a half to drive from Clapham Common to Brixton. Didn't see any accident or lights problem.
mum took 8 hours to drive to me from the shire, she did north circ to south circ and south circ from kew was fcked. madnesss..SPARTAAA
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