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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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A phone shop? Couldn't he have picked a more original option, like a nail bar or fried chicken outlet?

a nair bar, cafe and a barbers were also mentioned. :D :rolleyes:

The problem isnt that, people arent using the shop, the problem appears to be the staff who dont appear to be that reliable/honest other than simon. I am sort of hoping that the guy will have a think about it, and realise that people always want fags/bread/milk/soft drinks and sort himself out but i am not holding out a lot of hope:(
Car wrapped round the front of a lorry about half way up Brixton Hill causing a bit of congestion. All traffic going through bus lanes. Emergency services on scene. Assuming it wasn't fatal as the police still have the road open.
Car wrapped round the front of a lorry about half way up Brixton Hill causing a bit of congestion. All traffic going through bus lanes. Emergency services on scene. Assuming it wasn't fatal as the police still have the road open.

was that just across from Costcutters? drove past about nine and was an ambulance and cop car there.
To maintain my series of uninteresting observations - they've finally filled in the enormous crater of a pothole at the junction of Stockwell Road and Landor Road.
Fake barbour jackets in Lidl on Acre Lane for 16 quid. Some £100 cheaper than the real thing. I'm now quite enjoying rocking the David Cameron look (with Dead Kennedys badge attached to left corduroy lapel of course).
Nah, just looked at the label and it's some company called "Lakeline British Classics".

It's a good fit and surprisingly warm. I'll have to start walking labradors in Dulwich Park now I suppose.
I really hope the Chocolate Box doesn't close, I use it at least 2 or 3 times a week - I can't see how there would be more demand for a phone shop in its place. I have noticed that a similar shop to Chocolate Box has opened where Next To Nothing used to be, except without the same range of products.
Lovely clouds over the town hall this evening :cool:

I've just noticed the traffic lights in the picture I posted above. Now I don't drive, so maybe I'm missing something, but... are they supposed to look like that? :confused:
It only bothers me because I can't see the fireworks anywhere, from my window. Only hear them.
It bothered me because the fuckers woke me up from a lovely deep sleep. My flatmate sleeps with earplugs in and they woke her up too. They seemed to be letting off heavy duty explosives rather than 'normal' fireworks. Think it was probably that arse who lives in the penthouse.
No, and I made a point of going to the top of Lyham Road the other night to have a look. I couldn't see anything.

So, either:

a) You're seeing things

b) You witnessed an alien spacecraft landing, or summat

Can't see any other explanation ;)
No, and I made a point of going to the top of Lyham Road the other night to have a look. I couldn't see anything.

So, either:

a) You're seeing things

b) You witnessed an alien spacecraft landing, or summat

Can't see any other explanation ;)

I shall look myself. Then you'll know about it! :mad:
What was going on around the junction of Mostyn Road and Ackerman Road tonight?

So many fire engines and a fire command unit all standing by. Police and ambulances too, but all seemed to be there 'just in case' if you get me?

Whats going on?
It's not mentioned here yet, but might be later.....

Thank you. I will check that.

There didn't appear to be any sniff of fire, so the large amount of engines must have been from something else.

Last count 6 Fire engines, a 'fire command unit' (whatever that is), 4 ambulances and a smattering of police cars.

There was no sense of panic just a LOT of emergency service presence to the point that it was very unnerving, even for london!
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