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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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The Chocolate Box on Dulwich Road has closed. Sad news.

That's a pity. I rarely bought anything in there since it had so little and I rarely walk past when it's open, but it was sweet. :(

The freehold went up for sale a year or so back - so I assume somebody bought it and is intending to build a house above it.
The Chocolate Box on Dulwich Road has closed. Sad news.

Aw. It never was quite the same since the old guy and his harem departed though.

Is Inca stores still clinging on? It's always been a little variable with its opening hours, but more so of late. But it seems to have got a whoppingly orange 'INCA BRIXTON' sign recently, or at least changed the bulbs.
Inca Stores does indeed have a new bright red neon light, which gives it the air of something else, but he's as happy as ever.
Chocolate Box was open ten minutes after I posted about it yesterday, think they're clearing out the stock slowly.
the inside of brady's is being gutted and the windows have been re-borded up, so I'm guessing something is finally going to happen with the site.
The ex-Z Bar on Acre Lane is reopening as an allegedly Latin-themed bar with some tapas and some live music (that's Latin America, not togas and dormice) this Friday. Not sure if the site is cursed or not, because the Z Bar was always having 'licence trouble' because of its loutish punters, and most of the nearby 'upscale' bar venues (Acres anyone?) have been dying on their arses recently. Still, might be worth a look.
Oh, and late news, but the elders at St Judes have spent a lot of time and elbow grease repainting their windows. And the builders at the end of Railton Road at the curve by 198 Gallery are still slowly and noisily constructing some of the ugliest flats known to man.
The Chocolate Box on Dulwich Road has closed. Sad news.

gutted about this, i thought something was up as everytime i have been in for the last month to buy baccy they have had fewer and fewer ciggies in stock and then about 2 weeks ago none at all. I really liked the people who ran it, the young lad Simon was a real sweetie.

i hope it re-opens, i really hope Inca's stays open too.
this bit of freaky weirdness was parked on electric lane last night:

The Atikins shop on Atlantic is having its guts ripped out this morning. And lots of police about on Railton for some reason, with lots of shouting going on.
Ah yes, sorry. "Road". Forgive me, it was early and I'd not drunk a cup of tea yet, and my ears were still smarting from the torrent of abuse a WPC was getting.
Oh, and late news, but the elders at St Judes have spent a lot of time and elbow grease repainting their windows. And the builders at the end of Railton Road at the curve by 198 Gallery are still slowly and noisily constructing some of the ugliest flats known to man.

I've never got round to chatting to them - but is it the same building as the Temple of Truth? Or are they separate?

And are you sure those flats will be ugly? They look like they'll simply be a bit dull to me.
Isn't the ToT separate from the Church that's linked to St Judes. In fact, I had some old gentleman doff his cap at me the other day and ask the same question... was that you Bob?!

As for the flats, they just seem to have messed 'em up, is it me, or did they plan windows out on to the street and then change their minds?
Isn't the ToT separate from the Church that's linked to St Judes. In fact, I had some old gentleman doff his cap at me the other day and ask the same question... was that you Bob?!

As for the flats, they just seem to have messed 'em up, is it me, or did they plan windows out on to the street and then change their minds?

It wasn't me! I'm not an old gentleman! :)

I'll have to look at those flats again now - I walk past most days.
Brixton College was evacuated this morning.

Someone must have been smoking in the bogs as the Fire Brigade were there
Incidentally, the chocolate box looked prety damn open when i went past on friday night.
Just walk everywhere on tiptoes so's not to wear out your heels.

It's the desire to walk on tippy toes that lands me with shoes that need reheeled so often.

Thank you, bluey.

Usually I'd use the ones near work, anyhow.

I don't know what the chocolate box is. Though it sounds like something I'd like.
Incidentally, the chocolate box looked prety damn open when i went past on friday night.

yeah the guy is still debating about whether to cut his losses completely and shut it down and in the mean time poor simon is left trying to flog the last of the stock which is not that great at the minute. Apparently the owner was thinking of opening something else like a phone shop, so we are just waiting to see what is happening.
Or a hairdressers perhaps? - we have gone from 2 hairdressers to 4 hairdressers overnight on the shops around the corner at the bottom of Tulse Hill - leading to a very quick paint touch-up at the barber's shop.
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