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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Help with environment project

Hello everyone,

I am currently working through a MSc in Environmental Decision Making and as part of the course I am doing a project on local households and the decisions that are taken in the home relating to transport, waste, energy use etc.

I would really appreciate your help - if you could complete my short survey at http://www.cuntbubble.org.uk/environment1.html I would be massively thankful!

If you want to receive the results of the survey and / or would be happy to be contacted with further questions, please provide your email address in the form provided.

I need to collect as much household data as possible so if you could spare 5 minutes that would be great.

Thanks again
We just came through on a southbound 333 diverted via Effra Road and Water Lane, and it only felt like maybe 5-10 minutes extra rather than 45.
I got the 45 bus about 8pm and it started up effra road then turned down brixton water lane back onto brixton hill. A couple of people seemed surprised and got off at st. matthews church. I was surprised but didn't get off. some people seemed to expect it. The other buses weren't diverted. What's that about?
There's some sort of film crew on Atlantic Road, in the Bar & Grill or whatever its called and then in the market. Police escort and everything!
Duke of Edinburgh, Ferndale rd

The Duke of Edinburgh has (in my opinion) a decent new manager (Wilkie) who has been there for about 6 months (ork nowing my memory maybe a year) . I have not been there later in the evening (I have occasionally visited at lunch or early pm). I agree the garden is very underused but is sadly becoming quite neglected and a bit weary looking. I think the constant sports coverage in the bars doesnt help - football is fine, rugby a little irritating, cricket very relaxing. BUT darts is pushing it a bit!! The pub still has a sense of community,but I wonder how long it can continue to trade if there is not enough custom??
Yeah I was told last night that the management had changed regularly over the last year. I somehow managed to get myself barred from there a few years ago, so hadn't ventured back for a while. The landlord seemed friendly and competent and knew his regulars.
The Thai food smelt good, and it was getting busy as the footballers came in post games, but if you didn't want to watch the telly, the garden was the only retreat.

Oh and St Francis, or whatever its current lupine name is now, has a sign up today offering DJ Cassandra on Thursdsays, playing reggae from '68 - '74. Not a Vet will know who that is...
Two fire engines, a support unit and car on the corner of New Park Road and Brixton Hill, but can't see any evidence of a fire. Not sure what's going on there. Traffic moving ok round it though.
At long last it looks like the northbound bus stop riots by the tube station could be coming to an end. There was a police van and about 4 police(possibly plastic plod rather than proper copper) hanging around there keeping an eye on the schoolkids this morning.
Looks potentially quite good if what they say there is to be believed. Another live music venue in Brixton and they say they'll have a 3am licence at weekends.

It certainly has potential. Be interested to see how they manage to banish the venue's airport bar "charm".

Also, I see that Jack Penate is playing a gig at the Fridge. I'm no JP fan, but good to see live music being put on there again. Let's hope it's the first gig of many...
It certainly has potential. Be interested to see how they manage to banish the venue's airport bar "charm".

Also, I see that Jack Penate is playing a gig at the Fridge. I'm no JP fan, but good to see live music being put on there again. Let's hope it's the first gig of many...

Let's just hope they freakin repaint the outside wall. It looks awful.

*pedant alert*.
The Rest Is Noise sounds cool..

they're basically finally doing what they should have done with Ivan's Retreat to start with. I notice that their press release conveniently makes it sound like it's a whole new enterprise - it's pretending that they're new owners coming in, as opposed to realizing they've ballsed up and starting afresh.

I like the fact they've got The Local and Countrier Than Thou promoting there. And for free, too.

I reckon the Ritzy (Upstairs) should watch and learn...
The Rest Is Noise sounds cool..

they're basically finally doing what they should have done with Ivan's Retreat to start with. I notice that their press release conveniently makes it sound like it's a whole new enterprise - it's pretending that they're new owners coming in, as opposed to realizing they've ballsed up and starting afresh.

I like the fact they've got The Local and Countrier Than Thou promoting there. And for free, too.

I reckon the Ritzy (Upstairs) should watch and learn...

A few years ago we didn't really have anywhere with regular live music except for the Academy and the Windmill.

Now (or soon)... Hootenanny, the Fridge, the Grosvenor, Jamm (sort of) and this place.

And yet Bradys remains boarded up.
A few years ago we didn't really have anywhere with regular live music except for the Academy and the Windmill.

Now (or soon)... Hootenanny, the Fridge, the Grosvenor, Jamm (sort of) and this place.

And yet Bradys remains boarded up.

You forgot Offline at the Albert.
I see that Jack Penate is playing a gig at the Fridge. I'm no JP fan, but good to see live music being put on there again. Let's hope it's the first gig of many...

I love the Fridge.

According to the website there's going to be more live gigs, and some sort of training programme for technicians.

Andrew Czezowski and Susan Carrington creators of The Fridge in Brixton have forged an innovative new partnership with the prestigious Alchemea College of Audio Engineering to re-launch it as a state-of-the-art live music venue hosting a unique course for ‘Live Sound Training’.

Live music industry legend Alan ‘Nobby’ Hopkinson has been appointed Head Of Live Sound. As a result, regular live music concerts are set to return to The Fridge in Brixton for the first time in 15 years…AT LAST A GOOD LIVE MUSIC NEWS STORY!!!

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