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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Dynamic Discount Market, at the top of the hill just a couple of doors up from the now-closed Telegraph, is now stocking commemorative Michael Jackson mugs and coasters.

Don't all rush at once though.
Are you a pool wizard Minnie?

Not a wiz, but I was average. I once knocked a guy off the table who had won over 20 games straight, but I think he was probably getting a bit bored :oops:

Or do you just like hanging around with bad boys with mispent childhoods?

We need to know, minnie.

I suppose the last two did, yeah :D

I had a nice respectable RAF guy before that though so they weren't all bad
Two seperate people who were beating me resoundingly until, after potting the last coloured ball, they accidentally potted the white.
back to the street drinking / windrush/st matthews crew

Was getting the bus past the other day and since all this work is on , the green area outside St Matthews is the hub for the dudes hanging about all day

I am pretty sure it was a funeral taking place in the church and I couldnt believe my eyes when a few of the crew were walking up to the funeral attendees ( I didnt even know they used it as a church still) outside and bothering them. Bad eggs and all that, but wtf, it was horrible to watch.
Theres a better than usual lot of christians jamming outside kfc at the mo. I've actually turned off the sound on the footy to tune in.

Soundin good.
does anyone know what's going on in the centre outside foot locker at the moment? looks like some kind of filming thing.
does anyone know what's going on in the centre outside foot locker at the moment? looks like some kind of filming thing.

There were a load of trucks unloading film equipment on Atlantic Road when I came home about 6.30pm so I guess so.
Google streetview cam went past me on Brixton Road 20-30 mins ago.

It seemed to spend all afternoon trolling about the side roads around Stockwell Road, Acre Lane and on - I think it was looking for the streets it missed last time, filling in the gaps! :)
We were in Brixton Market about 3pm, and outside Boots was a guy tap-dancing for money.

We then went off to Camberwell. As we went past again about 15 minutes ago on our way home, he was still outside Boots, tapping away merrily.
Unless I happened to miss a big wodge in the letterbox when we came back yesterday, I've just had post delivered.
robbery in the market yesterday - apparently a guy went up to a woman, put his arms around her and made it look like they were canoodling. people around thought they lovers, or summat. he took the woman's chain and watch. the woman who told me about it wondered if he may have had a knife against the woman, as she didn't say anything or give any sign of the situation she was in. not sure if it was reported to police, hope so. guess they might pick it up on these boards!

spoke to mohammed, the Pakistani guy three stalls in from boots, who said the same guy had tried to give him a £20 note with blue something or other on it. seems a security van got robbed in Iceleand the night before (I saw the police there at about 9 pm), and this guy may well have been using notes stolen from there.
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