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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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zuszsa said:
The Brixton Bar and Grill has reopened after an exceptionally long summer holiday :D

Anyone know what the goss is?

Hendo went in there the other week and had a chat with the new owner. He's a local boy, apparently.
Ms T said:
Really? They're always packed whenever I go in there.

do you regularly use both for food shopping? Maybe I'm wrong then, but to me their customer bases seem mutually exclusive, although both crossover with Tesco.
Ms T said:
Really? They're always packed whenever I go in there.

Yeah.. me too. :) Although M&S much less so - which is why I like to use it sometimes - it can be a bit calmer and the yummy stuff. Don't use either regularly though and prolly go into Tesco's once a year if that.
newbie said:
Anything to draw people into the market area is likely to improve sales, and at the moment there's nothing except the market to pull people off the high street.

A lot of people walk up to Tesco from the central area. Their footfall doesn't go past the stalls or smaller shops in the market, so even if what they're purchasing is available, they don't see it.

That's partially because the central supermarkets are pretty poor- ever met anyone with a good word to say for that Sainsburys?, and both Iceland and M&S are shunned by more people than actually use them. None of them serve the 'social hub' role of Tesco on Acre Lane, which is where people meet by chance and stop for a natter.

Maybe Tesco moving back into the market wouldn't change any of that, and the fortunes of the market wouldn't improve, but what other use for the old pub would have a more positive effect?

In my experience, there is plenty of stopping to natter all over Brixton, especially in the market and up and down Coldharbour Lane and Atlantic Road. Sometimes I have to go to one of the supermarkets to get something quickly in order to avoid the stopping to natter thing!

I know what you're saying about the magnet thing, but I don't believe it would work that way in reality. Supermarkets are like enclosed universes with no real connection to the outside world. When people go to Tesco or Sainsbury or Lidl, do they also pop into the Portugese deli or Mr Cheap Potatoes? Most probably not.
and I, in turn, hear what you're saying.

I think when Tesco was in Popes Road people were far more likely to buy potatoes or apples in the market even if they bought cheese or washing powder in Tesco. That was a long time ago and society has changed since then, and it's worth noting that quality/choice of the fruit/veg in the market has gone down as that in Tesco has gone up.

Of course I don't know for sure if there would be a positive effect of a central Tesco, but I don't see it as the 'nightmare vision' it was suggested to be, nor can I think of anything that would draw more new shoppers into the market area.
News just in (via email)..The new name for the Bar With No name is.....

The Bar With No Name

Who'd have thunk, eh?

They promised a case of bourbon to the person who supplied their new name but since there is no new name they're giving away free shots on Thursday night. What's the betting you get turfed out if you roll up and ask for six shots of bourbon??
story said:
In my experience, there is plenty of stopping to natter all over Brixton, especially in the market and up and down Coldharbour Lane and Atlantic Road. Sometimes I have to go to one of the supermarkets to get something quickly in order to avoid the stopping to natter thing!
I've got to know quite a few of the stallholders on Electric Avenue and often stop for a chat.

That's not really possible in the supermarkets, is it?
the people on the tills went to school with/church with a lot of their customers.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, how's your grandmother..." (recent overheard conversation).
Is it just me or is Brixton being :) smiley :) today?

Just went up Brixton Hill and back again, garnered many smiles from passers by. Checked my appearance in a shop window - I looked as I always do, so they weren't laughing at me...
story said:
Is it just me or is Brixton being :) smiley :) today?

Just went up Brixton Hill and back again, garnered many smiles from passers by. Checked my appearance in a shop window - I looked as I always do, so they weren't laughing at me...

That's because us SW2 Brixton Hillites are lovely people ;)
story said:
Agree with you there Crispy.

The market is a fantastic asset that is being ignored and left to crumble away. All those empty units, all that unfulfilled potential for sections of it to be open in the evening for semi-alfresco dining, for instance.
The indoor market has filled up quite a lot in the last two years - probably an extra 10 or 15 shops at the Coldharbour Lane end of the Brixton Village bit.
newbie said:
the people on the tills went to school with/church with a lot of their customers.
Sure, but supermarket managers aren't really keen on their check out staff having lengthy natters with customers, are they?
editor said:
Sure, but supermarket managers aren't really keen on their check out staff having lengthy natters with customers, are they?
Neither am I - supermarkets make you impatient - I don't care if someone if front of me at the fishmonger's is having a natter, but I hate it in Tesco's
a grubby flat in rushcroft road seems to be worth an estimate of > £250 000 (upwards).

and is therefore not available for purchase to normal mortal workers.

this prize is a real shocker to me!

Flat downstairs from me sold for 280k recently. This can't last. There's a multiple of salaries that this price rise thing cannot go beyond. I bought my place, with a mate, at a stretch, in the 1980s. If I was young and reasonably well paid now, I wouldn't stand a chance.

On the gossip front, the lovely people at the Cafe on the Hill gave me their version of events re the old camping shop/cinema. It's empty again after a strange woman financed by her dad spunked 15 grand in rent on inviting in anybody who passed by. As a business, it was a non-starter.

When will Mr Khan (freeholder) lower his rent on the place? I don't get his tactics.... Any explanations from accounting types out there?
supercity said:
On the gossip front, the lovely people at the Cafe on the Hill gave me their version of events re the old camping shop/cinema. It's empty again after a strange woman financed by her dad spunked 15 grand in rent on inviting in anybody who passed by. As a business, it was a non-starter.

We need to get Heather a laptop and get here on this thread:)
I'd love to see her face if you did give her a laptop;)

And can I say that the Cafe on the Hill doesn't get the credit it deserves for being generally fab and having great cherry pie?
I'd also love to see what she has to say to some of the whinging types on here too;)

Bless them they really try hard in there and there must be very few places which can boast a menu like theirs. She was so chuffed the other day when i said her veggie shepherds pie was good. That's on the menu all the time now by the way.

The only criticism I have of the place is that the bacon is pretty crap but I always sub it with black pudding (yum).

The bread and butter pudding is great as well.

Negril is also good these days but I only really go there when COTW is closed.
supercity said:
It's empty again after a strange woman financed by her dad spunked 15 grand in rent on inviting in anybody who passed by. As a business, it was a non-starter.

What type of business was it that it was such a non-starter? :confused:
twisted said:
I'd also love to see what she has to say to some of the whinging types on here too;)

The only criticism I have of the place is that the bacon is pretty crap but I always sub it with black pudding (yum).


Can I just add that they've had the same seating for what seems like 20 years. It's very hard to get the food in your mouth when you're practically sitting in a hole :D

Oh, and Heather knows me well, so you can grass me up if you want :p
Some large trees down in Brockwell Park after last night's windstorm. One big one, (just off the Norwood Road, opposite Rosendale Road) with a trunk a couple or three yards in circumference, snapped, leaving its roots in the earth.
Jonti said:
Some large trees down in Brockwell Park after last night's windstorm. One big one, (just off the Norwood Road, opposite Rosendale Road) with a trunk a couple or three yards in circumference, snapped, leaving its roots in the earth.


:( :(
Jonti said:
Some large trees down in Brockwell Park after last night's windstorm. One big one, (just off the Norwood Road, opposite Rosendale Road) with a trunk a couple or three yards in circumference, snapped, leaving its roots in the earth.

It was on the news apparently
Jonti said:
Some large trees down in Brockwell Park after last night's windstorm. One big one, (just off the Norwood Road, opposite Rosendale Road) with a trunk a couple or three yards in circumference, snapped, leaving its roots in the earth.

A window blew off our house on Brixton Hill the other night....
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