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Brixton chitter chatter part 1 (Nov 2006-June 2008)

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Papingo said:
I got the fright of my life the first time I heard foxes shagging outside. I was about to call the police and report someone for torturing a baby.:eek:

The noise is bizarre isn't it. I got up at 3.00am one morning when I was staying at a friend's house to find out what the noise was. Walked out the front door on Josephine Avenue to be confronted by 2 male foxes fighting over another fox. Noise was horrendous
The first time I heard foxes, I thought it was goblins.

Not the screeching, the gabbling chatter they do, eh.
Some joyriders smashed a car into a bollard on Moorlands Estate the other night. The police who'd been chasing the joyriders (and dare I say it, casused the crash) stood around like lemons after everyone had run away, wondering how to move the car out of the road. After about 10 minutes a load of firemen turned up and simply pushed the car a few yards out of the way, then went home again.
Yesteray cycling down Brixton Road (just past Jamm) I spotted a much loved urbanite walking along wearing shorts (there's a big clue!! :D ) I rang my bell and waved - but he had earphones on and probably was oblivious, not noticing the girl on a bike disappearing into the distance......... :(
The Texaco garage on Coldharbour Lane is continuing is inexorable decline into a grade A shithole.

Not only is there now no petrol, but the lights no longer work, and the sole illumination for the whole site is a single fluorescent tube tun off a generator.
Nat West will be opening a second branch on the high street. They've bought the shop frnt that is currently the Kandy (sp?) clothing store, near the Beehive, and will turn it in to another bank.

story said:
Nat West will be opening a second branch on the high street. They've bought the shop frnt that is currently the Kandy (sp?) clothing store, near the Beehive, and will turn it in to another bank.


are they shutting the other one? Why do they need two?
Minnie_the_Minx said:
are they shutting the other one? Why do they need two?

No - not shutting the first one. They reckon they need two outlets (or whatever they call them these days) because of the crowds. Brixton does a lot of cash banking - more than a lot of other areas.

Anyone who's ever queued up in Nat West for 45 minutes will know that they need more cash desks and more cashiers.

I'm sure other Brixton banks are just as bad TBH.
story said:
No - not shutting the first one. They reckon they need two outlets (or whatever they call them these days) because of the crowds. Brixton does a lot of cash banking - more than a lot of other areas.

Anyone who's ever queued up in Nat West for 45 minutes will know that they need more cash desks and more cashiers.

I'm sure other Brixton banks are just as bad TBH.

Luckily it's only a very rare occasion that I use them, but when I do, it's the Nationwide and would agree with you re: the crowds (and that seems to be one of the better ones)
story said:
No - not shutting the first one. They reckon they need two outlets (or whatever they call them these days) because of the crowds. Brixton does a lot of cash banking - more than a lot of other areas.

Anyone who's ever queued up in Nat West for 45 minutes will know that they need more cash desks and more cashiers.

I'm sure other Brixton banks are just as bad TBH.

PS: Maybe if they stopped turning banks into pubs in the first place... :D

The old Texaco garage on Coldharbour Lane (you know the one without petrol, or lights or any other garage-like things) has now turned into an ad hoc drinking area, cum-football pitch, cum-hang out, cum-car park, cum-social club.

Most odd.
...realise I don't have to live right there or anything, but I kind of like the sound of the adhoc peoples' own town square...
Seems a much better use of the space than a petrol garage.
editor said:

The old Texaco garage on Coldharbour Lane (you know the one without petrol, or lights or any other garage-like things) has now turned into an ad hoc drinking area, cum-football pitch, cum-hang out, cum-car park, cum-social club.

Most odd.
heheh - are you a member of Neighbourhood Watch?
Orang Utan said:
heheh - are you a member of Neighbourhood Watch?
Apart from being noisy, they're not doing any harm, but it is odd to see a garage forecourt crawling with parked cars and people all doing stuff. I expect they'll get out a barbecue set next.
I wonder if squatting works the other way round?
eg. we've been using this space as public space for so long, you don't have a right to sell petrol any more :)
editor said:
Apart from being noisy, they're not doing any harm, but it is odd to see a garage forecourt crawling with parked cars and people all doing stuff. I expect they'll get out a barbecue set next.
Conasidering the view from your window I think I know where you live!
editor said:

The old Texaco garage on Coldharbour Lane (you know the one without petrol, or lights or any other garage-like things) has now turned into an ad hoc drinking area, cum-football pitch, cum-hang out, cum-car park, cum-social club.

Most odd.

That's nice. At least the youth have somewhere to hang out. I'm sure there's absolutely nothing dodgy going down there :D
Bet they're rolling out the jerk chicken barrels now, yard style. Let us know when they string up the sound system. The reggae producer Larry Lawrence owns the eaterie opposite (My Father's Place).
aurora green said:
Does anyone know what is going on in Millbrook Road? Most of the house look (at least from Barrington road) as if they're sitexed up.

did you ever find out?
newbie said:
did you ever find out?

Well I heard today that all whole short life co-op's gone, (don't know where to) and we could well be in line for some more luxury dwellings....

I do hope sincerely hope they'll end up as social housing though.
Slow Hands said:
Only in Brixton would people start having a barbecue in an petrol station.
I think the last drop of petrol was pumped from there long ago.
'short life'... :D

It's a shame of course that the co-op didn't manage to secure themselves a longterm future. I lost track of what was going on with that street a long time ago, which was a shame because I always liked it. They're lovely houses in a great position.

Social housing gets my vote too.
I lived in a nearby short life co-op just like the one at Wickwood road for during the late eighties to mid nineties, and I know for a fact how hard they tried to come to some sort of common sense arrangement with the council, over licenses etc..

Basically, it was always the same story, Lambeth didn't really want to recognise us, but could never quite manage to evict us, because were together enough (just) to form ourselves into a registered co-op and join the Lambeth Federation of Housing co-ops...
Until now that is.

I really hope that everyone got re-housed properly.
There is a play on soon called the christ of coldharbour lane :D

A revolutionary preacher begs the crowds to 'abandon the wilful peace' that keeps them down. He tries to make them believe that things could be different. But when people pray only for a brand new car or a large KFC bucket, the citizens of Brixton need a miracle to happen…
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