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british trump supporters

I once saw a bloke at the tram stop who was wearing, as I recall, something along the lines of a complete crushed velvet purple tracksuit topped off with a Make America Great Again hat. As I type this out it definitely sounds like a dream, but I'm nearly sure it happened.
I thought make Great Britain great again hats would have been satisfyingly surreal…
I thought make Great Britain great again hats would have been satisfyingly surreal…
A little bit of searching turned this up:
I once saw a bloke at the tram stop who was wearing, as I recall, something along the lines of a complete crushed velvet purple tracksuit topped off with a Make America Great Again hat. As I type this out it definitely sounds like a dream, but I'm nearly sure it happened.
Suffering Christ, what a Hieronymous Bosch-style vision of hell... were you tripping? Spiked?
Not sure if he has come out with explicit support but Micheal Vaughn (the huge twat) has certainly posted sympathetic shit

Yeah, I worked in a United Biscuits factory after leaving school in 1989. By then the station was sort of automated, so just songs interspersed with pre-recorded stuff. Seemed a bit pointless really, as that factory was incredibly noisy and we all wore earplugs. What I could just about hear was chart shite of the worst kind.

I hated every minute I was in that factory, but the one thing that could cheer me for a little spell was catching Getting Away With It by Electronic over the machine racket - the one track that seemed to get past the dross filter. I play that song to this day and it still conjours up bittersweet memories.

Oh yeah and UK Trump supporters. Ended up talking briefly to some toilet from Yorkshire and his wife in Tunbridge Wells before noticing his T-shirt with some bollocks about Trump and truck drivers and what uncompromising hardnuts they are. What a twat. I could possibly accept it from an American. And an acquaintance has an American girlfriend and spouts off on her behalf. Less Trump supporter, more right-wing Biden hater, but there's obviously an overlap.
When I went to watch the Euro finals I remember seeing some dick in the crowd with a III% t-shirt that said 1776 on in big letters. I definitely remember thinking that wearing a piece of clothing commemorating a war that Britain lost seemed like an odd choice for watching an England game.
OK, one more for my catalogue of Atlantically-confused wrong'uns:

Obviously putting up a "Defend the 2nd - INFOWARS" sticker would be a dickhead move if you did it in America, but at least there's a certain logic to it, it's a lot harder to work out what importance "the 2nd" has to people getting on or off a tram on the Bury line, or what the residents of Cheetham Hill are meant to be doing to defend it?

I do also sometimes see the odd (very odd) bit of "Proud Boys Britain" shit around town, which similarly always makes me wonder what happened to good old-fashioned British racism for British racists?
OK, one more for my catalogue of Atlantically-confused wrong'uns:

Obviously putting up a "Defend the 2nd - INFOWARS" sticker would be a dickhead move if you did it in America, but at least there's a certain logic to it, it's a lot harder to work out what importance "the 2nd" has to people getting on or off a tram on the Bury line, or what the residents of Cheetham Hill are meant to be doing to defend it?

I do also sometimes see the odd (very odd) bit of "Proud Boys Britain" shit around town, which similarly always makes me wonder what happened to good old-fashioned British racism for British racists?
It seems a bit of a thing among conspiranoid types to be unable to recognise the idea that different nations have different legal systems :eek:
Obviously putting up a "Defend the 2nd - INFOWARS" sticker would be a dickhead move if you did it in America, but at least there's a certain logic to it, it's a lot harder to work out what importance "the 2nd" has to people getting on or off a tram on the Bury line, or what the residents of Cheetham Hill are meant to be doing to defend it?

I remember there was some shit about 'our national identity / culture' being circulated by fuckwits a few years back that included something about 'our national motto - in god we trust' - :facepalm:
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