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Well, I grew up there and thought it was shit. Then I left and saw some other places and decided in comparison that it really wasn't as bad as all that.

It's difficult for me to really comment on how it is as a tourist attraction given that I, well, know it. But to me it certainly seems better than a lot of other British seaside towns I've found myself in.
Going by the numbers that have flocked to the Brighton coast this summer, I'm surprised it's been voted the worst!
Good for a night out. Fuck living there though.

Wannabe artists who spend more time living the lifetstyle than making art, and vegan society meetings..... no thanks.
my brother is just having to sort out a flat as his partner got a job there
£800+ for a 1 bed! :eek:
I'm moving back to Brighton soon with my partner - we're thinking of writing a letter to shelter/ our local MP/ anyone appropriate who will listen about the ridiculous rent prices and what you get for them.
Saw a flat just on the market for 330k...Was on the market not 3 months prior for 290k. The whole place is going bonkers.
my brother is just having to sort out a flat as his partner got a job there
£800+ for a 1 bed! :eek:

I thought £800 a month for a 2 bed house with garden was a lot where I live.

Im only 45 mins away from brighton.
I'm moving back to Brighton soon with my partner - we're thinking of writing a letter to shelter/ our local MP/ anyone appropriate who will listen about the ridiculous rent prices and what you get for them.

Try the lead singer of Echo and the Bunnymen.

/Young Ones
it is cool, you'll love it
and if it is raining go and sit in one of the shelters on the sea front looking out to sea
off to brighton tomorrow for the weekend for the bf's surprise birthday present - never been before :eek: hope it's alright!
You'll either leave buzzing about how much of a cool place it is, or feeling emotionally raped..... there's no middle ground with brighton.

Streatham on sea.
I nearly moved there in 1998, then decided against it and moved to Brixton. I occasionally wonder if I would've liked it. But I think I made the right decision. I lived by the seaside once before (Bournemouth) and loved it. But I've never clicked with Brighton in the way I did with Bournemouth. Bournemouth is completely unpretentious.

I've heard from a couple of Londoners who've moved to Brighton that it's cliquey and unfriendly. Small towns can be like that. Everyone thinks they're a big fish in a little pond.

What I love about Brixton is how friendly it is. London is so massive, everyone is used to meeting new people all the time, and thus it's a very open place, contrary to what a lot of non-Londoners believe.
A lot of people call it "streatham on sea."

I'ved in Brighton and then London for the last 20 years, but I've never, ever heard that....

Camden on sea because of the band scene, yes, Islington on sea because of the hand-wringing liberalism, Shoreditch on sea because of the nu-meeja-twattishness but never heard Streatham on Sea
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I'ved in Brighton and then London for the last 20 years, but I've never, ever heard that....

Camden on sea because of the band scene, yes, Islington on sea because of the hand-wringing liberalism, Shoreditch on sea because of the nu-meeja-twattishness but never heard Streatham on Sea

Its what all my mum and dads mates call it, but they're in their mid - late 60's..... so maybe its something from that age group.....

Of course they have the age old thing of calling places in london by different names to make them sound posher (jokingly), streatham = St. Reatham etc.
Mrs SFM's sister lives there. They've got a machine on the seafront selling underwear stuffed into those little plastic egg things for a quid with the slogan, "A knicker for a nicker" and "A pouch for a pound". I bought Mrs SFM the former but she still refuses to wear it..

(Also drinks prices nearly gave me cardiac arrest - but perhaps they're just normal for that part of the world)
Decent Thai restaurant called the giggling squid, they do a tapas this set menu, quite good.

Been there a couple of times and quite liked it though I do find that the Thai restaurants in B (okay; been to two) make their food overly sweet! But, yes; definitely good value. And yes, we giggled! :D
From my admittedly very limited experience of St Leonards, I would have said that would be a greater candidate for Streatham by Sea because both places seem to have quite a high proportion of reasonably priced independent or small chain shops.
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