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Brian Paddick


Well-Known Member
We are trying to get biographical info on your Commander Paddick, specifically date of birth, time of birth, place of birth. Article being prepared for local magazine on interesting and in the news "crime fighters" via astrological charts. Can anyone help?? Thanks much

Jo Montgomery
Los Angeles, CA USA
Not sure what a "piss take" is but from this side of the ocean it does not sound very pleasant. This is real, and if you knew anything about current events...we in LA are having major conflicts with our own Police Chief (Bernard Parks) which most of us would like to have continue on.....so take your sarcasim and I believe your phrase is "sod off".!!
"Piss take" from "taking the piss", meaning having a joke at another's expense.

Pray tell why Cmr Paddick's astrological charts would be of any use to anyone ever.

<edited to add:>I think the correct expression is "fuck off" actually. Or possibly, "... and stick it up your arse."
:( I'll try to excuse your use of profanity...if you have information that was requested we certainly would appriciate it if not don't waste our time.

If you took the trouble to research these boards, you'd probably found the guy gave his email address, and you could ask him yourself!

But policing and astrological signs!?!:confused: What would the Mail make of that?:)

You're all being a bit harsh on this nutter ... he's Californian!!! Make allowances .... a lot of them believe in all that astrological bollocks over there ...

No offence mate it's just that in my book astronomy = science, astrology = bollocks ...

Brian may be more friendly and indulgent about your interest though, so find a recent post by him and email him ... pooka's advice is fair ...

Make sure the Planet Fruitcake is in Alignment with the Asteroid Bonkers though ... :D :p
Brian Pollick

Thanks for your input....SHE'S a California (and an Englishwoman) Cosidering that Mercury is now retrograde....communication is not a good thing at this time....obviously the planets are talking to us all. I appreciate your support just the same....the one e-mail address we had for Brian was not for your good Commander and I think the guy is tired of everybody e-mailing him so his replies have been pretty spicy to say the least. We will keep trying and perhaps some more members will get on line and give us a hand. Have a great day.:cool:
Jo - Brian does not post his date of birth on his profile and therefore it seems likely that he prefers not to publicize this. You are, of course, welcome to email him via his user CP but I'm afraid I have no idea whether he would chose to reply

Hmmm... dealing with policing problems by way of astrological charts - that it certainly "Thinking outside the envelope"

I worry about California, but not very often
Posting his Birthdate would have been far too easy....and you should worry about us poor Californians...in fact pray for us we need all the help we can get....fires, earthquakes, gangs, and god forbid astrologers......;) ;) ;)
:D :D :D @ this thread + WoW.

Nothing like a bit of American lunacy to kick off the day.

Have a nice day you guys!
It's an old chestnut but I love it anyway.....
What's the difference between a pot of yoghurt and California?
There's culture in yoghurt!
LOL Mrs M.

Article being prepared for local magazine on interesting and in the news "crime fighters" via astrological charts. Can anyone help??

Just make it up. That's what the British press does.

But should you track-down the requested infor, then consult the tea leaves and write the article, could you please mail me a copy? It's likely to be more accurate than anything published here.

... we in LA are having major conflicts with our own Police Chief (Bernard Parks)

What's the dear boy been up to? Bad aura? Refuses to allow LAPD officers to address him as "man?"
Anyway if JoMo is an Englishwoman it seems weird that "piss take" wasn't understood....English, but not as we know it...........
JoMo has been away too long from the the land of the reality check..............
well I think you're all jolly rude, and I'd like to welcome JoMo. I can't really see why someone posting a polite question from a different cultural background should be met with quite such withering scorn. Maybe it's because California conjures up different images than Florida (hey white rabbit), maybe because astrology isn't flavour of the month. Whatever, she's hardly had a friendly reception.
JoMo-I know I will really regret asking this (groan), but what does frontline community policing and the decriminalisation of cannabis have to do with having the moon in Uranus?
I think I've gotta problem with my cosmic consciousness this morning. maybe it's the aura from a previous life as a buddhist guru
Believe in myths!

It isn't just that astrology isn't flavour of the month, it's that to any sane and rational person, it's a pile of steaming unsubstantiated never-ever-ever-proven donkey droppings ...
Newbie you are right of course, and you did cause me a twinge of guilt, but I would find it even ruder to be featured, without permission, in some mag thousands of miles away with my date of birth published and my perceived personality discussed. He's a public servant, not a fame-hungry L.A. starlet............Brian has had enough of his private life being discussed and lied about in the gutter press and now in an article on Astrology?.......invasion of privacy in my book, so Newbie, although you are right on a don't sink to her level basis IMO, she is damnably rude to ask, even ruder not to ask Brian directly...he works at the Met...a letter would have worked. Not a hard address to discover.

So she's fair game in my book, but you are a much nicer, politer person than me, Newbie. And I'm also sure that you are not menopausal either.
I'm also sure that you are not menopausal either.

ha, fooled you too :)

It may or may not be ethical, but it's pretty inevitable that figures in the public eye get discussed, written about, psychoanalysed, have their thoughts predicted and so on.

A professional journalist for a mainstream publicaton could probably get basic biographical info from the NSY press office (possibly including DoB) where a fringe interest publication would have more difficulty. Unless you're particularly supersitious knowledge of the basic detail doesn't seem too much of an invason of privacy- certainly a lot less than some of the other stuff already discussed around here. I'm not even sure it's rude to ask the question, particularly if your world view includes thinking birth details are important, though I do think asking the man directly is somewhat more polite than asking on a public board.

William your ability to categorise other people and their belief structures does you nothing but credit.
Astrology? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Detest it, anyone who believes in Astrology is definitely a sandwich short of a picnic. Fight this menace on all fronts whereever you find it, it doesn't even merit the status of an opinion, just total rubbish.
Newbie, name, place of birth, date of birth, is enough to see, if not get a birth certificate and other information..............not something that I would divulge to anyone.....I have already had attempts to use my identity fraudulently....they fell down on the date of birth though although the name and address were easy (electoral roll)
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