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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

As far as I understand, yes - Although the oil decline is a moot point. I think the bottom was reached over a year ago but since then, its been quietly but steadily picking-up. Confidence is certainly much better and trade in ancillary areas is picking-up again.

Then there is all the money being poured into decommissioning - Apparently 2020 is going to be the key year there, when it starts-up big-time.
Is Aberdeen going for wind turbine business in a big way? I know that some of the old construction/maintenance yards like Nigg are.
Well let's look at those services shall we?

First, no railway station. That's not helpful.

It has a farmers market once a month.

There's a swimming pool and a health centre, plus a youth centre and a park and ride facility. Population is just over 10,000 according to the ASPC (Local estate agents network).

There's three primary schools and one secondary school. It does have a library open six days a week, five of those until 7.30pm.

There is also a community centre which runs a wide variety of classes and events, and a Sunday cinema which seems to run a few times a month. Plus it can be booked for weddings or birthdays and so on. Want to go to the cinema on any other night though, or not their limited releases, you'll need to go to Aberdeen.

There's no hospital, nearest would in Aberdeen.

From the park and ride, its roughly an hour to Aberdeen. Stagecoach run a mostly hourly service (hourly in rush hour, looks like every 90 minutes outside those time periods and last service is 6.30pm on weekdays. No stagecoach buses on a Sunday on that route). There's an hourly service on a different route on a Sunday, but it takes 90 minutes and last bus back from Aberdeen is 6.20pm. A different website claims there's a later bus at 8.20 during the week but knowing the vagaries of stagecoach I'm not 100% convinced.

There are a number of restaurants in Ellon, covering a few different cuisines such as Indian, Italian and Chinese as well as traditional Scottish food. If you want chain restaurants Aberdeen is the nearest place. There's several bars in the area.

There's a few supermarkets - co-op, tesco and aldi.

So not too badly served within the town itself, but as with many small towns public transport appears inadequate and time-consuming. Plus a hospital is far away if you become critically ill.

Railway - Closed to passengers post-Beeching. Line remained for freight till 1978, despite it being obvious that Peterhead was going to be expanding by then.

Its a really very small Farmers Market, possibly the smallest in Aberdeenshire.

Secondary school/community campus opened in 2015 - This was maybe the most obvious sign that Aberdeenshire were taking Ellon seriously again and they have done a good job with it. Previous school/pool/community facilities were dumps even when I worked in them back in the late 1980s - at best they were the councils most parsimonious possible response to the expansion of the town in the 1970s.

The only reason Ellon got a new health centre/dental surgery in the late 1980s/90s was because the developers who wanted to put-in a new row of shops financed it as 'planning gain'

The Hospital was run-down from the late 1960s eventually becoming just an old folks home.

Bus services have always been absolutely shite - Although if you include the services to Peterhead/Fraserburgh, you can get to and from Ellon up to 10pm most days but really you need your own transport if you live North of the city.

The Park and Ride opened @2000 - When they put-in the new bridge over the Ythan/Eastern bypass and started to join-up the relief road that finally took heavy traffic out of the town itself. It has actually become be best used P&R in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, despite being some distance outside the town itself.


This was the main road north until then! The old Park and Ride was down there too but it was a joke - they just moved the town square bus stop to beside the riverside car park and rebranded it! :D

True there are a reasonable number of restaurants - most are family businesses from the town's expansion in the seventies and very much part of the community.

Tesco was Ellon's first modern supermarket - Opened on the bypass @2009/10 IIRC. Aldi in 2015 on the site of the former Co-Op which was flooded-out and demolished. Since then, the only Co-Op presence is a small food shop on the Esselmont housing estate.
Is Aberdeen going for wind turbine business in a big way? I know that some of the old construction/maintenance yards like Nigg are.

Not really - Apart from the EOWDC, which seems to be progressing in fits and starts and SCORE at Peterhead chasing construction contracts, there isn't much else. All the talk about the 'Energetica Corridor' and moving to renewables seems to amount to a big new and vaguely-purposed industrial estate straddling the new Ellon Road to just short of Trump. All the real money, planning and work seems to be going into decommissioning projects. Similarly, all the talk about cruise ships and tourism for the new harbour at Nigg Bay seems totally at odds with the acres of yard space in the plan and size of the new docks - most top-end modern cruise ships simply won't fit. Also one of the Harbour Board engineers let slip last year that they have a simulator set-up in London and are already training their staff for barge/towing operations and the like. Which again fits more with decommissioning than a cruise port. Anyone else working on that project seems to be sworn to secrecy on a death or deportation basis - and yes, virtually all of them have been brought-in specially for the work.
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William Shatner wrote: “Apparently chain gang is a term used in cycling circles, HOWEVER, you'd think a multinational corporation (with previous problems of causing offence) would think a bit harder about this sort of s**t. Its not hard, just don't be a d***head.”

physician heal thyself
My first thought was 'was what are they trying to promote now?'. Clearly they are just trying for shock value and choosing such loaded terms just speaks to their white privilege.

They sell Punk IPA in ‘spoons nowadays, although way pricier then the rotating guest ales.
It's yuck too. Overhopped so much it tastes like licking metal cutlery.

They are pricks but I'm struggling to find 'chain gang' offensive. There was a courier company called that (cause bikes) in the nineties and I don't remember it being out of order then.
Morning Advertiser can be a good source, landlord at our local has shown it me a few times. It's a trade paper with reliable, often very critical reporting on the pub and brewery scene. I'd missed this story though ....

I'm glad he won that tribunal, it's the least he deserved, but 12 grand isn't all that much when you've been sacked from a job :mad: Piss poor indeed :(
I read a case summary about it. There wasn't a shred of apology or sympathy expressed by brewdog for their worker. They basically refused to consider the suggested reasonable adjustments for him, and pretty much gave nil fucks.
I read a case summary about it. There wasn't a shred of apology or sympathy expressed by brewdog for their worker. They basically refused to consider the suggested reasonable adjustments for him, and pretty much gave nil fucks.

Ie totally deliberate, or totally incompetent.
Ie totally deliberate, or totally incompetent.
Totally ignorant with deliberate intent to ignore. Refused any adjustments despite legal obligation to do so. The judge described their ignorance of equality laws as 'astonishing'.

Expert advisers, including one from the RNIB, said he could continue working with some adjustments, which was ignored by brewdog. They offered him a computing job instead which would have aggravated his condition.

Wish the payout had been more, to be honest.
Totally ignorant with deliberate intent to ignore. Refused any adjustments despite legal obligation to do so. The judge described their ignorance of equality laws as 'astonishing'.

Expert advisers, including one from the RNIB, said he could continue working with some adjustments, which was ignored by brewdog. They offered him a computing job instead which would have aggravated his condition.

Wish the payout had been more, to be honest.
I wish it had broken the company and their cunty bosses, with all their staff finding work in a non wanker-filled, sexist, bullshit fake punk brewery.

Well, I can dream.
I wish it had broken the company and their cunty bosses, with all their staff finding work in a non wanker-filled, sexist, bullshit fake punk brewery.

Well, I can dream.
One day, Ed, one day...

I'd like an old-school mob with flaming torches and pitchforks to descend upon their HQ and burn it to the ground, seeing as we're sharing dreams :D
Totally ignorant with deliberate intent to ignore. Refused any adjustments despite legal obligation to do so. The judge described their ignorance of equality laws as 'astonishing'.

Expert advisers, including one from the RNIB, said he could continue working with some adjustments, which was ignored by brewdog. They offered him a computing job instead which would have aggravated his condition.

Wish the payout had been more, to be honest.

Yes - totally incompetent - they can’t have had any idea what their obligations were.

And I don't think they wanted to.

understanding obligations under employment law should be literally the first line on the job spec.

I can’t image that the hr director had any idea what was going on, losing in a employment tribunal is completely humiliating.

A) the incident happened in the first place
B) your pre tribunal advice is so poor, that you thought going to the tribunal and suffering the reputational damage was a good idea

In my experience someone somewhere (lawyers or senior hr) in the process says “what the fuck have you done ? Pay them off today”

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