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Brady's, Brixton (Railway Hotel): history, chat and plans

We've just got a large amount of funding for the next stage of work on Bradys. This will enable us to draw up architectural plans ready for the big bucks. If all goes well we'll be starting building work in January 2011.

This all depends on Lambeth continuing to support the project. We're promised a meeting by the end of the month and everything looks positive.

It's a long and painful process, but things really are moving. It'll be worth the wait.

To answer the question about listing:

English Heritage did not recommend listing when we applied in 2006, due to the lack of original features in the interior, but was a borderline case. The rules have now changed to take into account cultural significance - this is why the markets were listed- so I dare say that we could apply again and be successful.

However, we've managed to attract heritage funding since the building is in a conservation area, so listing won't really make much difference and may restrict alteration of the interior.
'time' ladies and gentlemen please!

To answer the question about listing:

English Heritage did not recommend listing when we applied in 2006, due to the lack of original features in the interior, but was a borderline case. The rules have now changed to take into account cultural significance - this is why the markets were listed- so I dare say that we could apply again and be successful.

However, we've managed to attract heritage funding since the building is in a conservation area, so listing won't really make much difference and may restrict alteration of the interior.

Thanks, great news about the funding!

They simply can't demolish Brady's, it is central to Brixton's skyline landscape. That clock needs to be repaired - wonderful mechanism :-o


This is great news ! As a former customer and employee I've been saddened to see what was THE pub (especially for the Irish community and market workers) in the centre of Brixton become derelict. I drank there when it was a Youngs pub in the 80's then worked there over a Summer when it passed over into other hands after the riots. The pub was split into 3 parts - the Vault was 'spit and sawdust' with a lino floor and catered for older members of the Black community - lots of noisey domino games going on. The large lounge bar had been given a Youngs naff 'modernisation' at some point in the 60s/70s and was a bit of a disappointment - it was seen at its best on a Sunday lunchtime when the mostly Irish clientelle in Sunday best bought there wives along for a social drink. Saturday night was a real mix with the more traditional Brixtonites coming face to face with younger 'alternative' incomers (that included me). The smaller (in the middle) saloon bar was a bit of a gem - a lovely curvy space with lots of polished wood and comfy red leather seating. It will be great to see it in use again and heres hoping at least some space will be given over to decent beer and a place for Brixtonites to simply talk to one another as it was under Youngs who had a no music policy - a love of booze and a natter was all you needed to be welcomed.
The smaller (in the middle) saloon bar was a bit of a gem - a lovely curvy space with lots of polished wood and comfy red leather seating.
That's the part that I remember, memory is a bit blurry bit I would have probably gone there '83/4ish? Lovely it was too. :)
anyone know what's happening with this though?

No news for quite some time....and I've not received anything from ABC Brixton. Wasn't the recent(ish) Prince Charles visit to Brixton something to do with the Princes Trust committing funding to Brady's?
I have just heard on the grapevine that the Council are now planning to sell Bradys on the "open market" ie to the highest bidder.
Sad pics :( I cant believe this is still empty. I can just about understand why private enterprise have ignored this building but how the council have sat by and allowed it to get into this state is beyond me. It was a meeting place for All Brixtonites in its day and as such a huge amenity.
(BTW can anyone tell me in which year The Clash and Pogues played Bradys ?)
I have just heard on the grapevine that the Council are now planning to sell Bradys on the "open market" ie to the highest bidder.

Although not ideal, getting it done up instead of leaving it to rot is better. As long as it doesn't get bought so that it can be left to fall down.
So the council own it then?

Why can't we try to obtain it for community use?

Otherwise it will just become a Waitrose with 'luxury' flats above it.
I first gigged in Brady's in 1994, and ran a night there in 1998. It was a great old venue. Shame it's likely to be just another "bah". :(
I first gigged in Brady's in 1994, and ran a night there in 1998. It was a great old venue. Shame it's likely to be just another "bah". :(
I know someone - an old school Brixtonite and Brady's regular - who might be interested, and if they can get it at the right price it'll be anything but another bah. :)

* fingers crossed
I know someone - an old school Brixtonite and Brady's regular - who might be interested, and if they can get it at the right price it'll be anything but another bah. :)

* fingers crossed

It would need an awful lot of money spending on it. I went in there once years ago when the little bar was open illegally, got chatting to the guy running it, who said he used to work there when it was open "officially", and he then gave me a torchlight guided tour of the other bars and rooms. Its huge, but in a pretty bad state.

It would be brilliant if someone could buy it, throw a load of dosh at doing it up, AND then have it as a decent pub and music venue.

It's a shame to see a place like that rotting away for years, and somehow even worse that it's been left like this by the local council, who ought to behave better!

Have to be someone with "deep pockets".

Why not run it as a social enterprise, instead of having a private owner? That way the needs of the community come before a profit motive.
Why not run it as a social enterprise, instead of having a private owner? That way the needs of the community come before a profit motive.

What, like the council keep the freehold ownership, and then lease it to someone with a proviso that they have to use it in a community-minded way, maybe for a cheaper than "market" rent?

Good idea, although I suspect that in the current economic climate, councils generally will be looking to flog off anything that they own and aren't using.

Why did the council buy it in the first place? Wasn't it because they had some grand plan to knock that whole block down and build .... what? A shopping centre? I used to know this, but can't remember....

Did they do a compulsory purchase, only to close it, board it up and leave it to rot for years? Shocking behaviour, really.....

What, like the council keep the freehold ownership, and then lease it to someone with a proviso that they have to use it in a community-minded way, maybe for a cheaper than "market" rent?

Something like that, yes. The building is big enough to contain meeting rooms and a gallery/performance space, as well as a bar/cafe to fund the whole thing. There's a million community uses - arts, performances, music, use by local charity/voluntary groups, kids clubs, exhibitions etc etc.

But once it's sold, it's gone forever.

I'm trying to find out more.......
If only they'd let the squatters stay in the first place. They'd put in a load of work to clean the place up and were already running it as a community resource.
anyone know what's happening with this though?

No news for quite some time....and I've not received anything from ABC Brixton. Wasn't the recent(ish) Prince Charles visit to Brixton something to do with the Princes Trust committing funding to Brady's?

The Prince's Trust WAS involved in something to do with Bradys - see press notice here: http://www.princes-regeneration.org/news.php?id=56

All quiet since then though....
Just out of interest, what was the name of the landlord or staff there? I remember an oldish bloke with a dodgy eye but I can't remember his name
Just out of interest, what was the name of the landlord or staff there? I remember an oldish bloke with a dodgy eye but I can't remember his name
I'll give you the names from the mid/late-90s if that's when you were thinking about.
PM me... or even better get out of the flat sometime.
I'll give you the names from the mid/late-90s if that's when you were thinking about.
PM me... or even better get out of the flat sometime.

Not that bothered, just trying to remember around what time I was going there to see Alabama 3. Think it was probably mid-90s, maybe a bit earlier because they played at George IV a couple of times as well
I heard that a local poet had been promised payment for a commission only last week from the folks involved in Bradys. Whatever is happening there, they really need to sharpen up their communication skills seeing as it's supposed to be a community based project.
I heard that a local poet had been promised payment for a commission only last week from the folks involved in Bradys. Whatever is happening there, they really need to sharpen up their communication skills seeing as it's supposed to be a community based project.

I try to get my head round what that means.
I have now heard from ABC that there is no need to panic as situation is under control. Not clear what that means.

But as one poster says the Council are not only cutting a lot of services but starting to sell off assets.

This has not made front page news like cuts to services but is potentially equally as damaging. Once sites are sold thats it. As with the school sites that were sold off a few years ago. The Council later on finds it has little land to build new schools on.
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