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Bobble hats - wtf?


diminished responsibilty
Has the population devolved to 6year olds or something? I admit to never having worn a bobble hat in my entire life - not as an infant and not even during that blessedly short period of football fanning back in the 80s...and yet this winter, here they are, being worn by adults, without even an ironic smirk. I love hats, and have many of them, but can't help feeling that the population of GB has now fatally rubbished our once proud hat wearing tradition.
Has the population devolved to 6year olds or something? I admit to never having worn a bobble hat in my entire life - not as an infant and not even during that blessedly short period of football fanning back in the 80s...and yet this winter, here they are, being worn by adults, without even an ironic smirk. I love hats, and have many of them, but can't help feeling that the population of GB has now fatally rubbished our once proud hat wearing tradition.
The bobbles are getting bigger too.
remember wearing a bobble slouch hat for 2 years solid whilst growing out his hair for the first time

not so much fun
Well I normally don't notice stuff like that but had to ride my bike into town (which means paying attention) and I was astonished. We are well over peak baseball cap, my last era of headwear despair and had thought we were moving into a new age of hattish pride and innovation. It's not exactly the hat itself I query (much), just wondering how they have become such a ubiquity.

although a bobble?
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just wondering how they have become such a ubiquity
Surely you never believed that guff designers love to say about how they “sense a feeling in the air and translate it into clothes”? Please. Five designers doing “nautical librarian” or “military sideboob” doesn’t just happen spontaneously, you know. No, these things are strictly controlled by The Firm, which is how designers and fashion journalists nervously refer to the Council of Fashion Trends (COFT). You’ve read 1984, right? Think of it as Big Brother, but even scarier. Run by the terrifying Fashion Gods (Anna Wintour, obviously; Alexa Chung even more obviously), the COFT meets biannually to decide what every woman (and some men) must wear and they issue their edicts accordingly. These are then sent out to designers and retailers on golden scrolls, hand delivered around the world by terrified work-experience kids.

From here. An article about bobble hat ubiquity. 2016 ;)
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Saw a big rasta hat (filled with dreads) with a bobble on it yesterday
looked a bit like a classic scottish bobble hat (not sure the proper name)

eta Tam O Shanter
I had forgotten about animal hats - now more convinced than ever, the UK is becoming totally infantilised.

See Fez's post - have fucked up the quote thingy in (deranged) dismay. I knitted 2 such hats this year...but they were for 5 and 6 year old girls...although I narrowly avoided wearing a knitted pixie hat (gave it to DiL as age appropriate, sort of).
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