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    Lazy Llama

BNP leader faces jail!!

"Anti-fascism" on its own is a fairly meaningless concept, that's what butchers and others are trying to get across I think. Have a think about what fascism actually is for a start ...
Precisely, and IMO it's the essential ambiguity of the basic term which allows it to mean different things to different people, and to cause friction in certain circles. To me anti-fascism is a practice that consists of resisting fascism and oppressive behaviour in a number of different ways, up to and including ways that use physical force and/or are illegal. It encompasses all strains, but isn't tied to a particular mode of expression as are, for example, the UAF.
I suppose there must be a little retention I haven't thought about it until now.... thanks! :p

I used to be removed from class when I asked an awkward question then accused of blaspheming would you believe. I'm not an athiest as such, I believe in God, just not religion... Does that make sense?

It makes sense but it ruins my theory about you. :(

Seriously though, don't take what I said too seriously. I was just being a smart alec.
Do you really want to argue this point?
This thread is for therapy not political topics like the strategy of the SWP. I'm interested in how and why you and MrA are trying to enforce certain norms of discussion.
crap. http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10234019&postcount=840
I am also interested in countering the BNP, but I'm not going to pretend I have any special insight - as far as that is concerned I'm happy to just sit quiet and listen to what others say.
As are Mr. A and myself, but will it ever happen.

By the way RMP3, your ability to read deteriorates rapidly when you are on the attack. I can understand this, but try to take a little time even with people who annoy you. It reflects really badly on you.
Not as much as your ability to answer;)
Let's go round again, baby let's turn back the hands of time.

You've had the whole thread - if you can't see that not directly accusing someone of being a fascist in those very words but making various allusions to them presenting the arguments of the BNP and whatever the fuck else the whole tedious argument has been about you're even more of a lost cause than I thought.
Well spotted that I don't criticise the people I agree with and think are right in this instance. Bizarre position to take, I realise.
Your wrong, I could see what happened. http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10234563&postcount=855

More importantly.
You are showing yourself up for an idiot again, but I really don't mind that. It helps warn other people to avoid your blathering.
For the record, I haven't said you called BA a fascist or stated that you've specifically advocated "the UAF tactic" (nice of you to acknowledge that it is their standard "set-piece", though) in this thread.

Take more water with it, there's a good boy. That way you won't show yourself up as a liar accusing other posters of being a liar.
That's a question that misses his point, which is that you and MrA, as well as TBH, have shown through your contributions that you favour a particular "method" of anti-fascism that involves conformity to your particularistic "rules of engagement" before you'll contribute to the discourse.

Links, to where I've done that.
I am not saying that, nor am I even hinting that MrA is an SWP member. I don't think anybody has.

ffs just take a minute to read what's been said before you shoot off.
Sorry, just get fed up making the same point over and over. The point was just at the bottom, no one has answered Mr. A question, yeh? 22 pages, why? ETA2 it's not about therapy so much, has taking the piss out of people refusing to communicate their ideas to people who want to understand them.

Sorry m8, it's secret. I could tell you,,,,,,,,, but I'd have to kill you.

WHY! After 21 pages has nobody been able to put Mr. A out of his misery, and explain 'butchers alternative'?[/QUOTE]
With a cretinous comment like that, you show that you understand absolutely nothing about anarchists or anarchism, however many times people take the time to explain the main points to you.
Is it sectarianism or is it stupidity, or is there perhaps a third option? I'd love to know which it is.
how many times do I have to repeat this, none of my comments in this thread have been politically motivated.

I know enough to wind you up.:D

Links, to where I've done that.

Cool, so if you're a poster on Urban endowed with the ability to read and understand what I've written, you'll be able to see that yet again rmp3 is chasing phantoms, that he's assuming things have been said that actually haven't been said.

What a plonker he is!
As I said you apeared to, when you seconded mk12 comments after he had said I had.http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=10182333#post10182333
If you're going to post a link to something you're accusing me of, at least post a link to a page that I've actually posted on, there's a good cretin.
you also accused me of sectarianism and being a partisan
No, knobhead, I said that your views are partisan. You yourself are as much a partisan as a piece of mass-produced cheese.
Oh, and a link to where I've accused you of sectarianism, please (that means a link to where I've actually said it, not a link to an irrelevant page, or to a post whose contents you believe imply that you engage in sectarianism).
when I haven't proselytised anything.
Don't use words you don't understand. Who has accused you of preaching?
As many people have said, my criticisms have been apolitical.
how many times do I have to repeat this, none of my comments in this thread have been politically motivated.
So you keep saying, and yet your position on the issues reflects a different reality.
I know enough to wind you up.:D
Playing the "I'm only having a laugh" card is the last refuge of the halfwit. Thanks for confirming, yet again, my opinion of you.
So you keep saying, and yet your position on the issues reflects a different reality.
so, no matter what knotted etc say, it doesn't matter, only VP assumptions count. OK m8
Playing the "I'm only having a laugh" card is the last refuge of the halfwit. Thanks for confirming, yet again, my opinion of you.
No prob glad to bring a little mirth into your world.:)
So you keep saying, and yet your position on the issues reflects a different reality.

Playing the "I'm only having a laugh" card is the last refuge of the halfwit. Thanks for confirming, yet again, my opinion of you.

before you ask.
I haven't said you are making any sectarian arguments. I agree, you're not making any arguments at all.
Fair comment. You didn't accuse me of sectarianism, that's VP etc. My opologies. [Sometimes you need a worm on the hook?;) ]

Your right totaly apolitical, which kind of negates vp etc whining and 'lies' about my sectarianism.:)[/QUOTE]
If you're going to post a link to something you're accusing me of, at least post a link to a page that I've actually posted on, there's a good cretin.
Mk12 makes a statement.
The only people on here who've called Butchers a fascist are people who obviously feel bitter that he has destroyed their arguments over, and over, and over again.
ask him to clarify who
Like who? Where?
he names me
You, Attica and this MrA.
you agree
Thar's why I said appear to say I call butchers a fascist. However as tbh says;
Rubbish. I haven't noticed anybody calling Butch a fascist. I Didn't. I suggested he could be mistaken for an apologist for the BNP, but that is not calling him a fascist. That is describing his approach to the BNP, which gives rise to people thinking he is a BNP supporter. That's his problem and his politics problem. Not mine.

I agree with the black hand, I haven't noticed anybody calling Butch a fascist. Do you hve a link, or are you lying?
No, knobhead, I said that your views are partisan. You yourself are as much a partisan as a piece of mass-produced cheese.
Oh, and a link to where I've accused you of sectarianism, please (that means a link to where I've actually said it, not a link to an irrelevant page, or to a post whose contents you believe imply that you engage in sectarianism).

Already dealt with this here

imo, "spends a lot of their time attempting to put across a partisan POV, to the exclusion of meaningful debate" and your other comment's suggest sectarianism is motivation, whilst in reality I no longer give a shit.
Don't use words you don't understand. Who has accused you of preaching?
Proselytizing is the act of attempting to convert people, which I have left to butchers, as I said.;)
A) Marx is saying that truth is not a property of thought.

B) He's effectively saying that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. He is not saying that truth is unimportant, that theory and facts are mere academic (or scholastic) exercises.

C) You can't use Marx when complaining that factual statements about the BNP are worthless if they are not "critical" ie. they don't go through a ritual of stating opposition to the BNP.

A) Of course, that is what I am arguing. Truth is a process, it is dialectical and becoming (thats Marxism for you, or it should be).

B) he didn't say it, but it certainly seems to be a logical outcome of A).

C) I have and I did. There is a slight hint of straw man in your comment here (i wasn't saying do things in a sterile manner, that would never be consistent with my positions anyway), there are other ways of being theoretically critical of the BNP than the one U/RA/IWCA/Butch/Larry use. BTW Marx DOES say elsewhere that revolutionary ideas are 'practical critical', and therefore if they are not they are NOT revolutionary.
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