Larry, you have learned nothing then. For heavens sake, I said "'What I am deeply unhappy with is the formulation encouraged By Larry O'Hara/ Butchers that takes what the BNP says as worth repeating without critique. I do not agree with that 'all powerful' BNP policy and practice line because it does not accord with reality".
I do not see it as problematic at all, as it has been said, it is a characteristation of the appearance of your work, it DOES NOT AND NEVER DID SAY YOU SAID IT. It is MINE, not yours, and that is clear. ...You are completely unwilling to comprehend that it was a paraphrase, a recognised technique. You sir, are becoming as much of a fraud as those you wish to critique.
I have soooo many better things to do than ABC spell out for you why I think it is a reasonable characteristation of your work. I could, but I refuse at the present time