A) That's not true, I am involved in many things, the overwhelming majority of which I cannot control. Whatever makes you think I'm seeking control, that is stupid...
And yet it's your
modus operandi. The joining, the engagement, and then the inevitable strop when people refuse to see that The Black Hand way is best.
I would have simplistically jumped on Larrys,,
Larry doesn't have a bandwagon. He's far too abrasive for that!
and the IWCA bandwagon...
It's hardly a bandwagon, and it's about as "ultra-left" as a pair of sweaty socks.
like a few round here if I wanted ultra left anti fascist 'influence' (whatever that is).
appears to be, given your use of the phrase "ultra-left" in so many diverse contexts, whatever
you deem it to mean at any particular point of discourse.
No, I seek something bigger, something completely uncontrollable and radical -
So you keep saying, but rhetoric and practice often differ, don't they?
nothing like the ultra left anti fascists around here
My fault is sticking it to the irrelevant
who 'don't like it up 'em'.
"The irrelevant" usually tend to be synonymous with "anyone who disagrees with TBH", don't they?
B) Do give over. That's just ignorant and stupid thinking. Anti fascist arguments are not about anti fascism? Of course they are, to the exclusion of all else.
It's ignorant and stupid to think that arguments about anti-fascism exclude any other consideration.
And this is where your theory falls, if they weren't the arguments would not make sense. I have contructed a different autonomous anti fascist position to the ultra left shite, why should I give up these positions? Tell me that Panda.
Who's asking you to give them up? Not me!
I have explained why and what ultra left anti fascism is elsewhere anyway - that tells me you haven't read it.
Actually, what it
should tell anyone who can think rationally is that I disagree with you.
There is nothing to be gained by disagreements on the anti fascist scene.
If, by your simplistic "analysis", there's "nothing to be gained", then there can be nothing to be lost, either, and yet we know that's not true: There are, quite literally (and sadly) careers to be lost and gained from the maintenance or disturbance of the
status quo.
Your analysis falls flat on the floor because neither immortality nor power can be gained on U75, thats wierd.
Who's talking about Urban 75 being the limit of your engagement? Of course it's not. Urban 75 is only another piece in the jigsaw of your moves hither, thither and yon in your attempt to find converts.