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BNP leader faces jail!!

If that's the case then maybe The East of England Black and Minority Ethnic Network employees should all be jailed then?

Perhaps backers of Black beauty contests should also be banned or jailed also?:D

Why? Are they legally-constituted political membership organisations like the BNP?
If they're not comparable in that way, then you're displaying a profound case of what I like to diagnose as "gross fucking stupidity". ;)
If by all accounts our population is heading for 7o million I think that figure speaks for itself. We do not have the infrastructure to support such a number.

Of course I don't have the figures for scam marriages but I can read the papers and listen to the tv but even more importantly I was asked if I would marry a Turk for around £8000 but refused (obviously). Last year our local registry office was in the papers speaking of their concerns about the. It was BBC News 24 in any case where they filmed a Roma willing to marry someone and they did not even speak the same language ffs. I have worked in the past for Turkish people and they regularly employed ilegal immigrants. As regards bogus asylum seekers thank god the media press etc. There has to be someway of find out the truth regards these people who undoubtedly exist.

I would say that a degree in Greek mythology was a wasted degree. That's not to say it isn't interesting but to my mind it should be a hobby. There are too many people doing Media Studies for instance and I would add Psychology to that list too not to stop it completely for obvious reasons but certainly to cut numbers.

I lived in London for many years and am on the outskirts of it now. I'm quite well travelled and meet plenty of people all the time.

oh dear :facepalm:
Hold on chaps, I'm sure The Black Hand will be over soon to give some really good anti-BNP arguments and set this okgirl poster straight
in case okgirl wants to know why posters are jumping at the phrase 'bogus' asylum seekers
•There is no such thing as an ‘illegal’ or ‘bogus’ asylum seeker. Under international law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in the UK and to remain here until the authorities have assessed their claim.
from the refugee council site
Worth a read

/trying to think well of people]

just read subsequent okg post. given up :facepalm:
I don't think she'd have me mate, being a darkie and all that .....


Yeah, but don't you darkies have mysterious ways of enticing white women into carnal relations with you, or was that just racist propaganda to scare white blokes into worrying that every bloke with a darker skin than Count Dracula wanted to shag their (invariably boot-faced) wives?

I think we should be told. ;)
On the one hand you state that the BNP do not have a racist or fascist manifesto and constitution, then in the next breath you say that it's obvious they do. Which is it?
Also, if it was so obvious, why are there so many potential BNP voters who are unaware? You are focusing on the construction of paragraphs and words, content free trollery.;)
i focus on what you say because it's only way i or anyone else on these boards of judging what you're on about. and you're talking a load of wank as far as i can see, i would be interested to see where i've said that they don't have a racist or fascist manifesto and constitution. i said you were thick and now i think that, in lenin's immortal phrase, you're thick as pigshit.
On the one hand you state that the BNP do not have a racist or fascist manifesto and constitution, then in the next breath you say that it's obvious they do. Which is it
in fact i'll go further, you're a lying little cunt with all the attractive features of a pool of dog's vomit with a steaming turd in it.
A) So, in effect, it's a label you're attributing to them without actually explaining what makes them "old left/ultra-left", then?
How VERY constructive!

B) You really do love to play the "martyred outsider" card, don't you?

C) So perhaps they're not, despite your labels, and it's actually you that's wrong, because you're more interested in proving that you possess a fine intellect than in engaging with substantiating the tags you put on people.

D) On the evidence so far, what you appear to be trying to create amounts to a lot of "look at me, aren't I clever", with the best contributions coming from people who aren't you or don't share your "vision".
You're like New Labour: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

A) I may do one day, I took it as read that people SHOULD know. Anybody familiar with the post war New Left should be able to see it. TBH I do know that lots of people have got fucked off with the anarchist movement and fucked off cos its virtually illiterate:eek:

B) I is unclean, and it is shocking:D Part of the anarchist movements attitude towards me is pathetic, it would be tragic if it weren't so sad etc...

C) There is plenty of evidence that they ARE, I would beware of trying to assume or argue that people should 'do something like this, this way, in this order'. Social life is not like that, it is not all neat and teleological.

I do not know why I am your hobby horse all of a sudden either VP.

D) Give it a rest VP, this website is shite as Larry pointed out the other day.
Sometimes you say things that are worth listening too, Rod too, Udo, TrevHagl, etc I am struggling and cannot think of any other contributors off the top of my head I like reading. Certainly not the 'anti fascist in crowd', its like the library at the morgue reading what they post. Dead before it is born.

AS for signifying something, like Sartre I try to give history the meaning I see fit, with my class struggle priorities. I certainly am clear in taking part in the movement I wish to encourage. I am leaving a trace that will live beyond my lifetime, and that I am happy with. eg. There's a book on pirates out recently that I did some blurb for, and I also made into the text/references. That is good:D

Here is the link to the book in question;
i focus on what you say because it's only way i or anyone else on these boards of judging what you're on about. and you're talking a load of wank as far as i can see,i would be interested to see where i've said that they don't have a racist or fascist manifesto and constitution. i said you were thick and now i think that, in lenin's immortal phrase, you're thick as pigshit.

On one hand it's anyone else, next it's as far as you I see, which is it? You're a pompous arrogant prick.
Lenin was a cunt and you are an even bigger cunt, there's nothing substantive about your posts. You're a little man with a little mentality.

in fact i'll go further, you're a lying little cunt with all the attractive features of a pool of dog's vomit with a steaming turd in it.

How old are you? it's easy to be a big man on the internet in the safe knowledge you don't have to back up your comments. Weak, content free bullshit.
If you can demonstrate I'm a liar, then I'll quit this forum. If not skulk away like the little twisted bitch that you are.
Hold on chaps, I'm sure The Black Hand will be over soon to give some really good anti-BNP arguments and set this okgirl poster straight

He'll do a lot better then some others on here.

I find it incredible that different views on the BNP from the same side can be so destructive to one another.

My initial impression is that butchers and pickmans are confrontational twats who seem to be more interested in trying to make themselves look like internet hardmen at the expense of people who share their opposition to the BNP.

Cunts is an appropriate label..
On one hand it's anyone else, next it's as far as you I see, which is it? You're a pompous arrogant prick.
Lenin was a cunt and you are an even bigger cunt, there's nothing substantive about your posts. You're a little man with a little mentality.
and you've a great pigmy of an intellect which you're proud to display in all its tarnished glory. so i'm a bigger cunt than lenin? what have i done that's worse than what lenin did?

How old are you?
old enough not to have to make up lies about what people have said.
it's easy to be a big man on the internet in the safe knowledge you don't have to back up your comments.
which is very lucky for you, isn't it.
On the one hand you state that the BNP do not have a racist or fascist manifesto and constitution, then in the next breath you say that it's obvious they do.
Weak, content free bullshit.
If you can demonstrate I'm a liar, then I'll quit this forum. If not skulk away like the little twisted bitch that you are.
on your way then. i never denied the bnp's racism or fascism. don't forget to shut the door on your way out.
classic thread, well done folks, 2010 is shaping up well :cool:

I think it's perfectly natural to want to be with what you identify with.

Is it? I've never understood this, it's been puzzling me for years. From what I've seen, as soon as people have the means and opportunity they seek out new experiences, new and hopefully better surroundings.

Given the chance people seem to embrace change, from what they eat and drink to where they live. Stats show that something like 10% of us move around every year (with a broad north to south trend), which fits with my observations. Do you see any different?

So what's the psychology behind wanting the "perfectly natural" stick with what you know yet doing the exact opposite?
He'll do a lot better then some others on here.

I find it incredible that different views on the BNP from the same side can be so destructive to one another.

My initial impression is that butchers and pickmans are confrontational twats who seem to be more interested in trying to make themselves look like internet hardmen at the expense of people who share their opposition to the BNP.

Cunts is an appropriate label..


Don't forget - they do know best. Their ideas are definately open and libertarian, and they are not overloading and attacking those who see things differently.

If you can't see that is characteristic of the sectarian, monolithic and modernist old left party form VP your judgement is not as good as i thought it was.

Contra to those ways I argue for pluralism within anti fascism, it should NOT be 'my way or the highway'.

Given the state of class consciousness about fascism and Nazis in the UK, then trying to impose in advance one way of seeing the BNP does not help mobilisation around the country, across group boundaries, including civil society. That is obvious to me. That is part of the reason why eg. the IWCA is just a new version of an ultra left party form, the movement is what is important and that means the actual class struggle, the links/connections etc. Not hard left rhetoric which poisons debate in advance.
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