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Billionaires are evil


First against the wall.

The average annual income of a full-time salaried worker in the United States in 2018 was $46,800. And let’s assume this average worker paid no rent, no bills, no taxes, no expenses of any kind. In fact, let’s pretend this person spends no money at all. They just make money.

By the time their wealth amounted to $1 billion, more than 21,000 years would have passed. That is the amount of time it has taken human civilization to evolve from cave-dwelling to where it is today.

Gordon Gekko's said "greed, for lack of a better word, is good" (from the 1987 film Wall Street.)
It sickens me that US billionaires have enough money to throw away into their eternal election processes. Money raised by candidates seems to be a criteria for a successful candidate.

There are so many better uses for their money.

eta: Same thing for the Notre Dame fire. Money for that but not for the poor.
All billionaires are evil?

Not so sure - I view the likes of Bezos in different light to someone like Elon Musk.
Musk is pioneering electric cars, Space X - Bezos is trying to take over the retail world and exploits all his workers in a hunger games type work environment.

I’ll take Musk over Bezos thanks.

Musk isn’t pioneering shit, he’s spending money on some decent kit which is a change that’s all. In the meantime he’s exploiting his workers, pretending to be cool by smoking weed on air, calling aid workers paedos because they fault his shit ideas and designing really shit infrastructure to facilitate yet more car use instead of using his “magic undercity tunnels” for public mass transit.

He’s also rude, and did I mention he was a cunt? He’s a snake oil seller.

The difference between Musk and Bezo is that ones exploiting scientists to do his work and the others a pirate. Both are still shits.
Don’t think they’re evil. Never met one but I’d guess they’re just normal people living in exceptional circumstances.

You mean they’re evil cos they don’t give their money away? How much should they give? How much should you give, when there are kids starving? I live a life of luxury whilst kids literally starve to death. So do you.

Not that I think any billionaires should exist. Ideally. But there.
Musk isn’t pioneering shit, he’s spending money on some decent kit which is a change that’s all. In the meantime he’s exploiting his workers, pretending to be cool by smoking weed on air, calling aid workers paedos because they fault his shit ideas and designing really shit infrastructure to facilitate yet more car use instead of using his “magic undercity tunnels” for public mass transit.

He’s also rude, and did I mention he was a cunt? He’s a snake oil seller.

The difference between Musk and Bezo is that ones exploiting scientists to do his work and the others a pirate. Both are still shits.

How does Musk exploit his workers? I have to admit I’m not too clued you on Musk apart from the PR media pieces on his latest hype stuff.
Don’t think they’re evil. Never met one but I’d guess they’re just normal people living in exceptional circumstances.

You mean they’re evil cos they don’t give their money away? How much should they give? How much should you give, when there are kids starving? I live a life of luxury whilst kids literally starve to death. So do you.

Not that I think any billionaires should exist. Ideally. But there.
If their income stopped overnight, most people could go a week to a couple of months before they became homeless and unable to buy food. If a billionaire's income stopped overnight (according to that they could go 21,000 years before they became homeless and unable to buy food. Who is in a better position for stopping kids from starving if they give some of their money away?
Also think of all of the exploitation that goes into amassing a billion $.
How does Musk exploit his workers? I have to admit I’m not too clued you on Musk apart from the PR media pieces on his latest hype stuff.
There's lots of mad stories from Tesla and SpaceX, you can go looking. Some of the employees don't exactly help themselves, exhibiting cult behaviours.
If their income stopped overnight, most people could go a week to a couple of months before they became homeless and unable to buy food. If a billionaire's income stopped overnight (according to that they could go 21,000 years before they became homeless and unable to buy food. Who is in a better position for stopping kids from starving if they give some of their money away?
Also think of all of the exploitation that goes into amassing a billion $.
So they’re just more evil than you then.
Jeff Bezos is definitely evil - his exploitation of workers is literally costing the loss of innocent lives whilst he is literally earning millions of dollars per day.

Marty1 may be a gigantic dick head but this is a crap line.

Amazon workers are not endorsing Bezos' action simply because they "work for [him]" (a stupid simplification anyway). Exceptionally few people get a free choice of who they work for.

Yeah I was going to pick up on this. Criticising people that have to work within this shit system for their "choice" of employer is shit.

So they’re just more evil than you then.

Yes they are. I have no problem with my own shortcomings, but billionaires don't become that rich by not exploiting many people. I don't give a shit what they do with their money and to be honest I'd rather they choked on it. People like them exploit our mind and body until there is nothing left of us and then they try to claw it all back wherever they can.
There are Billionaire cunts, and there are Billionaire cunts.

Obvs, there are those who just inherit wealth and hoard all their money and just spend it on gold toilets and not on charity are proper evil cunts. Then there are those who do well/get lucky in business and then pledge much of their billions to charitable causes. I'm not sure if I'd call them all cunts just by virtue of being a billionaire.
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