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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

Arrangements for Phil's death were named Operation Forth Bridge which involved the beeb clearing their schedules (including Masterchef). Operation London Bridge is lizzie's codename and fucking hell I don't want to be in the country for that.
While I'm quite enjoying the depressing theme we've got going on (just going through a break-up), it's also kind of destroying some of my favourite songs. I love maudlin Longpigs and Bloc Party tunes. But not in honour of a racist old parasite thanks.
Ah fuck it. I'm turning it off. Off to the newsagent, that's my saturday sorted.

This fucking maudlin old shite is getting right on my tit though. It was sort of alright for a wake and bake but I've finished my coffee and need to get off my arse.
spitfire, don't get me wrong, I love Spiritualized as much as the next person who's sat mashed in stranger's rooms at stupid o clock in the morning for the entire 90s. Pierce does get a bit over venerated though.
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