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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

indeed. How can Lauren Laverne pull in that compared to Keaveny? Surely he gets more listeners than her unless 6music listeners are mostly stop-in-bed-lates? Does she get an extra £100K for TV Glastonbury appearances?

My favourite of those three is Keaveny by quite some margin, though I know many others hate him. Wonder how they arrive at those salary differences? :hmm:
I seldom listen after 9, which is a shame as gideon coe is one of the best. Not too much chat, just interesting music.
Im normally on this thread defending 6Music but I cannot take any more of The XX or Arcade Fire seemingly played every day by all presenters.
I hardly ever listen to "normal" radio these days. All my listening is internet radio stations. No pointless news updates every hour. No adverts. No annoying presenters. No presenters at all, if you want. Music for grown-ups. Life is much better this way.
I Haven't listened to 6 for over two years now. Looking back it's a shame we bothered standing up for them when they were gonna shut down. IT was about then it went all shit.
The usual grumbling on this thread. It's been a good week. Tom Ravenscroft sitting in for anyone is good news and Maconie is much better on his own. They should stop playing that Something for your Mind song, though - it's really, really annoying.
My radio is perma tuned to 6music, but it pisses the fuck out of me sometimes which I hate because I want to love it.

I wake up to The Hawk, I'm not a big fan to be fair. If I hear Keaveney on the radio, I panic cos it means I'm late getting up. Mark Riley is the business. Tom Ravenscoft and Tom Robinson are good.

They have a Morrissey song on the playlist at the moment which is pissing me off, but to be fair when it's time to get my arse out of my pit in the morning and into the shower, there is nothing like Morrissey to send me screaming to the bathroom.

As someone said earlier Arcade Fire get "a bit" feckin dull after a while, and they do play a lot of it. and why are Art Brut ("We're in a band") on the playlist - that song came out years ago.

I think what pisses me off most though is that 6 Music is worst at weekends, which is when I can listen most. Last weekend there was a programme about making fucking sauerkraut - or there's someone trying to score points by playing the most obscure Bulgarian nose whistling they can find. Why do they give a whole programme to an American pop musician who plays pop music? And I'm not a fan of Giles Peterson or Craig Charles either simply because I don't like the music they like.

6Music should just play punk John Peel sessions from 1976 to about 1982. That would be good. Tom could be the dj. :thumbs:
I think what pisses me off most though is that 6 Music is worst at weekends, which is when I can listen most. Last weekend there was a programme about making fucking sauerkraut - or there's someone trying to score points by playing the most obscure Bulgarian nose whistling they can find.
that's probably The Freak Zone, which is usually the only show worth listening to on 6 . Don't see the point of radio shows playing well-known music, or that you've heard before - why not just play stuff from your own collection or something like Spotify if that's what you want?
that's probably The Freak Zone, which is usually the only show worth listening to on 6 . Don't see the point of radio shows playing well-known music, or that you've heard before - why not just play stuff from your own collection or something like Spotify if that's what you want?
Because Spotify generally throws together playlists that aren't particularly useful.
It's a bit of a myth that 6 Music is all about 'indie'. Bet you get loads of crap ads on Rinse.
Nope, none, unless you listen to it live and in the daytime. and barely any talking either. just music.
(i download the shows I'm interested in and there are no ads)
Im totally with you on getting pissed of by that 'Spent the day in bed' Morrissey song. However I like the weekend stuff. Always liked Huey Morgan and agreed Giles Peterson does play some odd stuff (In fact there is a running joke about Mongolian throat singing after forcing the family to listen to his show in the car) but I have been turned onto some gems listening to him so its worth wading through IMO. Ive even warmed to Cerys recently.

My radio is perma tuned to 6music, but it pisses the fuck out of me sometimes which I hate because I want to love it.

I wake up to The Hawk, I'm not a big fan to be fair. If I hear Keaveney on the radio, I panic cos it means I'm late getting up. Mark Riley is the business. Tom Ravenscoft and Tom Robinson are good.

They have a Morrissey song on the playlist at the moment which is pissing me off, but to be fair when it's time to get my arse out of my pit in the morning and into the shower, there is nothing like Morrissey to send me screaming to the bathroom.

As someone said earlier Arcade Fire get "a bit" feckin dull after a while, and they do play a lot of it. and why are Art Brut ("We're in a band") on the playlist - that song came out years ago.

I think what pisses me off most though is that 6 Music is worst at weekends, which is when I can listen most. Last weekend there was a programme about making fucking sauerkraut - or there's someone trying to score points by playing the most obscure Bulgarian nose whistling they can find. Why do they give a whole programme to an American pop musician who plays pop music? And I'm not a fan of Giles Peterson or Craig Charles either simply because I don't like the music they like.

6Music should just play punk John Peel sessions from 1976 to about 1982. That would be good. Tom could be the dj. :thumbs:
Gilles' show still my fave. I don't like all of the stuff he plays, but it's mostly interesting and he seems like a relaxed, knowledgeable guy. I grabbed him for a photo when i went to see him at the Sub Club, but my sis messed up the shot. :facepalm:
Wait, Tom Ravenscroft is on weekday mornings now?! :eek: Is he just covering?

Decided last night I should get back into listening to radio rather than just Spotify and podcasts, reluctantly hit up 6Music for the tail-end of Keavney... Ravenscroft is a rather pleasant surprise! :D
Yep loved Tom last week in the mornings.

I cannot abide Liz Kershaw. I have prob said before on this thread but she coles across to me as insincere & it being all about her. Her accent does not help. I would like to sponsor her not to say ‘my brother’ as she mentions him all the time. Today it took just 12 minutes before she mentioned him. I cringe at every interview she does.
Yep loved Tom last week in the mornings.

I cannot abide Liz Kershaw. I have prob said before on this thread but she coles across to me as insincere & it being all about her. Her accent does not help. I would like to sponsor her not to say ‘my brother’ as she mentions him all the time. Today it took just 12 minutes before she mentioned him. I cringe at every interview she does.

She is a bit shit, one of the few DJs on 6 Music you honestly don't seem to learn anything from, due to them pedalling a mainstream mum/dad collection.
Yep loved Tom last week in the mornings.

I would like to sponsor her not to say ‘my brother’ as she mentions him all the time. Today it took just 12 minutes before she mentioned him. I cringe at every interview she does.

I've always assumed he is someone famous. Is he?
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