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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

and endless bullshit verbal masturbation about FUCKING BLUR complete no doubt with an "exclusive interview" with some boring cunt from Blur!! What is the fucking deal with bastarding FUCKING BLUR??? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
and endless bullshit verbal masturbation about FUCKING BLUR complete no doubt with an "exclusive interview" with some boring cunt from Blur!! What is the fucking deal with bastarding FUCKING BLUR??? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Damon Albarn's actually pretty talented, but much prefer Gorillaz. Blur were better the less 'English' they got.
Gorrilaz were OK. Ilove that 'tomorrow, tomorrow comes today' tune.Well downbeat and excellent whistle bits
Does anyone else think Radcliffe and Maconey come under the failed comedians list? It always ruins my day a bit when it hits 1pm and I have to hear that banging donk intro. I would happily sack all of the weekday crew bar Lauren Laverne and Gideon Coe. Glad to see that Steve Lamacqs frankly gross noshing off of Damon Albarn has been noted, surely such pathetic gushing appraisal shouldnt be allowed pre-watershed.
"an outer-suburban, middle-class fantasy of central London streetlife, with exclusively metropolitan models." Jon Savage on Britpop, spot on as usual.
it would have been funny the first time, but he's milking it. And having people text in how long they've had to queue in the past is veering on Patridge
At least Lamb was controversial. Sure he was a dick but it was fun seeing the amount of people getting wound up by him. It was entertaining. We don't have many controversial DJs left on daytime radio the UK any more.

Laverne is just plain dull... just like most of the daytime 6 Music DJs sadly.
I will never forgive him for usurping the lovely Gideon. Seeing his name (Lamb) made me think I haven't heard of him for a while ( I'm not complaining mind) ... anyone know what he's up to these days? As for Lauren I used to like her more once over than I do now....I find her a bit annoying now.
Tom Ravenscrofts trail, droning on about how he doesn't see the point of genres cos he's mr fucking eclectic. Well, yer dad was a nonce.
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