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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

Not exactly 6 Music, but may be of interest to people who listen to 6 Music and particularly the 6 Mix... did anyone hear James Blake's residency on radio 1?
I think R6 needs to make sure it doesn't become a retirement home for R1 DJs. I like Lauren Laverne; witty, intelligent, articulate and charming. I think she sets the standard for female presenters. Bowman(kill me!), Nemone(endless self promotion), M A Hobbs(as long as they keep her on early show, like Keavney, I won't have to listen to them). Favourites for me; Tom Ravenscroft, Huey, Rad/Mac, Lauren, Giles, Craig Charles, and 6mix. Still can't believe no one will give Andy Kershaw another chance(what a waste!).
Yes, but they got the wrong one!!! Peel and Andy Kershaw gave me a great musical education. I think DJs/presenters need to have some humanity/soul. They should be made to listen to old Peel shows, so that they understand R6.
Nowt wrong with Hobbs and Keaveny! Craig Charles, Huey and Rad/Mac could all happily be on radio 2. What do you mean they already are? ;)
Yes I suppose it's all down to personal taste, and they have to cater to a wide range. The station does seem to be becoming more mainstream. Some presenters do my head in when they just prattle on, play little good music, and really have little to say. I like it when the listeners take over the playlist. I'd like to know why they even have a playlist, these days? Internet radio; tech/house/ambient is great for me!
So who else is already heartily sick of hearing about the fucking 6music festival? Also wondering whether they meant the (really fucking annoying) trailer woman to sound so much like Philomena Cunk. Maybe it is Philomena Cunk.
I now can’t listen to the breakfast show (smug fest) - Keaveny is more interested in making a name as a comedian than the music, which is repetitive to say the least. Listening to the show you’d think that major acts such as The Cure, New Order etc had only made five singles each and then newer bands like The Walkmen only one. Even the ‘ear worm’ section is predictable. Finally, the Matt intro at 7:20 does my head in (just play a decent tune) rather than a double dose of how great we are with the producer getting involved as well. Just need Gideon Coe and a few of the other good DJs (the ones that aren’t smug – rules out half of them) to do the day time shows and them to keep playing the music they do now, rather than the slightly edgy XFM 6 Music has become.
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So who else is already heartily sick of hearing about the fucking 6music festival? Also wondering whether they meant the (really fucking annoying) trailer woman to sound so much like Philomena Cunk. Maybe it is Philomena Cunk.

It's Maxine Peake. I like her voice as it goes.

Can I just reiterate that Keaveny is a tedious cunt of the highest order. Top three gripes.

1. Items which are entirely retro-created from a pun-tastic name*. Work out an item that will be entertaining first, then give it a name you twat. If it's a funny one then so much the better.

2. His obvious issues with food. If I wanted to listen to people wittering on about wheat and gluten, or what food is middle class and what isn't I'd hang around in fucking Waitrose. At least you get a free cup of coffee there now.

3. The endless fucking prattle. Most of the time I'd rather he just stuck another Who or ACDC record on.

* See 'Small claims court', 'Malady calling', 'Who wants to be a Milly on-air', 'Why do I cry myself to sleep at night' (ok I made that last one up).
Yes, Keaveny is very tedious. Just give him the Radio 1 breakfast show slot that he so desperately wants.
He needs to stop yaking full fucking stop, If i ever meet the tedious prick I'll super glue his lips together and his arse hole.
the point is 6 music is supposed to be about the music and not a platform for someone to gibber away for their own ends. when the guest djs do the breakfast show you get about 4 extra tracks and better ones at that.
I had the misfortune to tune in and hear Steve Lamacq interview Damon Albarn a couple of weeks ago. The bizarre spectacle of two fortysomething men vying to see who could achieve the best faux estuary (fauxtuary?) brogue. Lamacq was barely audible for his tongue being so far up allbrans arse while the former britpop frontman's sparse retorts were like that of some coked up prog rocker emerging from his learjet at LAX...in 1975. 'I was saying the other day to Bobby...Bobby Womack? its like really good to play with you but I am done with playing in bands.' I ended up feeling sorry for Lamacq, Albarn is almost a construct he engineered coming back to remind Britains most furstrated indie band never member on the ruthlessness of time and the fickleness of fame. The whole thing was like punk never happened.
Nick Grimshaw is a considerably better broadcaster than Keavney. Chris Evans is professional too, if you like that kind of thing. Keavney tries to appear as a downbeat alternative. But actually he's just boring and depressing. And Matt Everett is crap.

Problem solved. Listen to Grimmy in the morning then. I'll stick with 6. ;)
I can hardly listen to radio 1 at all now. I even went off Rob Da Bank, the last guy I'd listen to on there religiously. I like the tone of Benji B (if he's still on), but not a massive % of the music.
Guy Garvey. A lovely man, met him once years ago and had a blast. But I really really wish he'd give someone else a go on 6. It seems every time i tune in its either him doing a show, him being interviewed or him singing his music. He's preferable to Laverne of course and it might be because of the time of night in the UK I tune in. But he seems everywhere on there.
has jarvis been shown the door? my timezones dont quite let me listen to the sunday arvo stuff...

good riddance if so. never heard a DJ who loved the sound of his own voice quite so much. instead of actual music for a chilled out sunday he'd play 'challenging' stuff like him talking over birdsong.
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