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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

ive been trying to listen to a bit of BB6 in the evening whilst eating dinner (normally this is TV time for me), but you know what drives me mad, is half hourly news updates...why oh why have half hourly news updates, in fact why have news on at all?
when the news come on i switch over and often dont switch back. Talk about a vibe killer
Ah bollix, really? When'd that happen?Ah :(
Longer list:

Jeremy Vine, Andrew Collins, Emma Crosby, Chris Moyles, Aled Jones, Chris Evans, Andrew Neil, Terry Wogan, Simon McCoy, Mike Bushell, Peter Dobbie, Jake Humphrey, Fearne Cotton, Huey Morgan, Ian Payne, Geoff Dyer, Greg James, Scott Mills, Colin Murray, Paul Ross, Gaby Roslin, Steve Lamacq, Louis Theroux
Longer list:

Jeremy Vine, Andrew Collins, Emma Crosby, Chris Moyles, Aled Jones, Chris Evans, Andrew Neil, Terry Wogan, Simon McCoy, Mike Bushell, Peter Dobbie, Jake Humphrey, Fearne Cotton, Huey Morgan, Ian Payne, Geoff Dyer, Greg James, Scott Mills, Colin Murray, Paul Ross, Gaby Roslin, Steve Lamacq, Louis Theroux
No-one I really care about apart from Morgan, though a bit surprised at Louis Theroux.
Maybe I just don't know enough people wear big baggy flat caps.
All I know is people who wear big baggy flat caps.
Longer list:

Jeremy Vine, Andrew Collins, Emma Crosby, Chris Moyles, Aled Jones, Chris Evans, Andrew Neil, Terry Wogan, Simon McCoy, Mike Bushell, Peter Dobbie, Jake Humphrey, Fearne Cotton, Huey Morgan, Ian Payne, Geoff Dyer, Greg James, Scott Mills, Colin Murray, Paul Ross, Gaby Roslin, Steve Lamacq, Louis Theroux

Also worth mentioning is Tim Burgess from The Charlatans that covered scabbed when one of the presenters was on strike.
This might be the most terrifyingly irritating picture of the year. Radcliffe and Maconie's Xmas special. Waaaacky!!!

Oh thats right Liz Kershaw just fucking talk right over the intro and then stfu when the vocal kicks in. Absolute egotist fuck
Radio 6 should have been binned. It doesn't fulfil any role that couldn't be done, and is done, better by other stations. Unless you count trying to re-create a mid 90's indie disco, but even Radio 2 can do that. It seems to be a horrible mishmash of a retirement fund for 90's djs and a gratuitously pretentious music snobbery (although achieved in an utterly patronising manner). :mad:
Radio 6 should have been binned. It doesn't fulfil any role that couldn't be done, and is done, better by other stations. Unless you count trying to re-create a mid 90's indie disco, but even Radio 2 can do that. It seems to be a horrible mishmash of a retirement fund for 90's djs and a gratuitously pretentious music snobbery (although achieved in an utterly patronising manner). :mad:

Bin radios 2 and 1, but not 6. There's still some excellent shows on 6.
Radio 6 should have been binned. It doesn't fulfil any role that couldn't be done, and is done, better by other stations. Unless you count trying to re-create a mid 90's indie disco, but even Radio 2 can do that. It seems to be a horrible mishmash of a retirement fund for 90's djs and a gratuitously pretentious music snobbery (although achieved in an utterly patronising manner). :mad:

Agreed. To think loads of us stood up for it when the axe loomed then right after they turned into fucking radio two. Fuck em and close em down.
Agreed. To think loads of us stood up for it when the axe loomed then right after they turned into fucking radio two. Fuck em and close em down.

Some bits are like radio 2 (although the DJs are less annoying). Huey? :mad: But on the plus side, there's MAH, Tom Ravenscroft, Shaun... :D
Radio 6 should have been binned. It doesn't fulfil any role that couldn't be done, and is done, better by other stations. Unless you count trying to re-create a mid 90's indie disco, but even Radio 2 can do that. It seems to be a horrible mishmash of a retirement fund for 90's djs and a gratuitously pretentious music snobbery (although achieved in an utterly patronising manner). :mad:
Yes or maybe no you massive music snob. Seriously, listen to your own MP3s.
Bouncer 6Music review:
  • Craig Charles (Funk & Soul Show on Saturday evenings) best show in terms of quality of broadcast, could be on any network anywhere. Reason to listen.
  • Jarvis Cocker (Sunday afternoons) OK but he did this on Radio4 already.
  • Gideon Coe (Monday–Thursday evenings) Not funny.
  • Matt Everitt (Music news on weekday breakfast, The First Time With...) Apparently a journalist, basically rubbish. Thinks he's funny/clever - isn't either.
  • Guy Garvey (Sunday afternoons) Mawkish twaddle - no more free advertising for Elbow please, graveyard shift means this will hopefully be on the way out.
  • Chris Hawkins (early breakfast and overnights) Underated - would probably be primetime if the slots were not clogged up with 90's hasbeens.
  • Mary Anne Hobbs (weekend breakfast) AWFUL.. great music taste/dj rep but her asinine drivel renders her program unlistenable to.
  • Shaun Keaveny (weekday breakfast) His downbeat schtick would OK for a quartely special or something, but everyday it's depressing, combined with his attempts at humour which fail so regularly it's not post modern. Its simply not funny.
  • Liz Kershaw (Saturday lunchtime) Shite. Why is she on?
  • Steve Lamacq (weekday drivetime, Roundtable on Thursday evenings) I always thought Steve Lamacq's nasal drone was dull. blokey, spoddish and in no way entertaining or interesting. And that made him look like a fucking broadcasting god in comparison to Jo Whiley back in the dark history of Radio One. He is still clinging on bringing his extra-ordinarily dull bloke in a record shop routine is for some reason deemed suitable for drive time - possibly due to the radio gods belief that, at an average age of 36, the listenership of 6music is 'too young'. If I wanted to listen to a twat in a leather jacket drone on about bands no one has ever heard of I'd go drinking in Camden.
  • Lauren Laverne (weekday mid-mornings) Shite. Why is she on? If you wondered what Fearne Cotton will be like in her 40's Laverne may give you a clue..
  • Don Letts (Sunday evenings) Great show.. survived the radio hinterlands to make it to just past bedtime slot. But could be happily on R2 or even dare I say it R1 or Extra...
  • Stuart Maconie (Radcliffe & Maconie on weekday afternoons, Freak Zone on Sunday early evenings,Freakier Zone on Sunday midnight) Will we never be rid of this twat? Are there not millions more opinionated northerners to choose from? Why not let them have a go?
  • Cerys Matthews (Sunday mid-mornings) Just because she has a sultry welsh accent doesnt mean shes any good.. the constant discovery of rare music that everyones heard of grates..
  • Huey Morgan (Saturday mornings) Would be on Radio2 permanently - wait till Ken Bruce or similar dies
  • Nemone (Nemone's Electric Ladyland on Saturday midnight) I used to think Nemones banal wittering on sat/sun mornings was dire, wishing she would just shut the fuck up and play music without saying anything. Then we got MAH. Come back nemone you hypocritical twat who feels happy to fulfill the contractual oblication to wax lyrical about the music scene in manchester in the 90's whilst not being arsed to go up there to make a show..
  • Gilles Peterson (Saturday afternoons) Is OK I suppose.
  • Mark Radcliffe (Radcliffe & Maconie on weekday afternoons) Hasn't done anything intersting since out on blue six. Should really just fuck off. And not to do Folk on Radio 2 - what a terrrible choice.
  • Tom Ravenscroft (Friday evenings) A decent broadcaster bed blocked by washed up twats.
  • Marc Riley (Monday–Thursday evenings) An awful program. No one gives a shite about Joy Division anymore. Its over.
  • Tom Robinson (Saturday evenings, Now Playing @6Music on Sunday evenings, BBC Introducing Mixtape on Monday early mornings) The sole function of his show is to give hope to other BBC radio types along the vain of 'yes you can make a prgram this crap and it will still be broadcast' there is no place for him, yet he persists for some reason.
He's put the effort in but I agree with only about 50% of that. The majority of DJs on 6 are actually really good - just disappointing that such a promising station gives prime slots to the likes of Radcliffe & Maconie and Lauren fucking Laverne. Oh and Jarvis 'Look at me, I'm so out there' Cocker.
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