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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

Ha... I hadnt listened to 6 in the morning in ages. Tuned in this morning and went apeshit on the feedback button.

What the flying fuck. why the fuck are you talking about phones on a music station?!
why cant she just play music? even interviews with musicians like lammo does in the evenings. phones. ffs.
I need to have a quick moan about 6 Music. I like it, you see, so when it goes a bit wobbly I get grumpy. I don't live in the UK and when I'm having a bad day 6 Music sorts me out usually. Lauren Laverne is my getting in from work show and Radcliffe and Maconie is my evening show. I can't imagine it any other way.

Yesterday I heard the interview (from 2005) of Kate Bush by Mark Radcliffe. First time for me. Well, what can I say? I was riveted to it. I was so pleased that Kate Bush is every bit as I imagined her to be - no bloody push-over. She could be very short and very precise in her answers and Mark Radcliffe sounded like he was enjoying himself too. He got slapped on the wrist a few times by Kate and came back graciously in what was sometimes a rather genteel sparring match; a very nice conversation between two very knowledgeable people. Bloody good stuff.

Then something horrible happened to 6 Music while I was hanging the washing out.

Mary Anne Hobbs interviewing Josh Homme ('Hom-ay' apparently). The very last time I was in Brixton funnily enough was for QOTSA at The Academy in 2003. They were alright. Nothing to write home about, mind.

'I'll have a bit of this', I thought, as I padded back into the living room with a coffee and a biscuit.

This is the moan Part 1.

He's not a very interesting interviewee isn't the lad. It happens. Not his fault. Can't be good at everything. Mary Anne's questions were getting a bit 'Multi-Coloured Swap Shop' though. I half expected her to ask him what his favourite colour was, or his most embarrassing moment.

But then I started to get a feeling that she wasn't exactly at one remove from the guy. 'It's never to late to get this man into your life' she announced towards the end, That was just one of a number of cringey elements in the interview; reminiscing about the first time they met, calling him 'Joshua' and fawning over his every unsurprising and unrevealing answer. 'Get a room', I'm thinking, dunking my Hob-Nob.

Moan Part 2.

So about an hour ago, I'm about to start the ironing and went to 6 Music on the laptop. It was Mary Anne Hobbs and the second part of her face-licking of Josh Homme (Hom-ay). More? How? He said next to bugger all in the first part!

I'm not going to listen to that. I'm not. There was barely enough for a 15 minute interview yesterday and that got stretched out for far too long - but there's more? Was he chained up in a cellar or something?

That's it really. I am whinged out for today.

Happy Sunday.

Mary Anne Hobbs is a bit sycophantic, but she plays some decent tunes, including some rather nice bit of techno just before 8 a.m. today. I'd maybe, just maybe take her over Radcliffe and Maconie's unfunny ramblings. ;) Radcliffe used to be great when paired with Marc Riley, Maconie can be good on his own (thanks to his love for all sorts of weird shit), but together... hmm. Still better than what's on radio 1 or 2 at the same time, though (not saying much!).
Aye, I think it's all good really.

Funny, isn't it? Nowadays I can pillage YouTube and Spotify and what-not, making my own playlists and stuff, but radio is still there, still popular.
6Music is soooo much better in a different time zone. the night time thing with chris hawkins is daytime here. he just plays a song, usually a good one and thats that. no bullshit. why cant it all be like that.
Hawkins is OK.

Here's a good idea for a show on 6music. No listener correspondance save for letters. If what you want to say isn't important enough to take 5 minutes to write down, invest 50p in a stamp and wait until the next day to be read then we don't want to hear it. Gideon Coe should take up this mantle.

Also - no items for which the name has been dreamt up first, and the item shoehorned around it. I'm looking at you Keaveny. Jim Jams Review, Small Claims Court, etc. Come up with a good idea first then give it a name you cunts.

Oh, and I generally listen to KEXP streaming in the mornings now. So while I'm getting ready for work I get someone in Seattle mumbling around midnight. Bliss.
I'm sure she's actually alright if you met her in real life, but she comes over appallingly as a radio presenter it has to be said. I find 6 Music's day output in the week unbearable. Keavney is about as funny as my feet, Laverne... and Radcliffe and Maconie just dont work as an afternoon slot, just sounds like 2 old men trying to be off beat and funny but it sounds way too laboured, Maconie is so much better on his prog show. Best is Cerys, followed by Riley. Radio 3 or Spotify for me in the morning and then switch over to Robert Elms.
I'm sure she's actually alright if you met her in real life, but she comes over appallingly as a radio presenter it has to be said. I find 6 Music's day output in the week unbearable. Keavney is about as funny as my feet, Laverne... and Radcliffe and Maconie just dont work as an afternoon slot, just sounds like 2 old men trying to be off beat and funny but it sounds way too laboured, Maconie is so much better on his prog show. Best is Cerys, followed by Riley. Radio 3 or Spotify for me in the morning and then switch over to Robert Elms.

Oh I'm sure she's probably quite bearable in real life, but Keavney is just plain awful and hideously unfunny. They should replace Radcliffe and Maconie with younger presenters who aren't endlessly prattling out dull anecdotes about indie bands that no one gives a fuck about anymore - and preferably ones that don't talk over each other all the time.
Somebody definitely turned Radcliffe's bollocks dial up to 11 today.

I actually went into another room and listened to Radio 3 instead. The presenters on Radio 3 don't feel the need to spend half the time making weak jokes about opera lyrics or Beethoven's haircut.
Festival season has not been kind to 6music. Every time I turn it on, there is some indistinct guitar-based blah with a limp crowd sound behind it. Whatever, whoever it is, it does them no favours.

On the other hand, Katie Puckrick can fill in for the awesomely-beautifully-incredibly annoying Mary Anne Hobbs forever as far as I'm concerned. Really enjoyed her show this morning.
Actually, yes, Katie Puckrik was great this morning. I don't think the pre 10am R6 slot on a Saturday is considered that prestigious but I enjoyed that.
The overnight stuff is great. One benefit of being in a different time zone. They've been going through the 80s equivalent of desert island discs recently. With the likes of morrisery, Peter Gabriel etc.. Quite cool listening to them chatting about their contemporaries while still at the height of their powers.

As soon as London wakes up though, it's all downhill.
Mark Riley is really getting on my tits. I don't give a fuck what's on your tshirt you bellend.
They need to do what radio 2 does with its seven o clock slot and have a different dj/ style every night.
I was annoyed at myself for finding Katie Puckrik well annoying but I didn't turn off and it all came good. I think she was chatting to someone and she played a Beach Boys track after and I just found the whole thing very pleasant and lovely. This is in stark contrast to 'hiya it's Liz' (my brother blahblahblah) whom I just find so rude to guests and a general up herself twunt. Why am I still listening...:mad:

I did have a great morning listening to Cerys on Sunday 7th July. I was in my garden sunbathing and got a shout out on her fab show.
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