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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

That fucking Gideon Coe 'Day In The Life' advert that goes on for an eternity. Shut the fuck up, you unfunny twat.
It is a shame. I really like Huey and (despite the 'soul shouting') the Craig Charles show but have stopped listening to other shows. It is by far the best music station out there but too annoying.

BBC London died for me with Danny Baker getting the bullet so mainly just 4 and 4extra depending on time of day.
That fucking Gideon Coe 'Day In The Life' advert that goes on for an eternity. Shut the fuck up, you unfunny twat.

That advert raised a smile for me. And I really like his show - I often find myself pottering around the kitchen in the evening finding excuses to listen to him.
I must say Keavney is growing on me. I start with Today, but switched to R2. for 3 minutes. Then I ended on Keavney. 'The Message' and a bit of Bjork in the morning was pretty good..
Cherys's show is the perfect way to ease yourself into a Sunday. Poetry, food, all sorts of music and a beautiful voice.
Cherys's show is the perfect way to ease yourself into a Sunday. Poetry, food, all sorts of music and a beautiful voice.

She don't play enough techno, but she's okay. I'm quite enjoying Mary Anne's show - some awesome tunes. I'm just about managing to switch off to how she gushes ( :hmm: ) about everything. Gilles Peterson's show is still my favourite, though. :)
Fucks sake. They're still wasting valuable airtime with Gideon Coe's pitifully unfunny Day In The Life shit.
There's something about the ads on 6music that really boils my piss. Even for stuff I like.

All that 'my show is a treasure chest full of musical ingots' bollocks in breathy voices (I'm looking at you Matthews and Hobbs) even the slightly more vanilla ones are still infuriating. Even when they're for things I like. Is it that they play them too often? Or keep them going too long?
John Peel's 10 year beatification through Radio 6 ads will have finally come to an end I imagine now at least. A brilliant broadcaster and a catalyst for the UK music scene but I couldn't take anymore clips of his voice from beyond the grave bellowing out like a Monty Python god.

Is the nonce being written out of history?
Not a moan, but I enjoyed Mary Anne Hobbs, Cerys and Huey on Sunday when I was chilling about the house. I hadn't really switched the station on for a while.
Surely it's time to hear that hilarious take on A Day In The Life again? I haven't heard it for at least an hour now.

Might make a break from all the budsy chatting going on.
That has to be one of the worst interviews I've ever heard on BBC6. She was supposed to be interviewing the woman from Goldfrapp but just talked about herself indeed, regaling detailed dull tales of how she used to dance in her basement when she was 8 years old. Awful. :facepalm:
yeah, but since they were almost shut down, they cant afford the cost of playing as much music, so they have to talk more, cos the presenters get paid per hour not per word.
yeah, but since they were almost shut down, they cant afford the cost of playing as much music, so they have to talk more, cos the presenters get paid per hour not per word.

That can't be true, can it? It sounds like you're joking, but it's plausible I suppose, so I'm not sure whether to believe it or not!
No, I think its true. Not sure what the current rates are, it was about £35 a record for radio 1 ten years ago, whereas the presenters are just on contracts. One record less per hour would save something like £300,000. Not to be sniffed at.
For once I can complement Laverne's show as the woman they have in doing the tech reviews actually mentions other platforms, unlike the last dull fanboy.
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