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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

(I'm not actually listening btw, just heard about it earlier in the week and did the maths between what day it was and editor's comments :D)
Oh, isn't this the 'soundscape' thing, so the second 30 minutes is no DJs, just recorded audio (but more than just music, as I understand it)?
I'm all for 30 minutes with no DJs, but a relentless stream of 20 second bursts of unrelated songs with random samples stuck on top is supremely fucking irritating. It's like listening to a self-obsessed, attention-challenged speedfreak in charge of Spotify.
Novelty sound samples, political speeches stripped of all context and meaning and turned into entertainment, and now the fucking Star Wars theme. :facepalm:

I've had to turn it off.
Novelty sound samples, political speeches stripped of all context and meaning and turned into entertainment, and now the fucking Star Wars theme. :facepalm:

I've had to turn it off.
It's the kind of pop history that I fucking hate. Cliché and crude juxtaposition.

History is not a sequence of stage managed events with a catchy soundtrack. Absolute shit.
It's the kind of pop history that I fucking hate. Cliché and crude juxtaposition.

History is not a sequence of stage managed events with a catchy soundtrack. Absolute shit.
It's also supremely disrespectful to the people, the politics and the musicians he tore into little soundbite-sized bits for his utterly pointless mix.
Colin Murray's soundscape is the biggest pile of horseshit to be forced through the 6music airwaves yet.

You could say it's experimental, but you'd be wrong to do so because it's like some half arsed teenage mixtape knocked together with youtube. It's also a load of fucking wank. Just bring your ears. Then stick a wad of bog roll in each one and go and lie down in the road until it's all over.
Colin Murray's soundscape is the biggest pile of horseshit to be forced through the 6music airwaves yet.
Yep. It's unimaginative, pointless, self indulgent shite. Radio gets turned off as soon as he starts this crap up. It's just awful. I want to hear songs, not Stars on fucking 45.
Well I for one love Shawn Keaveny. He totally cracks me up and I'd be a teensy bit in love with him if he weren't the spitting image of my dead grandad!
Well I for one love Shawn Keaveny. He totally cracks me up and I'd be a teensy bit in love with him if he weren't the spitting image of my dead grandad!

I like him too. Just compare to the shite breakfast shows on R1 and 2. Funny guy without being 'wacky'.
I like him too. Just compare to the shite breakfast shows on R1 and 2. Funny guy without being 'wacky'.
But the whole point of BBC Radio 6 is that it's supposed to be nothing like R1 and R2. At least that's what I thought when I signed the petition for it to carry on.

Thank 'eavens for http://www.britify.com/ - all the songs without the tiresome failed hospital radio comedian and his unfunny Star Wars theme tunes and failed 'I Kiss You On Both Cheeks' catchphrases.

Dr Nookie even Russ Abbot is funnier than Keaveny!
But the whole point of BBC Radio 6 is that it's supposed to be nothing like R1 and R2. At least that's what I thought when I signed the petition for it to carry on.

And it isn't. So your point is...? :D Keaveny's show is the sort of thing I like to listen to at breakfast: amusing without being wacky, talks a little rather than so much you want to kill him to play the next tune, and the music's generally very good. I honestly don't see the problem.
And it isn't. So your point is...? :D Keaveny's show is the sort of thing I like to listen to at breakfast: amusing without being wacky, talks a little rather than so much you want to kill him to play the next tune, and the music's generally very good. I honestly don't see the problem.
Saying "I kiss you on both cheeks" and playing the Stars Wars theme tune every fucking show.

Yeah, that's not wacky at all.
Saying "I kiss you on both cheeks" and playing the Stars Wars theme tune every fucking show.

Yeah, that's not wacky at all.

Is he really doing this?! My DAB has been broken for about a month and bizarrely will only tune to Absolute 90's or a Christian radio station, so I've not listened to my beloved Keaveny for a while. Not sure I've heard him do either of those things.

I'm just gutted he can no longer do his hilarious Jimmy Saville impersonation. Always tickled me that one (waits for editor to combust...):D
You may be the only one. He's as funny as pigeon shit on your chips.

He's funny on the whole. "Middle-aged shout-outs" really used to crack me up.

edit - Colin Murray on the other hand. Well, one sacking this month - I predict more in the future. He's a bit of a bollock.
Is he really doing this?!
Every time I've listened to him, that fucking Star Wars theme plays out at some point as he talks shit on top, and although I rarely make it to the end of his show, every time I have he's ended it with his 'thigh-slapping' catchphrase.
Nope, don't think Keavney is funny either.

It's like he's been told what funny is by someone else and feels like he should give it a go because everyone else is doing, but ultimately he doesn't really care or understand.

Keavney attempting funny is like Peter Mannion trying to get to grips with social media.
No Keavney in the mornings here either - I'm not for music that early in the morning, a strict middle-aged diet of the Today programme on Radio 4 fits the bill. The only times that takes a turn for the worst is when John Humphreys is interviewing someone political who, naturally, fail to give any sort of straight answer - then it can get a bit stressful as a listener until it's over.
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