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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

I turned it on, heard that utter dickhead Shaun whatever his name is talking over an entire track of the Damned and turned it off again..

Radcliffe and Maconie put a dog barking on some of the tracks they play... and if I hear Radcliffe mention the "now defunct Radio 2" again, I'll switch to Steve bloody Wright.
Keavney, Wright or Moyles? No choice for me really, got to be 6 Music. I know there's other stations but I literally can't stand ad-breaks every two songs, it makes me furious.
I'm giving Radio 1 another go after a long time. Being 8 hours behind means I usually miss the daytime shows anyway. Was listening to Benji B on my mobile while doing the shopping yesterday which was good.

Zane Lowe is actually slightly less annoying than Radcliffe & Maconie and actually plays better tunes, not counting the occasional teen-angst bands like 30 Seconds to Mars.
I honestly can't think of one person in the world more annoying than Zane Lowe. I genuinely can't.
Nah, he's not a twat in actuality. Don't like his DJing style but hes a good sort in real life. Radclife and Maconie on the other hand. fucking hell. We should rename this thread actually. I dont hate laverne anywhere near as much as those two idiots. Can you imagine having a drink with them?
zane simply comes across as intense. Which is OK, intense people are at least normal, just dialled up a bit. Radcliff and Maconie are just nobhead and northern
Save your wrath for Radcliffe please -Maconie is a delight on his own, and The Freakzone is one of the best programmes on any station. It's just a shame he flips to tedious banter mode when put near Radcliffe.
Radcliffe is actually amazingly shite on his own. Comes a cross like John from the comic 'garfiled misus garfield'
blimey yes - i sometimes wondered if the Maconie from Freakzone was a quieter, more intense younger brother - paired with MR , both of them are unbearable arses.
I have gone back to 4 for long periods of the day when I want to dull the noise of the grand-daughter and her mum.
From Tim Ireland:

BBC Radio 6 just described Aretha Franklin singing 'Respect' as being 'from the movie Airplane... showing on Sky2 on Sunday night'.
Keavney is an utter cunt and should be taken off air and banished to the East Midlands Hospital Radio service at the earliest convenience. He is NOT FUNNY. He is not witty. He's just a party bore dickhead who thinks his pointless ramblings are hilarious.
For fuck's sake. These two chummy cunts should be taken off air NOW.

The Radcliffe & Maconie Show has blocked my email address on their 'comments' page :mad:

I've only emailed it about 5 times in 2 or 3 years requesting that they shut the fuck up and play some music
Keavney is an utter cunt and should be taken off air and banished to the East Midlands Hospital Radio service at the earliest convenience. He is NOT FUNNY. He is not witty. He's just a party bore dickhead who thinks his pointless ramblings are hilarious.

Yup. I'm now starting to find him insufferable. His constant witterings about his weight and and what he's eating in a kind of self deprecating (but not) way just make me want to put my foot through the radio and send him the bill. Party bore is bang on. I'll just whack my iPod in the mornings now ta.
Insufferable great word for him. Lame and annoying beyond all reason. Mind you the whole BBC6 thing has gone right down hill over the last few years.
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