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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

he was english ffs. His mother was catholic, and so was he in that faintly still disaproved of peculiar upper class way- went CofE to marry his childhood sweetheart. English.
tbf, listening to it now - she does play a lot of stuff that's not on the sanctioned playlist. it's just the twitter/headphone moments bullshit that really grates.
I would have thought the Twitterati, smelling blood would have surged forward to finish off Laverne, but it would seem the reverse took place.

6Music echo chamber?
He was just having a "moment" I guess. We've all done it. Even here. Problem is, when it balloon out of all proportions.

Hope he doesn't do a Stephen Fry like runner or 6 fire him...
he's currently backtracking massively on twitter. poor dude. im sure we've all had stupidly drunken moments on the net but dont have the public profile he does. ouch. he must feel like a prize cock.
That's why it was funny. Cos of all the serious music heads getting pissed off cos he was playing ragga and doing air horns instead of playing the latest hip beats. He was trying to wind everyone up and everyone got wound up. I found it funny anyway.
I'm guessing her show appeals to a certain demographic that 6 has been chasing - hence the increase in audience numbers. To keep the station going; they need those numbers. Specialist shows (which are the reason I listen) just don't pull in serious numbers (unfortunately).
I'm guessing her show appeals to a certain demographic that 6 has been chasing - hence the increase in audience numbers. To keep the station going; they need those numbers. Specialist shows (which are the reason I listen) just don't pull in serious numbers (unfortunately).

Well, if you believe Huey's (since deleted, boozed/coked up) tweets, the reason her show's ratings went up are down him

Which i can entirely believe
laverne's actually preferable to the 'jolly' idiot on now (radcliffe or maconie, cant tell them apart) with their fucking 'chain' segment.
Just interested like but how did Huey infer that? Because people tune in for him a bit early or summat?

Not listening to the radio much at the moment, especially in the morning, so swerving all the Laverne babble. Would just like to add that I concur that she's much more appreciable on the TV...
He filled in for her while she was on maternity leave. to general acclaim. This period coincided with a massive spike in ratings for 6.
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