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BBC6 Radio - comment, discussion and moans

Lamacq's perfectly acceptable, no idea why anyone would diss him. I'd far prefer him have the morning show than the cunt who is currently rabbiting on about headphone moments.
I don't like his 'wear your old band t shirt to work day' thingg. I have niether a job nor a band t shirt.

he does have good taste though.
Fuck Laverne's ridiculous People's Playlist and she can shove her ludicrous 'Biorhythm' right up her Twitter.
Ok. I finally talked my colleagues into switching to 6 from Absolute.

On Absolute - the Smiths.

On 6 *MUSIC*. Some fucking northern monkey talking about the oysters he had for dinner last night.
Geoff Lloyd on Absolute is really good.
Shaun Keaveny's 'Middle Aged Shout-Outs' are ripped off from an episode of Two Pints. I know that's not exactly news, but it mildly irks me every morning. Still less irksome than the Today Programme, though, so I continue to tolerate it.
He's ok. Compare and contrast to the days of George Lamb. It still seems unreal he was given a show on 6 :eek:
Laverne's been interviewing the dullest woman in the world for the last 10 minutes, somehow forgetting what her station's called. XFM on now.

skyscraper, did u actually manage to listen to lamb's show? seriously? with all his hilarious air horns and shit?
oh apparently that dull woman was patti smith :facepalm::D

she sounded like she was on ketamine. not friday work radio friendly.
Laverne's been interviewing the dullest woman in the world for the last 10 minutes, somehow forgetting what her station's called. XFM on now.

skyscraper, did u actually manage to listen to lamb's show? seriously? with all his hilarious air horns and shit?

Yeah I found it pretty funny. But Lamb never took himself seriously. Everything he did was a pisstake.. he was certainly more enjoyable than Steve Boring Lamacq
I just posted this on the good bits about R6 thread, but then realised my fellow Lauren Laverne haters need to know. Huey Morgan is filling in for LL all this week... it's safe to turn your radio on ;)
Glad to see so many other Lamacq haters. I actually don't have a problem with Lauren Laverne, although her show (any show, tbh) is infinitely improved by a Huey Morgan takeover :oops: But Lamacq is so boring, boring, deadly dull. The music he plays is dull and there is DEFINITELY more than a hint of Smashie and Nicey about his patter. Ugh.

Was gratified to hear how much improved Radcliffe and Maconie's show was without Radcliffe there the other week. He is another serially boring old tosspot.

I listen to Chris Evans!!!1! in the mornings because Shaun Keaveney is such a useless fucking bonehead.

I'll sign up to the Lamacq hater brigade. He proves that it's simply not enough to have a nerdy fascination with music to be a DJ - you also need charisma which Lamacq lacks. I'll listen to Lauren Laverne over Lamacq and also Radcliffe / Maconie any day. Perhaps my slight crush on her is clouding my judgement!

I can rarely manage any 'Morning show' any joviality at that time jars - often the most jolly I can manage is the Today Program.

This morning, along with many others on this thread I'm sure, I'm very happy to be 'staying classy' with Huey!
I can rarely manage any 'Morning show' any joviality at that time jars - often the most jolly I can manage is the Today Program.
I do sometimes wonder if there are any breakfast shows that would fit the sensibilities of those who listen in the evening/weekends. Did anyone hear Phil Jupitus when he did the original 6Music breakfast show?

There really should be a breakfast show for people who don't want sunshine on their cereal and just want something to listen to while they curse the morning.
I do sometimes wonder if there are any breakfast shows that would fit the sensibilities of those who listen in the evening/weekends. Did anyone hear Phil Jupitus when he did the original 6Music breakfast show?

There really should be a breakfast show for people who don't want sunshine on their cereal and just want something to listen to while they curse the morning.

It's too early for me to remember details, but R6 goes very early most Saturday and Sunday's while I ready myself for rowing. The music is often suitably mellow which helps.

I think Gideon Coe had a breakfast show - or at least an early show which I liked. I can't remember Phil Jupitus's show.
They both had the early and late morning show side by side and they were very enjoyable too, both playing a very enjoyable eclectic mix of genres of all ages then some stupid bitch took over the station's management and traded the music for gimmicks and brought in fucking Keaveney and Lamb thus rendering the morning shows joke slots. Closer to the fucking music my fucking arse :mad:
Argh, Radcliffe and Maconie on the headphones or absolute radio + my colleague singing along to every shit song (currently goo goo dolls)..?
Not keen on Lauren's interviewing but on the whole she holds her show together well and I don't find the least annoying, a minority view here by the looks of it.
Oh for fuck's sake. Now just boasting about her stupid fucking people's playlist was 'trending' on Twitter.
Who gives a flying fuck? Play some fucking music and shut up.
yesterday radcliff and maconie were banging on about lolcats, explaining what they actually were. To an audience of an internet & digital only station aimed at 20-40 yo's.

the technophobe bumbeblling might play well on radio fucking two but its embarrassing on 6
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