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Barclays/TFL cycle hire scheme in London

There are more than a few very long slopes though, and they're worse than hills on a heavy bike.
If they can have them in Camden (top of a long rise) then they can have them in Brixton (flat as flat can be all the way to the river)
Having bikes around here would be especially useful for journeys on the Clapham-Brixton-Peckham Great Rubbish Public Transport Axis.
Don't get me started on THAT one. Especially how ELLX phase 2 will completely fail to fix it adequately.

It'll completely fail Brixton, but now that I am closer to Denmark Hill, I am looking forward to direct links to East London and to Clapham Junction. That's going to be really useful.
Fees set to double :(
The surprise news that Boris Bike access charges will double from £1 to £2 a day, £5 to £10 a week and £45 to £90 a year is certain to anger many regular users.
Most of the users of these bikes are young middle class employed white males. They can afford it.
I think the bikes will only become essential if and when the economy picks up. Any more crowds on tube & buses will simply force people onto the bikes. The bike scheme has been running during a big recession where the public transport system has just about coped. I assume it's losing money right now but TFL aren't giving anything away.
The number of bikes in the system is a drop in the ocean compared to the capacity of the tubes, trains and buses. They can't become essential for commuting, regardless of demand.
The number of bikes in the system is a drop in the ocean compared to the capacity of the tubes, trains and buses. They can't become essential for commuting, regardless of demand.
True, 'essential' isn't the right word. I meant the scheme will be become viable once you get more desperate commuters feeling they have to use the bikes.
It currently works out cheaper for me to buy a weekly railcard to Victoria Station and get a boris bike from Victoria station to work. But that will cease to be the case if the cost doubles. Shit.
It currently works out cheaper for me to buy a weekly railcard to Victoria Station and get a boris bike from Victoria station to work. But that will cease to be the case if the cost doubles. Shit.
Even with the high risk of bike theft, that raised hire price could make it worthwhile to buy a bikeshaped object plus a decent pair of locks and just leave it locked in Central London. An alternative will be the Brompton hire which will be rolled out.
Dear Mr Kanda,

Over 17 million journeys have been made using Barclays Cycle Hire since it was launched in July 2010. To make improvements to the future operation of the scheme, the access fees for Barclays Cycle Hire will increase from Wednesday 2 January 2013:
  • 24 hour access will increase from £1 to £2
  • Weekly access will increase from £5 to £10
  • Annual membership will increase from £45 to £90
After hiring a bike, the first thirty minutes of use will still be free. All other usage charges and additional charges including late return, non return and bicycle damage will not change.

If you have auto‑renew set up on your account, the new access fee will automatically be charged after 1 January 2013. Remember, if you have multiple keys on your account the same access fee will be charged for each key.

To find out more about the changes and how they might affect you, please visit tfl.gov.uk/cyclehire

Blimey! That's some increase!

Apologies, didn't realise that had been posted!
When do you publish the results of your survey?
Fairly common knowledge I thought?

"A Transport for London (TfL) customer satisfaction survey from September – obtained by Surveyor – reveals more than three-quarters of the scheme’s users are men and half earn upwards of £50,000 per year, while 88% are white."
New York has just launched its own very similar bike rental programme. The bikes look almost identical to the London ones save for the sponsor. Major difference from what I understood on the radio is that the stations are solar powered, wheras London's are hard wired.

But the whole scheme has had a pretty harsh reaction from the New York press. Seemingly differing opinion between Murdoch owned papers which have dissed it big time. And Michael Bloomberg is pissed off. Ah well :D

Can anyone recommend an app for android for the TfL cycle scheme? My map has finally fallen to pieces. I've found a few apps online but all the reviews seems to be from a few years back, just wondering if there's anything newer/better.
Can anyone recommend an app for android for the TfL cycle scheme? My map has finally fallen to pieces. I've found a few apps online but all the reviews seems to be from a few years back, just wondering if there's anything newer/better.

There's a TFL one I loaded last week. Seems OK. Take your location and bungs up the info for nearest stations.
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