Sorry to be pedandic, but the new tech isn't jet based, it's just uses props. It's the shape of it causing air to flow more smoothly that makes it very efficient.But ... but ... but ... we're going to have a new generation of ethical environmentally sound private jets that won't cause pollution of any kind. THAT's why we shouldn't oppress the fantastically rich by banning the shitty polluting ones they've got now. The market will sort it all out just like it has solved global heating.
Eventually. Or it may not but who cares eh.
If they manage to scale it, then it will affect us all, because it means the bottom of the private charter market is much more accessable.
We might even see a time where a small party of people would be able to charter one of these new planes and the trip would be greener and cheaper than taking a commercial passenger jet on certain trips.
It's counter-productive to think of the private charter market as the exclusive preserve of the rich, because this tech is all set to change that, making flying greener for everyone, not just the rich.