This Machine Kills Progressives
Rudd 57 - Gillard 45
Right, now the GG - fingers crossed - will refuse him the PM role.
KRudd has been unable to resist the temptation to knife Juliar despite repeated assurances to the contrary. Leadership vote at 7pm Canberra time.
There's real drama as it could go either way and a possible constitutional crisis as the Governor General may choose not to anoint KRudd as PM.
Doesn't look likely. He's still got to survive a no-confidence vote if Abbot moves one, but two of the independents have already said that they'll back him.Right, now the GG - fingers crossed - will refuse him the PM role.
Speaking of boxing people off, if memory serves Gillard moved against Rudd three years ago because General Krudd was trying to rein in the Aussie mining corporations, make them pay a bit more tax and so on. I assume he's promised to be a good boy on that front, this time around?
His scheme would have been massively better than the one which was implemented by Gillard (it couldn't have been much worse) but even if he had the desire he doesn't really have enough time to get anything like that through.Speaking of boxing people off, if memory serves Gillard moved against Rudd three years ago because General Krudd was trying to rein in the Aussie mining corporations, make them pay a bit more tax and so on. I assume he's promised to be a good boy on that front, this time around?
Julie Gillard, You go girl-
Is that Harold Bishop behind her on the right?
That must be one of the nicest things anybody has ever said about Wayne Swanand Napoleon Solo on the left?
That must be one of the nicest things anybody has ever said about Wayne Swan