Some DM comments
Those comments - Aw c'mon, is this how the cut of the jib of these people looks? How can one even attempt to engage with people such as those? The stupid bastards don't even realise once civilisation in the form of social security is dismantled it'll be them and their kids who'll suffer. The gig is fucked, we're all sunk - And whatever dickhead civilisation ends up evolving from the ashes will probably end up in a thousand years resenting whatever social security system they ever end up having in place as well.
Somebody somewhere have mercy please.
Get me out of this shit - Otherwise "Drink til you're dead, Dr Dick said" seems like the only sensible advice - I resent having to do that if that ends up being the case, but a long drawn out death from cirrhosis seems an infinitely better option than watching the frog being boiled.