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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

Allegra Stratton on Newsnight(has the ear of cabinet tories) is stating that its likely all benefits will be frozen for two years, now we can why Gideon allowed benefits to be uprated earlier this year, so he could point to the unfairness of ''claimants getting more than workers''...

Not ALL benefits.

As usual, they're steering clear of riling the oldies.
i had my medical today, it was ok, though I was a little surprised that when talking about suicidal feelings at her question "what stopped you?", but that could be my interpretation .

Just have to wait now
i had my medical today, it was ok, though I was a little surprised that when talking about suicidal feelings at her question "what stopped you?", but that could be my interpretation .

Just have to wait now

Did you reply "not wanting to give you the satisfaction"? :rolleyes:

Glad you've got it over and done with, and it wasn't too traumatic. Fingers crossed for good result
actually i'm just rethinking that statement, she was a nurse and she led the interview ok, i'm not as sure of myself now, but she gave the impression she understood me. She commented on the muscle mass difference of left and right legs, she understood adaptions. I was mortified when I couldn't remember the last paid job I had, <my mind went totally blank> she can either treat it fairly or not. :hmm:
actually i'm just rethinking that statement, she was a nurse and she led the interview ok, i'm not as sure of myself now, but she gave the impression she understood me. She commented on the muscle mass difference of left and right legs, she understood adaptions. I was mortified when I couldn't remember the last paid job I had, <my mind went totally blank> she can either treat it fairly or not. :hmm:
You did your best, that's all you can do.
well if it went ok, it will be fine if not I can look forward to getting a job, that will be good I look forward to life changing, its been fucking shit surviving.

I only got DLA on appeal.

and life was very much easier then.

waiting is going to be hard
Well the friend I took two weeks ago, heard today that he got no points :( This despite having been ill more or less constantly since the medicsl with allergy associated effects, skin swollen and sore, etc. he will appeal.

Re running yesterdays interview in my head. Its not really helpful, but I'm in pain, sciatic nerve really twanging.
apologies for hijacking the thread - and apparently killing it​
i know that I contradicted myself yesterday, and found some of the questioning so difficult that I gave answers which were acceptable but wern't actually true.

Unfortunately today is a bad day, I am dropping with tired. One of the questions, we had talked about my sleep walking, night activity, (I hate talking about it) then we moved on on to medication, went through blood pressure and diabetes meds ok, then pain relief, explaining my over sensitivity to opiates, 2 different typles "so do you take them regularly" No,and again no. " Right, sleeping pills do you you take them?" Yes, "do they work?" I said yes, I felt it was pathetic to say the truth, they do help in that I now get some sleep every night, but that might be 2 hours.

So I may as well prepare myself for the appeal process..​
Questions were certainly not "open questions", but no one is pretending this process is fair.​
Can anyone advise me if there is anything I should be doing right now.​
apologies for hijacking the thread - and apparently killing it​
i know that I contradicted myself yesterday, and found some of the questioning so difficult that I gave answers which were acceptable but wern't actually true.​
Unfortunately today is a bad day, I am dropping with tired. One of the questions, we had talked about my sleep walking, night activity, (I hate talking about it) then we moved on on to medication, went through blood pressure and diabetes meds ok, then pain relief, explaining my over sensitivity to opiates, 2 different typles "so do you take them regularly" No,and again no. " Right, sleeping pills do you you take them?" Yes, "do they work?" I said yes, I felt it was pathetic to say the truth, they do help in that I now get some sleep every night, but that might be 2 hours.​
So I may as well prepare myself for the appeal process..​
Questions were certainly not "open questions", but no one is pretending this process is fair.​
Can anyone advise me if there is anything I should be doing right now.​
Make as many notes as you can on what happened in the interview, and if you remember new details add those too. I would also suggest making notes of how you have been since the interview. There is no way today's bad day isn't connected to all the stress and anxiety this is putting you through.

You haven't hijacked the thread at all - it's what it's here for, for as long as you need it.

Take it easy lovey x x
Make as many notes as you can on what happened in the interview, and if you remember new details add those too. I would also suggest making notes of how you have been since the interview. There is no way today's bad day isn't connected to all the stress and anxiety this is putting you through.

You haven't hijacked the thread at all - it's what it's here for, for as long as you need it.<snip>
I think Atos get a bad press. Some of their medical operatives have been given a thorough 8 day training course. Just because they don't make eye contact as they key in your details to the computer doesn't mean that they are not interested in the individual.

edited: thing becomes think
I thing Atos get a bad press. Some of their medical operatives have been given a thorough 8 day training course. Just because they don't make eye contact as they key in your details to the computer doesn't mean that they are not interested in the individual.
What..!? Have you read this thread and others like it or are you just following DWP rhetoric?
i had my medical today, it was ok, though I was a little surprised that when talking about suicidal feelings at her question "what stopped you?", but that could be my interpretation .

Just have to wait now
WTF..!!! "what stopped you?" Out of order..!!

ETA.. This is why these assessments SHOULD be taped.

tbf, that one's really difficult. And not just in ATOS assessments.

I can remember speaking to a drugs worker, who was in on an MH assessment for a section 136 (basically a psychiatric assessment after someone'd been taken into 'care' by the police). And the psychiatrist asked why she'd tried to kill herself on a stretch of road in front of a bus station filled with people, and not just round the corner on the (unwatched) main / A road.

If that question was asked in a therapeutic environment or, hell, even by the Samaritans, it could be a really good way of exploring someone's resources, strengths, perceptions of their situation, suicidal-ness *and* the 'real' nature of their support / other needs. (Someone who wasn't intending to die might still have fairly hefty support needs, but addressing them as though they were disordered and suicidal might be inappropriate, and not - necessarily - only for reasons of resourcing).

On the other hand, when it's asked by an ATOS assessor...
I assume this is a piss-take?
Yup, I have been reading up about Atos. They are a massive multinational company based in France with branches all over the world including Australia. They have gobbled up lots of smaller companies including the medical side of Seimens. They have their own healthcare division and I wouldn't be surprised if they become one of the government's "preferred bidders" when it comes to the privatization of the health service. I was in my reference to the 8 day training hoping people would remember the 6 year training that a proper doctor gets.
Care models for people with longterm conditions and medically unexplained symptoms- How do we embed collaboration?

More Biopsychosocial "It's all in your head" shit bleeding into the medical system.
Slide 43 - Engagement
Basically doctors should pretend to care ie be"empathetic".
They should also pretend to the patient that they take their physical symptoms seriously. They've not to mention anything to do with psychology, but they've not bother investigating if there is any physical cause which would explain the symptoms of the patient.

Slide 45 - Recovery is just a form of behaviour and has nothing to do with whether the patient is still experiencing symptoms.
I've read through the slides, and haven't found anything that says that. I've ctrl+fed 'pretend,' and can't find the word used there.

wrt 'not bother investigating it...' The same document does state earlier that they'd only usually begin to consider approaching problems as 'medically unexplained' when they'd been through all available / apparent diagnostic tests. What they're outlining doesn't read to me as bad practice; more trying to find people find a way of improving their coping skills / quality of life when medical tests and treatment aren't being that useful.

e2a: and, in my reading, they very clearly *don't* state that "it's all in your head." In my reading, at least.
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