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Atos Medicals - Questions, Answers and Support

Just remember that suicide isn't going to stop ATOS declaring you fit to work.
I thought that one had already been addressed; if your decomposing corpse is even warm or recognisably humanoid you're likely to be declared fit for work by some incompetent or conscienceless bureaucrat. :rolleyes:
This is what I will think will happen to me. :(
I am just hoping that we will still be able to claim housing benefit even if the ESA is stopped.

You will - on the basis of zero income. Assuming your ESA claim does get rejected (and I hope it doesn't), take your appeal as far as it'll go - to the tribunal, coz the tribunal is the bit that isn't just going off ATOS/IDS's whim - The tribunal goes off social security law and how it applies to the facts that you've supplied them with. You're where I was at the end of last year kittyP , it's a massive ballache to say the least and I'm not going to lie, if your claim gets turned down there's a long hard road ahead of you - But walk that road - I couldn't see the point, but I ended up winning my appeal, you can too - And, if you do get turned down go to your doc and get a sicknote and claim ESA at the appeal rate, don't throw in the towel like I did & sign on the dole coz that will cause you headaches. Stay strong, sister, there's a lot of people on here who are in your corner.
You will - on the basis of zero income. Assuming your ESA claim does get rejected (and I hope it doesn't), take your appeal as far as it'll go - to the tribunal, coz the tribunal is the bit that isn't just going off ATOS/IDS's whim - The tribunal goes off social security law and how it applies to the facts that you've supplied them with. You're where I was at the end of last year kittyP , it's a massive ballache to say the least and I'm not going to lie, if your claim gets turned down there's a long hard road ahead of you - But walk that road - I couldn't see the point, but I ended up winning my appeal, you can too - And, if you do get turned down go to your doc and get a sicknote and claim ESA at the appeal rate, don't throw in the towel like I did & sign on the dole coz that will cause you headaches. Stay strong, sister, there's a lot of people on here who are in your corner.

I am struggling to even leave the house atm, there is no way I am going to be able to sign on to JSA no matter what happens.

Thank you for your support and advice. It means a lot.
Massive Urban love x x
I am struggling to even leave the house atm, there is no way I am going to be able to sign on to JSA no matter what happens.

Thank you for your support and advice. It means a lot.
Massive Urban love x x

Well if claiming JSA is a definite no-no, defo do make sure you get out of the house to at least get a sicknote to claim ESA at the appeal rate.

And tell the pricks how you struggle to leave the house - Guild the lilly if you have to (and you do), it's not lying - The system is set up for you to fail, so you do need to play them at their own - The points system/criteria/whatever it's called is online - Use it & make your symptoms appear to fit those criteria - The system is flawed & treats everyone as a cheat so, sad as it is, this is what you have to do. I know you're going through it & I hope this advice hasn't pecked your head further.

All the best *fistbump* *red star over europe* *success to the plough* etc etc xx
My mate had an interview a few months back, following which he was found capable of work, which was a bit surprising. When he read the doctors report of their meeting, he discovered that said doc had completely and utterly lied about what he (my mate) had actually said. So, 'I can sometimes walk as far as the local shop, but cant get around it since they changed the layout inside' became 'Can walk to the shop.'

Fortunately my mate had discreetly recorded the meeting, as he feared the doc would bend the truth, altho not to the extent he actually did. So he goes along to an initial appeal and goes to play the recording, but is then told he cant do so, as he hadn't got the docs permission to record, and so the recording - despite showing clearly that the doc had fabricated his notes - cannot be used. He can,apparently, use it for social and domestic purposes, which is nice.

Anyone think of a way he can still sneak the recoding into an appeal? Or the facts contained therein? Cos otherwise its just his word against the docs, of course.
Update: after two appeals, he finally actually won his case a week ago, and it was agreed he was incapable of work.

Sometime over the weekened, he provided the ultimate evidence of his illness.

RIP mate, we'll keep slamming the bastards for you :(
Update: after two appeals, he finally actually won his case a week ago, and it was agreed he was incapable of work.

Sometime over the weekened, he provided the ultimate evidence of his illness.

RIP mate, we'll keep slamming the bastards for you :(
Very sorry about what your friend went through and your loss of him belboid, this is just plain wrong.

ESA and IB are supposed to be there as something for people to live on while they need to concentrate on looking after themselves - not as a source of extra stress and hardship when you're already in a very bad state. :mad:
Update: after two appeals, he finally actually won his case a week ago, and it was agreed he was incapable of work.

Sometime over the weekened, he provided the ultimate evidence of his illness.

RIP mate, we'll keep slamming the bastards for you :(
So sorry to hear this belboid.

Fucking ATOS. And Cameron, more blood on his hands, it'll never wash off.
Update: after two appeals, he finally actually won his case a week ago, and it was agreed he was incapable of work.

Sometime over the weekened, he provided the ultimate evidence of his illness.

RIP mate, we'll keep slamming the bastards for you :(

My condolences. :(
Update: after two appeals, he finally actually won his case a week ago, and it was agreed he was incapable of work.

Sometime over the weekened, he provided the ultimate evidence of his illness.

RIP mate, we'll keep slamming the bastards for you :(

Oh fucking hell I am so sorry :(
and dla is a passport benefit in other ways, 20 quid a week lost isn't such a big deal. it's the other 80 quid or so a week in other stuff that is the big deal.

Think it's more than that if you're on higher rate

Lower rate doesn't really get you anything does it?
lower rate of either is passport to extra tax credits and extra earnings allowed for HB/ctb. plus there are some discounted dtuff that being disabled in any way cvan get you

Yes, but having higher rate gives you mobility, and transport is expensive, so having travel pass/car at least enables you to get out and about. You won't be able to do that if you get knocked off higher rate, so people are at risk of become even more socially excluded
Yes, but having higher rate gives you mobility, and transport is expensive, so having travel pass/car at least enables you to get out and about. You won't be able to do that if you get knocked off higher rate, so people are at risk of become even more socially excluded

not disagreeing with you. just adding the extra onto what you were saying. or trying to.
Im not sure if im posting this in the right place but here goes... i went for my first ESA atos medical today. Ive done a bit of research online and im quite concerned because my 'healthcare professional' sat typing loads and loads into his computer, but i thought it was all check box type things? would ths be a good or bad sign? anyone know? i am totally stressing over the decision that will be made :( any help would be very much appreciated x
Im not sure if im posting this in the right place but here goes... i went for my first ESA atos medical today. Ive done a bit of research online and im quite concerned because my 'healthcare professional' sat typing loads and loads into his computer, but i thought it was all check box type things? would ths be a good or bad sign? anyone know? i am totally stressing over the decision that will be made :( any help would be very much appreciated x

relax, you're in the right place.

and i'm sure someone will tell you shortly. TBH, I don't know it will make much difference. it all seems very random who gets through
Im not sure if im posting this in the right place but here goes... i went for my first ESA atos medical today. Ive done a bit of research online and im quite concerned because my 'healthcare professional' sat typing loads and loads into his computer, but i thought it was all check box type things? would ths be a good or bad sign? anyone know? i am totally stressing over the decision that will be made :( any help would be very much appreciated x

the one I went to with a friend, the 'healthcare professional' seemed to be typing text for most questions rather than just clicking yes / no type answers.

I would have thought that they have to record (as in make a note of) some of what's said to justify their decision whether or not someone meets each yes/no thing.

Don't give up, even if you get a 'computer says no' letter - the proportion of appeals that are upheld is considerably higher than it would be if the system wasn't a complete and utter steaming pile of :facepalm: - although try and get help - if nothing else from this here thread - if you do go as far as appeal.

ETA - didn't mean "record" as in audio recording
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