some videos here :
also photos :
I have not checked the links that teqniq gave, some photos may be the same.
It is impossible to give a prediction of the number of the people that were on the roads of Athens yesterday and outside the parliament square. Some are talking about 200,000 some about 500,000 some about 1 million (!!) people.... I believe that the 1 million is an exaggeration but we are definitely talking about hundreds of thousands. For nearly 3 hours people were passing from parliament square and demonstrating, all the square and the nearby roads were completely packed and it was impossible for so many people to be in that area....
On the beginning of the demo there were the syndicalists of the Greek Communist Party (PAME) and then all the rest of the demo was following. When PAME reached the parliament square they formed a cordon and started PROTECTING THE PARLIAMENT from the demonstrators... If you could see them they were like riot police turning their back towards the building and facing the demonstration. They stayed there for quite a while but when the square got really packed and the situation started getting more serious they left, together with their demo and left their position for the RIOT police ....
As I have written and on other posts in this thread, the whole attitude of the public towards the demo and the police etc has changed significantly. I understand that the mass media are talking about some hooligan anarchists that started the riots etc, but the reality is that the majority of the demo supported the riots even if they were not all taking part on them. You can hear the people booing on every chemical grenade that is sent by the police, and cheering on every petrol bomb or whatever gets thrown at them. You can see middle aged people, women and men of all ages basically, verbally confronting the police. The public is angry, VERY ANGRY and to be honest, I cannot predict exactly how this situation will end.
Oh something else to note, there were some english speaking riot police officers yesterday. They were dressed with the same uniforms as the greek police, but they were not involved in any riots, just observing. I do not know if they were actually british, but they were not greek for sure.
I am off again for the streets there is another demo today.