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Athens Greece: Cops murder a 16 year old

All information so far is coming in from corporate media and is therefore extremely difficult to be checked for its accuracy. More, reliable info as it comes. A courier company employee was slightly injured this morning in the neighbourhood of Pagrati, in Athens: a booby-trap bomb exploded in her hands; the letter supposedly had the embassy of Mexico in Greece as its recipient. Following the injury, police have arrested two male men aged 22 and 24, which according to the police were carrying a package with two home-made explosive mechanisms and two GLOCK-type guns. The two bombs were allegedly addressed to the Belgian Embassy in Athens and to the French president, Nikola Sarkozy. Following the arrests and further police investigation, another trapped letter was found in the offices of a different courier company in the same neighbourhood; this letter had the embassy of the Netherlands in Greece as its final recipient.

I cannot really confirm what is accurate and what not, the media today are all day speaking about various packages in embassies.... In a couple of occasions I know that it was false alarm and the packages were not dangerous at all.

During the last few days arrests and detentions of people who are "suspicious" to the state have increased rapidly. The mass media and the state will try to use these "explosions" and "bombs" (I use inverted commas as not all packages were actually bombs or dangerous) and will try to link them with the arrests and detentions but also with "terrorist groups" that have acted in the past in a clear attempt to terrify the public in light of the forthcoming district elections this weekend.
Some frankly laugable stuff popping up at the moment in the media

Dr Drougos says US intelligence officials are concerned that, in the future in Greece, there may be co-operation between anarchist groups and Islamist organisations because they have common targets.


The name of the alleged group has surely got to be a pisstake

'The Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire'

Didn't realise Tolkien and Games Workshop were so big amoung Greek anarchos.
All information so far is coming in from corporate media and is therefore extremely difficult to be checked for its accuracy.

You presumably are waiting for the "radical" media to come up with the "truth".

The German government has confirmed that someone sent a bomb from Greece, which presumably was intended to injure either postal workers or clerical staff in the mailroom.

A worker at the Mexican embassy in Athens was injured by a similar bomb.

Staff in courier companies and consular staff at various embassies have also been put at risk.

It sounds to me like you are in denial that such things are going on in your country, Dimitris.

Which side are you on? Do you think the fingers and faces of postal workers and mailroom staff are expendable in the fight for.... whatever you think these animals are "fighting" for?
No I am not in denial I am just very careful when I refer to information gathered by the greek mass media because I know how they usually work. You have to understand that at the time that I was writing that message not all info was clear and at that time I had no info in my hands by german or other media sources. If there were, I was not aware of them at that time. I now know that the german media confirm that the package was delivered, I also know that an another package that was directed towards Berlusconi was stopped at the greek airport today and exploded in the hands of the police with no injuries. All these packages are booby trapped explosive devices but I cannot really call them bombs because they do not even injure the people that open the packages, as it happened today with the parcel that was going towards Italy. Our government has now blocked all air shipments for 48 hours. Some of the parcels that were called as suspicious by the police were finally proven to be just simple parcels with documents inside but the media - at least in Greece - did not clear out immediately which parcels were actually explosive and which were just false alarm.

The Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire' is an existing group but of course there are no links with Islamic groups this is just propaganda.
After a long time that I was away of the boards I am finally back online.
a late welcome back post here. Glad you're still with us, and thanks for periodically updating this thread, as it's a useful thread for those of us not in greece / not involved to get some idea of what's going on over there.

good to see that Korkoneas was found guilty, I'd missed anything about that in the media over here. That's something positive at least to have come from all the protests, and even if it's not resulted in major institutional change within in the police, it's hopefully made individual police officers realise that they aren't entirely beyond the law and there could be consequences for them if they really overstep the mark, which is possibly the first step on the process of sorting the police out.

over here they let the copper off with no charges who killed a demonstrator last year. Maybe we should have followed your example.
All these packages are booby trapped explosive devices but I cannot really call them bombs because they do not even injure the people that open the packages, as it happened today with the parcel that was going towards Italy. Our government has now blocked all air shipments for 48 hours. Some of the parcels that were called as suspicious by the police were finally proven to be just simple parcels with documents inside but the media - at least in Greece - did not clear out immediately which parcels were actually explosive and which were just false alarm.

The Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire' is an existing group but of course there are no links with Islamic groups this is just propaganda.

Calling the devices were "booby trapped" doesn't take away from the fact that they are explosive devices, and like all bombs of this kind they are designed to injure postal and mailroom staff, and to cause fear among workers. The point of using a few real bombs is that it makes all parcels potential bombs in workers' minds. The group that is responsible is trying to achieve a political end by maiming workers and cause many other workers fear that they will be maimed. A false alarm is still alarm, and in our law, at least, causing a false alarm is treated as seriously as doing the real thing, because the point of terrorism is terror, not killing or maiming people. I hope the Greek laws are comparable.

I am sure that the group named is in no way islamist, but rather an entirely home grown Greek terrorist organisation. Time for people to make up their minds which side they're on - the terrorists or the people. It is not for me as a foreigner to try to tell Greeks what to think or do, but this is a British forum and it's reasonable for me to express an opinion here to you as an individual who also comments here. If the left allow themselves to be portrayed as on the side of the terrorists they will be as marginalised as the terrorists and will provide the right with the excuse for repression.
You are either with us or against us, very G W Bush way of thinking here mate. The typical "black or white" argument recycled for one more time ...

I am not going to get in any debate though concerning the parcels, before
I see and read a communique issued by someone who takes responsibility of those acts, because this whole orchestrated scenario seems very fishy to me. Just 2 days before the parcels, out of nowhere the interrogators started asking people involved in the social movement, to appear in order to be interrogated because allegedly they were involved in terrorist acts, but no charges were ever been given to those people. Out of nowhere, people were arrested and detained, others are being interrogated, and in the same time some parcels fly around all over the place with material inside that can only cause a very small explosion and cannot really be called bombs. The same moment that the imprisonment of the three anarchists (Sarantos Nikitopoulos, Vaggellis Stathopoulos, Christoforos Kortesis), who are accused of participation in the revolutionary organisation “Revolutionary Struggle” without any evidence is extended, as well as the three fighters (Panagiota Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas) who have taken the political responsibility for their participation in “Revolutionary Struggle”,
The same moment that Kostas Gournas, is in an advanced phase of hunger strike, since the 13th of October (with the support of prisoners, with hunger strikes and prison food denial), while the juridical mechanism denies his transfer from Trikala prisons to koridalos prisons, keeping him far from his family,
The same moment that the imprisonment of anarchist Aris Seirinidis is extended, with an official charge unheard of and supported by the scientifically unfounded and juggling method of DNA analysis,
The same moment that the state and bosses start the most barbaric postwar economic and ideological attack against society, having equiped and educated an enormous police-antisocial army ... these parcels appear

The techniques and the material used are not indicating any of the known "terrorist organizations" that are active in Greece up to now. Therefore I will not go on debating about this case any further, but I will wait for more information to come forward.

Free spirit thank you. Yes the fact that Korkoneas will rot in jail is a rather positive outcome out of all these, I hope that the next cop that will draw a gun from now on will have to think of his actions twice.... Of course cases of police brutality continue to exist, as with anarchist Simos Seisidis, who is kept in prison, being amputated in one leg, after he was shot in the back by a cop, from a distance of smaller than one metre ... Korkoneas is in jail but the executioners of working immigrant N.Tonti, who was murdered by the police with fifteen bullets in February 2010 in Byronas area (Athens), are around still armed.

So there is still a lot to be done.
17th of November.

Just an another day for the most of the world, but a very special day for the greek movement. Exactly 37 years ago, on the 17th of November 1973, the greek students started an uprising against the military junta, an uprising that ended up to a take over of the polytechnic building and the army surrounding it. Finally a heavy artillery tank stormed in the main gate of the polytechnic breaking in down and the army invaded in the polytechnic and stopped the uprising. If you click on this threat below, you will read a lot of info on the events of that period of time.


Since then every year a demo gets organized on this day. This is also what happened today. In light of all the recent events, IMF, tax increases, payment cuts and so on everybody expected that this demo would be massive. It was. More than 100,000 people, students and workers of all ages, took on the streets of Athens in order to demonstrate against the IMF and this corrupt government. A photo that I found on the net can be seen below:


That photo only shows a part of the demo, as it is impossible to get all these people in one photo frame.

The demo followed its usual route, passing from the parliament building, to the polytechnic and ending up outside the USA embassy. Outside the embassy as it happens every year, police are creating a human wall in front of the embassy yard, protecting it from the demonstrators.

This video comes from corporate media and shows some of the events that took place exactly in front of the embassy.

Some more photos of the demo can be seen here : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1225565

What you see on the last photo is members of the KKE (Greek Communist Party) with red flags being in a line in front of the police not in order to guard the demo but in order to help the police (!!) to prevent any riot ! This is why they are not facing towards the police but are in line exactly like the police is.
More photos of today's demo here : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1225795

Are you interested to find out who are these guys with helmets in the last photo? Anarchists ? NO. They are members of PASP, PASP is the youth of PASOK, PASOK (Greek Socialist Movement) is our government right now !! A "socialist" government that led this country to the IMF .... After all that we have been through, these guys had the nerve to appear in the demo as a block.

The PASP block wanted to join the demo together with the left blocks but the left did not let them, so they ended up doing their own demo following the main one about 100 meters back.
I do not know how many of you are actually reading this thread but I feel the need to update you a bit more on the events of the 17th of November demo.

First of all, a video that shows the most left blocks of the demo. They have not filmed the trotsky and anarchist blocks at the end of the demo. You can see how MASSIVE this demo is, and that I do not exaggerate when I say that it was nearly 100,000 people.

A couple of videos more :

What you also see more clearly on the second video above is what the KKE (Greek Communist Party) members did when the rain stopped, they appeared in front of the demo and blocked it with a cordon, so in this way they leaded the demo themselves.

As I mentioned you and on my previous message though, there was trouble with the police just outside the American embassy.
23 people were finally arrested during that demo, some are set free but some others are facing heavy charges. According to a new law that has been introduced, having your face covered during a demo is a CRIME, so a lot of these people are charged with this. Also they say that they found a petrol bomb on one of the arrested.

Here is a video that shows a couple of arrests. You can clearly see on the video that the second guy that got arrested was just walking on the street and tripped so the cops had the chance to arrest him.

Here is also a video of the time of the police attack:

Finally. One person got injured as a flash grenade that the police threw exploded directly at his legs. Here are some photos of the injury:
A communique has been issued for the mass sending of parcels to various embassies, it was by the conspiracy cells of fire. They also make an international call for solidarity, I copy you the communique here.

BECAUSE THIS FORUM IS NOW OPEN TO ALL PUBLIC, I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I ONLY COPY AND PASTE THIS COMMUNIQUE TRANSLATED IN ENGLISH AND I DO NOT TAKE A STAND WITH OR AGAINST THEM. THIS IS ONLY AN INFORMATORY POST, as I believe that in this forum, at least in this threat that I created 2 years ago, all view points must be exposed, and not just what the media say.

International revolutionary front
Another reason of our action, via the mass sending of incendiary parcels to embassies and European leaders, was so we can make an international call. We therefore call to all lengths and widths of the earth, from Europe to Latin America, for the strengthening of the revolutionary war. We organize internationally and aim at the enemy. We can’t wait to see the subversive elements flooding the streets and the guerrilla groups striking again and again. All means unlock and go on the table without taboos and fetichisation. On the demonstrations we smash the heads of cops, banks are robbed and are delivered to flames, bombs blow up governmental buildings, guns execute politicians, journalists, cops, judges, as well as all sorts of protectors of this world. This way step by step the domestic internal enemy becomes even more dangerous for them. Also solidarity, one of the most powerful and authentic weapons of revolutionary forces, acquires a stronger and coordinated cry. To the mass arrests on a protest in Belgium we in reprisal will put bombs in Greece and when a revolutionary team is jailed in Chile Argentina should fill with rubble from the attacks of comrades. For us the dead guerrillas and prisoners are not a point of truce, on the contrary they become the motive force of the excerbation of revolutionary processes. This is why we believe that Solidarity should become more an armed stubborness of today an not a humanitarian protest of reform. On the 17th January 2011 in Athens will be the trial for the case of our revolutionary organization. In this are being tried some our proud members, some revolutionaries and other anarchists because of personal relations with the accused. It is of no value to speak of the trial, since we define ourselves outside the limits of juridical authorities. What has substance is the expression of aggressive solidarity to the comrades that are accused and are in prison for this case. For us despite the man-hunt that has been unleashed against us by the police as well as the recent arrest of our 2 members, nothing can stop the continuous and evolutionary course of our action. In our decision to promote a battle to the end WE CALL in Greece, Europe, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and to the whole world to the comrades and guerrilla formations to send their attacking signals to the judges and the Greek authorities as well as a greeting of solidarity to the hostages of the new urban guerrilla warfare. Let this trial become another reason for action in the Revolutionary War
06/12/2008 - 06/12/2010.



Planned demos for tomorrow 6/12/2010

ATHENS starting on 16:00 from Propylaia
LARISA 13:00 school pupils demo and 17:00 main demo
VOLOS 17:00
RETHYMNO (in Crete) 18:00
PATRAS 18:00
One day before the memorial of the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th, the Greek democratic dictatorship decided to activate in a tragicomic way its repression mechanisms in order to prevent the upcoming uprising of the society. All the regime’s servants are on the alert trying to manipulate the public opinion and terrorize the parts of the society that resist.

Yesterday night (December 4th), the scums of the anti-terrorist squad raid into various apartments and social spaces in Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Agrinio and Crete claiming that weaponry was found. The well-paid state media puppets set up feasts for the cop’s “success against terrorism”, producing hysteria and terror. After 24 hours it was announced that the weaponry found have never been used in any attacks.

After a full day of deliberate lack of information, in the evening of December 5th the police gave in publicity the names and the photos of the 6 persons arrested in Athens, Piraeus and Crete, asking “citizens” for more information… For the 2 of the 6 arrested persons, there were arrest warrants for the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” case.

The same night in Thessaloniki, secret cops and hooded cops of the anti-terrorist squad raid into the occupied anti-authoritarian space “Nadir” which is located in the students residence of Thessaloniki’s University. They seized papers and computers, beat the people inside, while they went on numerous detains and 11 arrests. Dozens of people in solidarity gathered outside the place. The cop’s raid followed after an attack to a private security guardhouse inside the University campus.

Also, cops blockaded streets in Agrinio, near the anarchist “Agrinio Haunt”. The electricity went off in the whole house block with the excuse of the “anti-terrorism raids”.

Junta banned the basic right of the detained and the arrested to contact with their lawyers for more than 24 hours.

Τhe announcement of the defense counsel of one of the allegedly arrested is characteristic:

What with certainty so far has been disarticulated are the procedural rights of the detainees and to communicate with relatives and advocates. The absolute prohibition on the exercise of their fundamental rights, upon the completion of nearly 24 hours after their arrest, and the denial of confirmation of the names of the detainees, borders on rapture. Contempt is complemented by the usual method of selective leaks and communication manipulation of public opinion. And if all these are happening under the cover of the public prosecutor’s office, the coincidence of the mechanisms of repression not concerning protection, but in the abolition of the legal and constitutional order, is confirmed.

One day before the completion of two years of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos, and while the whole society is in turmoil and is being prepared for mobilizations, the guilty State obviously needs to atone, to present successes and mainly to legitimize the authoritarianism which is being prepared for tomorrow’s anniversary.

Zero tolerance! No political and communication intentionality over rights and freedoms!

Athens, 5 of December of 2010, 12.00

The defense counsel of one of the alleged detainees”

Apart from the yesterday’s raids, detains and arrests, state went on an another pre-emptive move prohibiting the passage of vehicles in the whole center of Athens (!), because of tomorrow’s demonstration on December 6th. In particular, the vehicles passage will stop from 10am on December 6th till 7am on December 7th, while the parking in central Athens is prohibited from 6am of December 6th till 7am on December 7th as you can see on the picture.


The students community and many anarchists/anti-authoritarian and far-left organizations are calling for gathering/demo in Propylea, central Athens. There are calls for demonstrations in more than 20 cities throughout Greece.

Thanks for the updates Dimitris, I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to keep up with the struggle.
Thank you

There is a number of things going on today, later today there is a big demo in Athens where I am going to participate. I will give you some "live" coverage of some events roughly and more detailed posts later hopefully tonight after the demo.

A quite big demo finished a bit earlier in Athens, it was the demo organized by the school pupils assemblies. It was a quite big demo, there are estimations of more than 4000 school pupils that participated. It was a very angry demo with a lot of anti cop slogans, that was attacked heavily by the police around Syntagma square not very far from the parliament building. Earlier at Stadiou str, the demonstrators had attacked the police lines using rocks fruit and wooden sticks. Riot police threw a big number of stud grenades and sprayed all over the place with chemicals. The demo broke but managed to reform in blocks and continued its way towards the parliament building and back to Propylaia from where it started. There it was announced that they will not leave the spot and that they will wait for the evenings demo, but I have no indication as to how many are still there. Some of the gathered pupils are now throwing stones against the police who have formed a line exactly opposite Propylaia.

Police presence is big, as I explained you on the previous posts as well they have isolated a huge area.

Other smaller demos took place at suburbs of Athens, Aigaleo, Peristeri and so on. In both Aigaleo and Peristeri the school pupils attacked the police stations there.

People have started gathering for the afternoons demo in propylaia, the school demo remains there and will join the rest. I am off the web as well, hopefully I will update you tonight of any news.
There is a solidarity demo at the Greek Embassy in London at the moment.Unfortunately I'm not in London.
Hello from Exarchia in the center of Athens, not very far from where Alexis Grigoropoulos was shot dead by a cop 2 years ago. Mesollogiou street were Alexis was shot dead, is now a big war zone, a bit earlier I was there and we experienced a massive police attack with stud grenades and chemicals in the alley... Mesollogiou is just a small alley, a pedestrian area, that was packed with people, so as you can understand stud grenades and chemicals in such a narrow place is a very dangerous situation.

Today 2 years later, what we witnessed was a raging police that had clear intentions to prevent the demo from happening. I have described you a number of demos and riots in this thread but today's one is one of those that you even fear of your own life. We also witnessed something else though... The teenagers, the new generation, are much more angry than all of us... Even if they are just 20 people and more than 100 cops against them as it happened after the end of the demo in Syntagma square, they do not stop to confront the police and throw stones at them. Now this group of teenagers together with others who went there for solidarity are kettled in a corner, a lot are injured, and arrests are happening as we speak. Exarchia is also a big war zone, there is a number of road blocks in alleys and corners of Exarchia, with people confronting the police, throwing stones and petrol bombs.

But let me start from the beginning. The demo was supposed to start at 16:00 at Propylaia, in central Athens. Some collectives and parties had called for 17:00 instead, so the gathered people would also wait for the rest to come and the demo to get formed in order to start... Things did not happen this way though, as the police on 16:00 basically decided to "start" the demo themselves. So we all witnessed a huge police attack against the gathered demonstrators, even before the blocks were formed. Grenades started flying in massive numbers, and a big cloud of chemical gas filled all the area. The most were not ready for such an early attack, so a part of the demo moved towards the opposite direction and down to Omonia square in order to avoid further attacks by the police. The rest of us who remained at Propylaia and sustained and defended this attack, we started moving towards Stadiou str and towards Syntagma square. I estimate we were about 4000, but a big group of people had stayed behind because they moved backwards after the attack... Also as the demo was moving, more and more people were arriving to Propylaia because as I explained you some people were called to be there an hour later, but the demo was not there so they stayed in Propylaia and quite quickly they started confronting the police. During all the time that the demo was moving towards Syntagma, the Parliament building and back towards Propylaia, the gathered comrades in Propylaia were confronting the police, throwing stones and whatever they could find at them, who responded with chemicals. In Stadiou str the demo also was attacked a bit but the main attack was in Syntagma square. There a small part of people, about 100 most of them teenagers, were unfortunately isolated by the police and were trapped in the tube station as they fled there because of the police attack. RIOT police went down in the tube and started hitting the teenagers. Chemicals were thrown INSIDE the tube... A bit later the police moved out of the tube station, and made a cordon outside. The teenagers got out of the tube and started attacking the police AGAIN, throwing stones towards them. This is when more riot police appeared and this part of the demo finally got kettled as I told you earlier.

The main part of the demo was in its way back to Propyalaia. In Panepistimioy avenue again a number of demonstrators got trapped in the tube station, and were let to leave a bit later as I know.. Back in Propylaia trouble still existed as the gathered demonstrators who did not have the chance to join the demo were still fighting against the police. We joined with them and a battle of epic proportions took place... The grenades and chemicals were answered by the demonstrators with loads of petrol bombs and stones.. Finally the demo broke, people got scattered in various areas and locations and a lot directed towards the Polytechnic building and towards Exarchia... The gate of the Polytechnic was heavily guard by big numbers of RIOT police in order to prevent the demonstrators from squatting the building. Up and towards Exarchia people were scattered to various alleys and crossings forming roadblocks and confronting the police. The number of road blocks was big, nearly on every street and every corner there was a group of people who were blocking the road with rubbish bins on fire, and were confronting the police...

A gathering was called at Mesollogiou street were Alexis was murdered... On the beginning of this message I described you the situation there and the attack, people are still there though as we speak. I finally left as I could not stand in the streets for any longer, my lungs are burning a lot....

I will try to post some photos and more details later I seriously need some rest now.

Oh I forgot to mention, the media are saying that 83 people are detained up to now, I do not know yet of any confirmed arrests, I suspect that they are all on the 6th floor of the police headquarters, GADA.

You can see some photos here : http://www.babylonia.gr/index.php?o...to-6--&catid=87:koinonikesantistaseis&lang=el
Free spirit, some people were injured unfortunately. One woman fainted because of the chemicals, there was at least one badly injured teenager at the kettle in Syntagma square and police was not letting the ambulance to come and pick him up.

Some photos of yesterday on the following links:


A video can be seen here : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1233163

Also a video and some photos of the attack of the police inside the tube station in Syntagma square:

Finally from the 83 detained, 44 got arrested and will be sent to the advocate today.

I edit in order to add some more videos:

http://dai.ly/gmZVEX This one basically shows the police following the school pupils demo yesterday (the one that happened first)

http://dai.ly/hcndtL A video from the Guardian !
15th of December - GENERAL STRIKE


Central Demo starts in Athens on 11:00
Hello from Athens Greece.

As I have already informed you today we have a general strike, and a demo was organized to happen today. Various strikes have also been organized by different unions throughout the week, today though ALL Greece was on strike.

Yesterday our government passed a new law with which the workers of the private sector are now also influenced, as the bosses can now bypass the unions and arrange wages directly with the workers, each one of them individually. From 2011 and onwards we expect that the wages of all private sector workers will decrease significantly, even down to 750 euro that is the national minimum. So having this in mind, I believe that the general strike and demo should have happened yesterday and not today, in order to prevent possibly the law from being voted. Now I am afraid that we are crying over split milk.

Even though it is essential that we, the working class, we show that we are against the new laws and measures, against cuts, against the IMF. The ones that created this crisis should pay for it.

I arrived at the demo gathering on 11:00 and a lot of people were already there. It was a rather rainy day, but this did not prevent the people from coming. More and more people came, in a MASSIVE demonstration that Athens has not seen in years. I cannot estimate a number, it is impossible, it could clearly be even 300,000 though. All the main streets of Athens were packed with people, of all ages, workers, students, pensioners, all demanding for the cuts and the austerity measures to stop, demanding not to pay for a crisis that they did not create.

It was a very angry demo. I was and on the 6th of December demos for Alexis murder, I also was on the 5th of May demos against the austerity measures again... What I can say and estimate is that the public becomes more and more angry, I really cannot imagine what it will happen in this country if this situation continues for lets say a year more.

There were no riots or incidence with the police since we reached the Syntagma square, the square in central Athens near the Parliament building. The first riots there started just before the square, outside the Great Britain luxury hotel. The situation escalated in Syntagma square, resulting to a complete chaos, as there was a very big "exchange" of chemicals and stud grenades by the police and stones and petrol bombs by the demonstrators. The extensive use of chemicals was answered by an extensive use of petrol bombs. In occasions the police had to move backwards because of the intensity of the attacks, in this way they left a police bus behind that was set in fire in Amalias str. Also a group of policemen in motorbikes had to be forced to move backwards after an unsuccessful charge, resulting to a few burned motorbikes, as some of them had to leave their motorbikes behind because they fell of them. The demo moved back to Propylaia were it was again attacked by riot police. There police even reached the pavement of Propylaia, area that they are not supposed to be as it is protected by university asylum. Even though no matter how much they tried to destroy the demo it was impossible because it was very very massive so even after the end of it, all city center was full of people. Because of the clashes in Propylaia some people had to move towards Omonia square (the second biggest central square of Athens) were they were again attacked by more riot police. A big part of the demo, mostly the union blocks moved towards the GSEE building (General Workers Union building) in order to occupy it. The police that was guarding that building tried to prevent the occupation violently, police and demonstrators were even fighting with their own fists on occasions. After a lot of fighting and a lot of chemicals, the demonstrators left the area and the demo was over.

An incident to be noted was the attack of demonstrators against a former minister, member of the conservative party (New Democracy) mr Hatzidakis. I have a video of the attack at the end of this post.

Also an another notable incident is the attack against the ministry of economic affairs, the entrance of the building was set on fire, there is also a video footage of that.

After the end of the demo tension existed at the Polytechnic area as people were trapped inside and the police was shooting chemicals inside the yard of the Polytechnic. The police had surrounded the building and the about 100 demonstrators that were trapped inside could not leave the area. Finally the Polytechnic committee had to take action and call the police and after negotiations Riot police left the area and the demonstrators managed to leave.

Plain clothed police existed in very very big numbers today. After the end of the demo, police in plain clothes moved with the tube and were scattered in all over city center, following and detaining isolated demonstrators as they were leaving the demo. I suspect that the most of these detained will face heavy charges although there is no clear evidence that connects them with riots or other incidents.

At least 6 people were seriously injured during the demo and had to be transfered to a hospital. I do not know of their condition now.

A lot of photos and some videos here :


You can also watch those :



more photographs here :


I have not checked all of those some maybe be the same by different uploader.

I edit to add this video that shows the attack against the former minister mr Hatzidakis :
Demos also happened and in other cities of Greece.

In Thessaloniki, the second biggest city of Greece, more than 20,000 demonstrators took on the streets in order to protest against the austerity measures. Outside the building of the Ministry of Macedonia and Thrace, clashes with the police started that lasted for quite long. The demonstrators kept their lines as much as possible and sustained the attack of the police, who used extensive amounts of chemicals. When the demo finally started withdrawing from the area, more riot police appeared that were hiding in alleys around and started attacking and arresting demonstrators. About 30 people got detained, 3 heavily injured who are now still receiving treatment in hospital. A spontaneous demo in solidarity to the arrested took place, with 1000 demonstrators heading towards the main police headquarters of Thessaloniki, their demo got kettled though. I think the most of the detained are set free by now, only 3 are finally arrested.

Also demos took place in Giannena, Iraklio (Crete), Skopelos (island), Mytilini (island), Corfu (Island), Veria, Xanthi, Egio, Kavala, Rethymno (Crete), Naxos (island), Zakynthos (island). In Giannena some farmers also joined the demo and blocked some of the roads of the city with their tractors.

A very big demonstration also took place in Patras. More than 4000 demonstrators took over the streets of Patras, clashes against the police took place outside the courts building, the police used chemicals and some petrol bombs were thrown by the demonstrators. Road blocks were also formed and lasted for some time.
What you see in this photo is a police man driving on this demonstrator with his motorbike. The demonstrator is heavily injured and he is in hospital.


Then we see a different cop this time (the motorbike is different) hitting the already injured man again!


If we look closely on both cops' helmets we see this


This is the ancient spartan helmet. Of course as an emblem is not used by the greek police, but it is used by greek far right fascist groups, especially after the movie 300. In this thread I have discussed again about the connection of some greek cops with far right groups, but really this is the most obvious ever.

Finally the poor man got arrested

A big part of the demo, mostly the union blocks moved towards the GSEE building (General Workers Union building) in order to occupy it. The police that was guarding that building tried to prevent the occupation violently, police and demonstrators were even fighting with their own fists on occasions. After a lot of fighting and a lot of chemicals, the demonstrators left the area and the demo was over.


On yesterday's post I told you a bit about the incidents outside the GSEE building. Because a rather big part of the demo leaded there after the official end of the demo at Propylaia, I thought that it is better that I give you some more details of what happened there exactly.

The blocks that did not stop at Propylaia but continued towards the GSEE building were the block of the workers newspaper ACTION, the Anti authoritarian Movement, other smaller political movements, various leftists and autonomous people, workers, unemployed, students and people who did not belong to any movement. All these turned towards Patision street and towards the GSEE building.

On the same time others were moving on G' Septembriou street towards the same direction. They were mostly workers unions and student groups.

These 2 different parts met each other at the corner of Patision and Marni streets forming a demo that was more than 2000 people big. There was no planned demo towards there, it was a spontaneous action by them, if other workers unions and collectives had the chance to get informed as well, that "second" demo would be much bigger.

As this demo approaced the GSEE building, some policemen on motorbikes approached, as I understand it in order to see what is happening. I say that because as it was later proven, there were much more policemen waiting outside the GSEE building.

Being quite sure of their actions, these cops on motorbikes approached the demo looking for trouble. It was their big mistake.

Nearly all of them were forced to abandon their motorbikes, some were beaten up as you can see on the photo above. They retreated but very quickly about 20 more cops arrived. They attacked again trying to drive towards the demo, but again they had to move backwards, some of them loosing their motorbikes. The lost motorbikes got destroyed, and more cops received a good beating, in a similar manner as they treat demonstrators. Of course their victims do not wear all this expensive protecting gear, as they do ....

This is when more policemen attacked, together with RIOT police that was outside the GSEE building, and started spraying with chemicals, in order to destroy the demo. One kid who WAS NOT TAKING PART ON THE ATTACKS AGAINST THE POLICE, but was only demonstrating, got isolated and arrested by the police. They started hitting him viciously and dragging him on the road. A journalist that tried to take a photo of that arrest was also beaten by the police.

These attacks against the police, happened by "ordinary" people, who were there to demonstrate but were not really prepared for any kind of battle as the whole demo towards GSEE was not planned anyway. It seems that when the cops are in equal or less numbers, without all the chemicals and grenades with them, are more weak than the most people think..

After the arrest, the police continued to spray and attack the demo towards Patision and G Septembriou str... RIOT police and police on motorbikes (DELTA force) were continuously attacking in order to break that demo completely. The DELTA force lost one more motorbike though that was set on fire...

The demo returned towards the Polytechnic building were it joined the rest of the people that was there and more classes against the police took place. I already described you yesterday that a part of the demo and a lot of people got trapped in the yard of the Polytechnic building, and police were firing with chemicals inside.

A photo of that "second demo":


The time of the attack:



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