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The 300 hunger strikers issue response to the government demand

from occupied london : http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2011/03/07/532-the-300-hunger-strikers-issue-response-to-the-government-demand-to-be-transferred-to-hospital-full-text/

#532 | The 300 hunger strikers issue response to the government demand to be transferred to hospital

Statement-response to today’s developments, by the 300 hunger strikers

March 7, 2011
This morning Mr. Mousionis, representative of the hospitals administration, “visited” the Ipatia building [where the hunger strike takes place] three times. The first without any document whatsoever, the second time with a document with no signature and only on the third time did he manage to bring the “correct” document.

He came to pass on to us the government demand for all hunger strikers to be transferred to hospitals and to abandon the site of their struggle. Hunger strikers-representatives of ours responded that if he came to tell us that the generous government can offer us a bed in a hospital in order to die on it, he should tell them that a struggle is a struggle, even when death looms. This means that we only go to hospital because those who sent us there continue robbing us off dignity, resulting in our collapse. If they care about our health, they should meet our demands, so that we can return to our homes and to our jobs. In other words: us hunger strikers will only go to hospital when our doctors deem it necessary.

We the hunger strikers want to emphasize yet another time that when we decide something, we do so alone and in our own assemblies, exclusively.

We insist on continuing our struggle until reaching our target. This target comprises the meeting of certain demands, the most important of which have been co-signed by GSEE and ADEDY [the largest mainstream trade unions in the country] as well as many other social bodies supporting us from across Greece – including all the main social bodies of Thessaloniki (the city’s mayoral assembly, the dean of its university, the barristers’ union, the journalist union, the labour union etc) with a collective letter sent to the prime minister on March 4.

We repeat our specific demands that the government refuses to meet (taking the risk of the death of people in struggle) but that are nevertheless supported by social bodies in Greece but also thousands of other unions, organisations and groups across the world:

- The issuing of a residence permit in accordance to article 21, par. 4 of Law 3907/2011

- The review and issuing of a residence permit to all who lost their legal status despite the existence of substantial grounds, combined with the reduction or disconnection of the residence permit to the work credits, as this is a time of financial crisis.

- Reduction of the required residence period of those without papers to 5 years (down from 12 years today) for the issuing of the special residence permit of the new article 44 of Law 3386/05

- Issuing of a residence permit to all those who had their application rejected during the last legalisation process of 2005

The 300 Migrant Hunger Strikers in Athens and Thessaloniki

March 7, 2001, 42nd day on hunger strike
On their 43d day on hunger strike, Greek government threatens all strikers with deportation

from http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2011/03/08/533-on-their-43d-day-on-hunger-strike-greek-government-threatens-all-strikers-with-deportation/

Breaking news: As mainstream media have been reporting for the past few hours, the Greek government is now threatening the 300 migrant hunger strikers with immediate deportation, should they refuse to be hospitalised and end their strike.

Today (March 8 ) is the 43d day on hunger strike. Weather in Athens is severe and snow is forecast for tonight (many of the hunger strikers are staying in tents).

Solidarity is our weapon

10/3 International callout for actions
Migrant hunger strike ends in huge victory

Migrant hunger strike ends in huge victory

from : http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2011/03/09/535-migrant-hunger-strike-ends-in-huge-victory/

and in Greek from : http://hungerstrike300.espivblogs.net/2011/03/09/νίκη/

As it has just been announced, the hunger strike of the 300 migrant hunger strikers has just ended, following some key government concessions in meeting their demands. As it has been agreed:

- the time limit for application for permanent residence in the country is now dropped to eight years (down from twelve).

- work credit (ensima) are disconnected from the application for permanent residence.

- all three-hundred migrant hunger strikers will be allowed to apply for 6-month rolling permits until the reach the 8-year limit in order to gain permanent residence.

This is a huge victory on the side of the hunger strikers who now see the road paved for tens of thousands of people to be able to live in the country without the fear of being undocumented.

Translation of the statement (March the 9th)

from : http://hungerstrike300.espivblogs.net/2011/03/09/the-vindication-of-the-300-migrants-hunger-strikers-is-a-hope-for-the-whole-society/

the vindication of the 300 migrants hunger strikers is a hope for the whole society

Μαρτίου 9, 2011

Today’s government’s decision to meet part of the demands of the 300 migrants on hunger strike proves that the only lost struggle is the one that is not led. It also showed to all the
working people that the government of the E.U., I.M.F. and European Bank Memorandum is not invincible. The rigid militant spirit and broad social solidarity can bring tangible results.

It is obvious that it will take a long and hard struggle for lifting the Apartheid against foreign workers living in Greece and Europe. However, there should be no doubt
that the dedication of the 300 opened a new path of hope.

We would like to thank all those (and there were many …) that have supported this difficult struggle from the first days in the Law School until the hospitals. Thus, above all, we would like to respectfully welcome the 300 fighters of who the entire working class can be proud.

09/03/1911 [?2011 ;) ]

Solidarity Initiative to the 300
migrants on hunger strike
Didn't know where to post this, but the general strike in Greece took a nasty turn today. Many protestors injured reportedly with head injuries. One person is currently in critical condition and in a coma from a head injury also, in coma. These are all updates from a friend in Greece who I spoke to just now. I have a few confirmations using google translate on greek news sites but Athens indy is typically down, occupied london isn't updating either :/

edit: one site that has updates

fucking cunts.

More pics here, here

Toward the end of what had been an otherwise largely uneventful demonstration for the General Strike in Athens, the police launched an unprovoked, vicious attack: tens of demonstrators passing in front of the store “Attica” on Panepistimiou Avenue were encircled by riot police who kicked them, crushed them against the pavement and threw tear gas and stun grenades indiscriminatingly, directly into the crowd. There are at least twelve people injured. One 30-year old demonstrator is in critical condition. He was transferred to the Nikaia General Infirmary in a life-threatening state and undertook surgery. He is in the intensive care unit and according to doctors his condition will remain critical for the next days, at least.

There were clashes between police and demonstrators in Exarcheia earlier in the evening. At least seven more people were seen being detained right outside the gates of the Athens Polytechnic.

As of the time of writing (19.34 GMT+2) the police presence in Exarcheia is still strong, and the situation of the injured demonstrator is still critical.
(the attack on the 31 year-old demonstrator was with murderous intent. From the announcement of the doctors is obvious that he was a hit with force /from the 6th of Dec 2010 doctors have informed and urged the ministry of their law and order that hits on the head like those from the previous demo would or could cause death -in writing through their syndicalist groups/ for greek urbanites audio : http://soundcloud.com/frantzisp/iatriko-anakoin-11-5 / tomorrow 6pm demo against state terrorism)

some videos and photos from today's fascist and with murderous intent attack by the state's paid thugs





photos from indymedia : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1289114

** the condition of the 31-year-old-demonstrator is still serious but stable **
Don't have the link to hand but Reuters were 'reporting ' that 150 anarchists stormed a hospital...

That story, 'Greek anarchists storm hospital, attack policemen', was published by Reuters on 11th May.

...But now that throws up a PAGE NOT FOUND. It's as though the story never existed - except for the traces remaining on Google both at the original Reuters location and on news sites which bought the story. Sadly a full cache doesn't seem to have been kept, though there are fragments remaining:

A group of 150 self-styled anarchists stormed into an Athens hospital where a protester who was severely injured ...

...Greek police fired several rounds of teargas on Wednesday to disperse a group of hooded youths hurling stones and bottles at police, as senior EU and IMF ...

However, the story in full remains on this Canadian news site:

ATHENS - A group of 150 self-styled anarchists stormed into an Athens hospital where a protester who was severely injured in a protest march on Wednesday is being treated and attacked three policemen, a police official said.

"The hooded youths broke into the hospital manager's office and beat up three policemen who were there, investigating the protester's injuries," said the policeman who declined to be named.

"Two policemen were slightly injured and one suffered more serious injuries to the head," the policeman said.

The 31-year old Greek protester was hurt during clashes with police when thousands took part in an anti-austerity march through Athens. He is in a stable but critical condition, the health ministry said earlier on Wednesday.

The protester, named Ioannis Kafkas, received brain surgery, the ministry said.

Greek police fired several rounds of teargas on Wednesday to disperse a group of hooded youths hurling stones and bottles at police, as senior EU and IMF envoys began talks with the government on stepping up fiscal reforms.
© Copyright (c) Reuters

You'll note that the entire story is based on the claims of a single, unnamed police source.
The more you see/hear from the greek police, the harder it becomes to feel any sympathy for them, when they are set on fire by petrol bombs etc...
Resolution by the Popular Assembly of Syntagma square

Saturday, May 28, 2011

… an assembly attended by 3,000 people.

Greek original.

For a long time now, decisions are taken for us, without us.

We are workers, unemployed, pensioners, youth who came to Syntagma to struggle for our lives and our futures.

We are here because we know that the solution to our problems can only come from us.

We invite all Athenians, the workers, the unemployed and the youth to Syntagma, and the entire society to fill up the squares and to take life into its hands.

There, in the squares, we shall co-shape all our demands.

We call all workers who will be striking in the coming period to end up and to remain at Syntagma.

We will not leave the squares before those who lead us here leave first: Governments, the Troika, Banks, Memorandums and everyone who exploits us.

We tell them that the debt is not ours.



The only defeated struggle is the one that was never given!

During the last days, Syntagma square, as well as other squares in cities of Greece have been taken over by people who object to the austerity measures and the IMF, people who gather from all ages without banners of political parties or movements. It is a growing movement similar to the spanish one that you talk about on the other thread.

Some videos of the gatherings

http://youtu.be/tyR5E14hTnw (25th of May 1st night of gathering)
http://youtu.be/Rg64J5yQVEo (26th of May 2nd night)

Some photos can be seen here :

I am of for Syntagma square.
Migrant hunger strike ends in huge victory

from : http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2011/03/09/535-migrant-hunger-strike-ends-in-huge-victory/

and in Greek from : http://hungerstrike300.espivblogs.net/2011/03/09/νίκη/

As it has just been announced, the hunger strike of the 300 migrant hunger strikers has just ended, following some key government concessions in meeting their demands. As it has been agreed:

- the time limit for application for permanent residence in the country is now dropped to eight years (down from twelve).

- work credit (ensima) are disconnected from the application for permanent residence.

- all three-hundred migrant hunger strikers will be allowed to apply for 6-month rolling permits until the reach the 8-year limit in order to gain permanent residence.

This is a huge victory on the side of the hunger strikers who now see the road paved for tens of thousands of people to be able to live in the country without the fear of being undocumented.

So the Greek government knuckles under to the demands of illegal alians who demand their "rights" during an economic crisis. What wimps.
So the Greek government knuckles under to the demands of illegal alians who demand their "rights" during an economic crisis. What wimps.

So while the rich rob us all in order to make the poor pay for a crisis of their making, you choose to attack the poorest and most vulnerable in society. You are not only a completely heartless cunt you are a stupid one. The ruling classes laugh at useful idiots like you.
So while the rich rob us all in order to make the poor pay for a crisis of their making, you choose to attack the poorest and most vulnerable in society. You are not only a completely heartless cunt you are a stupid one. The ruling classes laugh at useful idiots like you.
The illegal alians laugh at idiots like you. The Greek government's first responsibility is to it's own citizens who elected it & pay the taxes. Not to those who violate Greek law and sneak across the border taking jobs & social services resources from legal residents.
The illegal alians laugh at idiots like you. The Greek government's first responsibility is to it's own citizens who elected it & pay the taxes. Not to those who violate Greek law and sneak across the border taking jobs & social services resources from legal residents.

Taking jobs LOL. Working class people should be fighting for jobs for all not competing with the poorest people in the world for the bottom of the barrel. Precisely what jobs do you think an illegal migrant worker is taking? Washing dishes in some restaurant? Day labouring in some shitty building site? Is this the best that ordinary workers can hope for is it?Not fighting for jobs and services and a a decent wage and conditions for all but competing with poor underpaid workers who are just trying to feed their families? Migrant workers are not the enemies and are not the cause of a crisis that is destroying jobs and services across Europe and across the globe. An economic crisis caused by bankers and their political friends who are determined to maintain their profits at the cost of the living standards of the working population . Workers should be uniting across borders to fight a global crisis not squabbling over crumbs from the bosses tables. You are no better than the narrow minded wankers who blame unemployed people and single parents for the economic crisis. Do you write letters to the papers complaining about benefit cheats and teenage moms too?
Taking jobs LOL. Working class people should be fighting for jobs for all not competing with the poorest people in the world for the bottom of the barrel. Precisely what jobs do you think an illegal migrant worker is taking? Washing dishes in some restaurant? Day labouring in some shitty building site? Is this the best that ordinary workers can hope for is it?Not fighting for jobs and services and a a decent wage and conditions for all but competing with poor underpaid workers who are just trying to feed their families? Migrant workers are not the enemies and are not the cause of a crisis that is destroying jobs and services across Europe and across the globe. An economic crisis caused by bankers and their political friends who are determined to maintain their profits at the cost of the living standards of the working population . Workers should be uniting across borders to fight a global crisis not squabbling over crumbs from the bosses tables. You are no better than the narrow minded wankers who blame unemployed people and single parents for the economic crisis. Do you write letters to the papers complaining about benefit cheats and teenage moms too?
Correct, migrant workers aren't the cause of the crisis but they are aggrivating it. Most illegals in Greece are Turks I believe. Turkey is in far better shape economically than Greece at the moment. Is is rathar insane for a country in the shape Greece is in to take care of illegal alians from a more prosperous country.

In a future country of Pallestine, shouldn't it have the right to determine who comes in? If not, it wouldn't be a soverign country.
The illegal alians laugh at idiots like you. The Greek government's first responsibility is to it's own citizens who elected it & pay the taxes. Not to those who violate Greek law and sneak across the border taking jobs & social services resources from legal residents.

"The Greek government's first responsibility is to it's own citizens..." Really?

Bankrupting the economy and then making citizens pay for it is a "responsibility" the majority of Greeks can do without.

Keep attacking low paid dish-washers if it makes you feel any happier.
Estimated 100,000 people in the square in Athens earlier?! Well, according to Euronews. Looked like a fuck load of people. Best thing Greece could do right now is default and sock it to the EU n the French/German banks :oops:

Amazing sight anyway, best of luck!
Nobody I've ever met agrees with me when I say 'Free movement of money' then 'Free movement of people'

We are one planet, we've got to stop exploitation by location.
"The Greek government's first responsibility is to it's own citizens..." Really?

Bankrupting the economy and then making citizens pay for it is a "responsibility" the majority of Greeks can do without.

Keep attacking low paid dish-washers if it makes you feel any happier.
Yep it's responsibility is to it's citizens. And of course they didn't do that in the past. Time to start. Countries, boundaries & borders mean something. Anyone who sneaks into another country knows they will be living in the shadows & in a period of economic distress will come under pressure to leave. I'd say many Greeks would very much like those "dishwasher jobs" about now given the horrible state of their economy. Greece with all it's economic problems should employ, give benefits to & grant citizenship to illegals? Crazy. But, the Greeks will decide in the upcoming elections.
Nobody I've ever met agrees with me when I say 'Free movement of money' then 'Free movement of people'

We are one planet, we've got to stop exploitation by location.

I agree. There is already free movement of people, already a borderless world.......For the rich.

And noone should be called an illegal immigrant
Hello all

I was at yesterday's gathering outside Syntagma square, so I can give you some information about it. It was massive, this gathering will go down as the biggest gathering that has ever been organized by single people without any particular movements and political parties calling for it. The gatherings that have taken place, as well as others that will take place in the future, have all been organized mostly via facebook, but also a lot of people appeared because they were called by friends, relatives and so on. It is difficult to estimate numbers when you are in the ground, especially when we are talking about gatherings and not demos (with demos the length of them can help you estimate) but I am pretty positive that more than 100,000 people turned out. Some were there for hours, some appeared for some time and left and there are also some who are still there as we speak, as they have camped at the area.

You could see people of all sorts in this gathering. Elderly people, students, teenagers, workers, parents with their kids, even with babies and so on. You could see people who were clearly there for fun, just because there was a gathering, other who were mostly curious rather than "angry" but definitely the vast majority of the people were angry. Slogans against the IMF, against the current government but also against ALL POLITICAL parties, were the ones that dominated. Also some antifascist slogans were heard, as it was known that the fascist group "Xrisi Avgi" (Golden Dawn) had organized a gathering at an area not very far from Syntagma square.

An open popular assembly took place at the square, where more than 3000 people participated and I could estimate that more than 6000 were attending it in total, as some people were there for only some time and then left. A number of subjects were discussed, it was a bit difficult to organize the assembly correctly as there were a lot of people and a lot wanted to speak. They thought of a system with little pieces of paper with numbers of them, so everyone who wanted to speak had his number and there was a random draw of numbers. Some of the topics that were discussed could be summarized to the following :

- A group of volunteers to be formed that will try to help unemployed, poor or generally people who need help.
- Groups of volunteers to "patrol" at areas that immigrants live (like Ag Panteleimonas area) and try to prevent the groups of thugs (mostly fascists) who attack and injure them.
- Everyone who owns any bit of land to cultivate groceries and food for his/her own consumption but also to give food to people in need, who do not have ways and the ability to cultivate themselves.
- Local assemblies in neighborhoods to be formed that will take decisions rather than deciding on a central level
- All movements and strikes that are against IMF and the austerity measures to be supported by this movement
- A general strike to be decided that will set specific political agendas and messages
- The national debt to be erased and the ones who are responsible for all this crisis and money loss to end up in jail.

A slideshow with photos of the gathering on this video :
and some photos here : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1296974

It is still quite early in order to estimate if this movement will have an impact or if something will actually come out of this. For now it is good that people have decided to motivate and get on the streets in order to express their anger, hopefully if this movement continues further will take its own route and it will be more clear what are the intentions of the people.
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