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Athens Greece: Cops murder a 16 year old

Could someone please translate this banner
for me? Much thanks and take care out there..@

Could someone please translate this banner
for me? Much thanks and take care out there..@


“State and Capital assassinate every day and not with bullets alone. We live the causes, we don’t wait for any occasions. Everyone to the streets: For dignity, for freedom, for Anarchy. Open anarchist assembly for multiform action.”
Some more photos from Athens:


Also from around Greece...

photos from Thessaloniki : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202158 (a very big number of detained also there)

photos from Volos, : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202110 http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202279

photos from Agrinio : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202111

From Heraklion, in Crete: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202133

Demos did take place and on many other towns and cities but I cannot find photos yet.

A timeline of the events from occupied London, in english much better than mine:

Also a much better translation of the Polytechnic communique rather than mine: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202242
I would like to update you of what happened at the murder point of Alexis, at Exarchia on the memorial ceremony by us that was organized for last night. As I told you yesterday on an earlier post, police was everywhere in Exarchia, but this did not prevent the people from actually coming and reaching the alley that exactly one year ago Alexis was murdered. I estimate that around 1000 people were gathered there, and on exactly 21:10, the hour that Alexis was shot dead, there was a minute of silence. Then the chanting started... COPS PIGS MURDERERS. More chanting continued and a, not planned by anyone, demo started towards the Exarchia square, where it stopped and the people stayed there continuing chanting. Police started surrounding this demo and gathering, but the comrades moved effectively enough in order to have a clear pathway for the people to leave the square after the end. A lot of people returned back to the murder point.

An another detail from yesterdays demo, that you will not see on any news coverage and Media of Mass Propaganda... look at this photo

A policeman of the Delta Force, after they attacked the demo and fell of their motorbikes draws a gun against the demonstrators. The video is this one, the policeman in red square

More photos of this incident here : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1202245
A video of the demo that shows all the various left blocks and banners, excluding the anarchist blocks and the riots
a different post from me... for updates there are the previous links and the posts from Dimitris and Deepstoat

My initial outrage for the provocative presence, brutality and murderous attacks against demonstrators of the police state that this new government has introduced has been transformed into a deep state of worry and sadness about the possibility of the movement losing its credibility. Spontaneity cannot be allowed to discredit the movement or direct it in a self-destruction mode.
Acts of violence such as the one against the rector of the university of athens - although extremely exaggerated ,I'm sure, if not fabricated as an excuse for the authorities to start "rethinking the universities' asylum"- or spontaneous acts of anti-violence or violence before and during a massive demonstration where the core of its message is Against the Murderous State Violence and Repression cannot be productive or progressive for the Movement. We cannot show and bring forward the fact that this police state has murderous intent against free people who still resist when a few meters away from the lying comrade Koutsoumbou a misguided-at least- "revolutionary" beats the hell out of a cop...
We need to self-guard the Movement from anything that could misdirected it or discredit it.

Tomorrow at 19.00 at Propilea there is a call for a demonstration against state repression and in SOLIDARITY TO ALL THE ARRESTED during this pogrom against free people who still resist.

and a last note from me, I thank you all for your hospitality in this forum and I hope to see -at least some of- you in the grassroots of the Movement where I believe our energies should be devoted.
Stella this is indeed a very big debate and a subject that has been talked over and over again on various assemblies. There are different approaches from different people and there is always the fact that if you go on to "police" the movement the only thing that you achieve is that you have made one more oppressive mechanism. Under what criteria do you decide who polices who, and in what way etc etc. Look at the example of the communist party KKE and their KNAT, with their helmets and batons who guard their marches. Initially after the end of the junta their presence was essential as they were always attacked by the police, and KNAT was their defence against the police actions. Now they more act like they are policemen themselves even attacking other blocks instead of guarding their own ....

The attack against the rector was a mistake in my very own opinion, but it has been highly exaggerated by the media. There are photos of the rector as he leaves from the building with no real bruises on his face or head, for sure he has not been hit with iron bars and hammers as the media are saying. ANTENNA TV was even speaking of a MURDEROUS attack against him, a claim that in no way can be justified.

I cannot say exactly the same about the attack against the Delta policeman as he was driving like crazy within the crowd with his motorbike just seconds before, but I do understand your point of view.

I am not completely against violence myself, but this is a very sensitive subject and I really do not want to discuss it on a public message board

From today these photos from the student and school demo.. Police arresting school kids and beating them up repeatedly while they are restrained anyway therefore unable to respond or defend themselves.

Today's demo was also big, with nearly 10000 students and teenagers at the streets of Athens. Again since the beginning of the demo at Propylea, there were clashes with the police, the demonstrators were throwing stones and fruits against them and they were responding with chemicals and stud grenades. The demo started with the police on its side, and this created problems and during the demo as on various points the police was using chemicals. The police started an extensive use of chemicals especially when the demo reached close to the Syntagma square, and as a result of that some teenagers had to flee and hide in the entrances of buildings or shops who were open at that time. There the demo basically broke in various smaller parts as the police attack was big, but the demonstrators were responding by throwing stones against the policemen. The demo, or to be more accurate the remaining of the demo tried to return back to Propylea where it would end but this was impossible as the way back was blocked by RIOT Police. Police had orders not to let the students reach the Propylea and the University area as yesterday in order to prevent the buildings from being taken over again. The main part of the demo finally managed to reach the Polytechnic area in order a general assembly to take place. Outside the polytechnic was surrounded by big numbers of police and clashes soon started. Some road blocks were formed and after some time road blocks were also formed in Exarchia area, at the square that is located a few meters far away of the polytechnic.

I think more than 20 arrests were made today, I am not sure of the exact number.

Student and school demos took place nearly in whole Greece, in occasions also with clashes against the police.

As Stella noted, an another demo is called for tomorrow.

The Tigers are back in the Fen.

Many thanks to our Greek comrades both who we met and to have been keeping us informed on here.

....and a massive thank you and respect to Stella for you help.
After the police attack during the evening of Saturday 5th December against the Resalto social center, all the 22 comrades set free after Pireaus courts decision on Tuesday early mourning 8th December.

For their non-prejail custody and their freedom until the trial they are under restrictive terms but also high money guarantees.

The total money amount of the guarantees rises up to 51.000 euros.

More specific: For one of the arrested the guarantee rises up to 15.000, for three others 5.000 each and for the other seven persons the guarantee rises up to 3.000 for each one.

All the money guarantees must be deposited until Thursday 17 December, but to avoid any bureaucratic jams it would be usefull if the money could be collected until Tuesday 15th of December.

For the Financial Aid of the 22 arrested of RESALTO a Solidarity Fund was constructed.

For more information contact with: 0030-6973657960 or [email protected]
After the police attack during the evening of Saturday 5th December against the Resalto social center, all the 22 comrades set free after Pireaus courts decision on Tuesday early mourning 8th December.

For their non-prejail custody and their freedom until the trial they are under restrictive terms but also high money guarantees.

The total money amount of the guarantees rises up to 51.000 euros.

More specific: For one of the arrested the guarantee rises up to 15.000, for three others 5.000 each and for the other seven persons the guarantee rises up to 3.000 for each one.

All the money guarantees must be deposited until Thursday 17 December, but to avoid any bureaucratic jams it would be usefull if the money could be collected until Tuesday 15th of December.

For the Financial Aid of the 22 arrested of RESALTO a Solidarity Fund was constructed.

For more information contact with: 0030-6973657960 or [email protected]

The 51000 euro have now been raised, approximately the 20000 of those came from comrades and solidarity groups from abroad, and need to be returned back quickly therefore the fund raising is continuing.
I decided to continue writing on this thread rather than continuing on the pathetic thread that Derf started ...

An anti-anarchist witch-hunt against anarchist has been unfolding in Athens since the early hours of Friday with at least 6 people until now detained in relation to "terrorism". The media have launched a rumors campaign indiscriminately disclosing names and accusing the detainees of being members of the Revolutionary Struggle. As a response the Athens Polytechnic has been occupied by anarchists in solidarity.

The Athens anti-anarchist witch-hunt started in the early hours of Friday, with anti-terrorist police breaking into three houses and detaining four people in relation to "domestic terrorism". After the first information were leaked to the usual parrot-blogs and parrot-journalists of the Ministry of Public Order the greek public has been bombarded by images of the stormed houses, dubbed "terrorist lairs", and with thinly veiled information about the detainees which the media portray as having been arrested despite no such official police proclamation. The media campaign identifies at least two of the detainees with historical figures of the anarchist movement in greece, well known for previous imprisonments, hunger strikes and the mass movement in solidarity these led at the time. Naturally we are not going to reproduce the names or more info on the persons here. Then followed more operations, with more houses of anarchist broken in, with allegedly two more people detained, a fact not clarified by the police. This led to renewed anti-anarchist allegations and propaganda in the media, which by then were reproducing wild stories about the alleged connection of the detained with the assassinated anarchist Lambros Foundas, and about "weapons and communiques found in the lairs". What seems to be the case is that the police has found "material that could be use to construct explosives" i.e. any domestic cleaning powders, some engine oil etc, and "written material and notes that could be used for writing communiques similar to the Revolutionary Struggle", i.e. any marxist or anarchist literature. Moreover another anarchist was stopped while walking in the streets of Athens and arrested as a suspect for "armed robbery" in a supermarket. The police led him to his parents house where his great-grandfathers 1914 hunting gun was confiscated as evidence of the crime. The man has been led to to the state inquisitor this morning.

The reaction of anarchists in Athens has been the occupation of the down-town Polytechneio and calling a general assembly this afternoon to coordinate a solidarity campaign.

Meanwhile, riots broke out outside the Salonica Aristotelian University last night, during a party in solidarity to an evicted squat. Last Monday the rector had moved in bulldozers and demolished the squatted "lyomena" buildings housing the punk collective Street Attack and the dance-party anarchist collective Freeteza. The notoriously right-wing rector did not hesitate to order riot police forces in the academic asylum. Lawyers have pressed charges against the rector for preventive breech of the asylum and for illegal demolition of buildings with dangerous lime roofs. It is believed that yesterday nights riots in Salonica were fueled by the demolition of the "lyomena".

It must also be noted that yesterday fascist scum attempted to burn down Agros, the squatted area in Tritsis park in Athens. Earlier the same day, a dozen of fascist para-state elements attacked african street-salesmen in Monastiraki. The immigrants managed to hold their gorund until motorised police came to help the fascists in their racist pogrom which had been pre-announced on the internet as a "campaign against illegal trade".

There will be updates on the case of the detained comrades, which is widely believed to be more serious than the usual NFC-fingerprint-arrest parades.

Update: The police has announced the names of five men and one woman as arrested, with their pictures published. As the publication of both names and photos of people arrested but not condemned is in breach of any ethical code (let alone of the bourgeois constitution of the country) I will abstain from reproducing them here before the arrested themselves make public announcements signed by their names. It must be noted however that one of the arrested is an all-time usual-suspect favorite of the police who has suffered for years in the cells of the republic.

The sixth man was arrested today and kept handcuffed in his apartment in Exarcheia for many hours while the police searched his apartment. The prolonged process caused the gathering of around 100 anarchists outside the building, leading to clashes and use of tear gas by the police, with temporary barricades erected in defense by the protesters.

The police claims that it has found a hard disk containing old communiques of the Revolutionary Struggle (easily downloaded online from bourgeois websites) as well as "a plan of a communique for a future terrorist attack", probably indicating only notes of general anarchist political analysis.

Rumors that the Revolutionary Struggle was planning a major attack against the Police National Headquarters (GADA) as well as that the police has found the printer with which the communiques of the Revolutionary Struggle were printed are being spread across the bourgeois media, but are not verified by the police. The police has announced that another 10-12 people are wanted. However all information spread by the media are suspicious, especially after two anarchists claimed to be amongst the detained with their names leaked in the media have not been in fact apprehended by the police.

Update2: Another solidarity demo took place today afternoon, this time in Petralona, outside the house of a comrade under search by the anti-terrorist police. The protesters chanted slogans against the anti-terror spectacle and came under attack by riot police forces. Then the protesters formed a march to Ekaterini square chanting slogans against police-rule like "when they break into your houses too, only then will you break out of your cages". Meanwhile TV crews outside one of the alleged "lairs" in Nea Ionia came under attack by protesters.
According to radical electronic media the arrested are refusing food and water.

On Saturday 10/4 we occupied the polytechnic university led by sentiments of tenacious rage and solidarity towards our comrades. We want to show that a fighting part of the society exists, that will continue resisting.

w h a t e v e r y o u d o

We understand very well the dirty game of deceit and mass guidance that play the shameful mass media. These frauds of speech and conductors of manipulation, will skilfully use their arms, misinformation, calumny and disorientation from the real problems: the economic and social bankruptcy, in order to keep the world asleep and inactive. Mainly however afraid. Orwell, nor in his madness dreams, could not imagine the way in which he would be verified finally in the modern TVdictatorship. We answer:



From today and each day begins an enraged attack of counter-information, at the occupation of the polytechnic itself, but also in each corner of Athens. We deny to lower the heads and to accept the started terror-lust of mass media. The “internal terrorism” is the delusion that makes blind the average TV-person and nails him in a useless witch-hunt.

There are many hatched wizards and witches that walk with hoods in the forest of the city.

Bourgeois illegality will not pass.

Our counter-information from now on will reach at the ears of even the last induced citizen.

We will not stop informing and opposing without mercy for all the all set up charges against our comrades.


Kostas Gournas is one of the six anarchists arrested recently in Athens, accused by the police of participating in the urban guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle. Kostas wrote the following brief open letter to the minister of public order, Michalis Chrysochoidis on Friday 16.4, when he was still being held at the 12th floor of the police headquarters in Athens. While there Kostas was evidently tortured (police-released photographs testify this). Kostas has since been transferred to the prison of Trikala in the north of the country where, together with another one of the six arrested anarchists (Vaggelis Stathopoulos) he is being held under “special conditions” – that is, with limited access to toilet and water and with many obstacles in his communication with relatives and lawyers.

I would like to personally thank the Minister of Public Order Mr. Michalis Chrisochoidis for the special treatment he reserved for me, with the beatings, threats toward my wife and kids and my pre-trial detention in the Prison of Trikala, which will deny me the elementary right of every prisoner, to communicate with their family. Honestly, I could not believe he would slip down to this level. However, because I have learned since my 20 years of age to overcome whatever hurdles, I shall remain upright. You will not achieve my physical and my political extermination.

Kostas Gournas

April 16, 2010
12th floor, Police HQ, Athens

The threats and torturing of those held in relation to the so-called “Revolutionary Struggle Case” will not result into the extermination of any of us. They seem to have failed to understand that one of us will make not even a single step back. We are, and we shall remain on their side. Our solidarity can not be “exterminated”.

Comrades and relatives of Kostas Gournas
Out of curiosity, why would the police who tortured him allow Kostas Gournas to write a letter that affirms that torture and the threats?

I'm sure there's an explanation, just curious to see what it is.
Out of curiosity, why would the police who tortured him allow Kostas Gournas to write a letter that affirms that torture and the threats?

I'm sure there's an explanation, just curious to see what it is.
they may not have allowed it, or it could have been written with or brought out by his lawyer, as presumably he'll have been allowed to see a lawyer at some point.
Out of curiosity, why would the police who tortured him allow Kostas Gournas to write a letter that affirms that torture and the threats?

I'm sure there's an explanation, just curious to see what it is.

Because sometimes we have to reply to questions like yours , I will post again on this board: with this kind of question you are implying that he was not treated unlawfully by those who are supposed to enforce the law.

My answer to you and anyone else of similar attitude is take a look at the photos of the detained released by the police themselves for the media human eating establishment: three of the arrested were disfigured and for the other three they released older photos of them so we have no idea of how badly they were treated, and the photos were only of the faces , no idea how much harm was inflicted on them to the rest of their bodies, and one supposes that they knew they had to photographed them but still they did what they did . I'll try to find a link for the photos.
As far as why they allowed it, because by then they were done with him, they had what they needed and after the latest finds as well they probably thought that unlawful treatment of the arrested would make no difference, since they "provided the public with a safer country" with this arrest of the "threat to our peaceful , orderly and quiet established status quo".

I hope this answers your "question"
Three of the six arrested anarchists claim “political responsibility” for participati


"This morning, three of the six arrested anarchists for the Revolutionary Struggle case have published a 16-page letter (in the Athens weekly “Pontiki”, which has traditionally hosted a few of the armed guerrilla groups’ communiques) in which they claim political responsibility for their participation to the group Revolutionary Struggle. The three are Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas. Extracts of their letter follow.

We claim the political responsibility for participation to Revolutionary Struggle. We declare that comrade Lambros Foundas, who died in [the Athens suburb of ] Dafni on March 10, 2010, after a shoot-out with the cops, also participated in Revolutionary Struggle.The fight he gave was one for materialising the subversive plan collectively decided by Revolutionary Struggle. It was a struggle for revolution and for freedom.

We also declare that we are very proud of our group, Revolutionary Struggle, we are proud of our history, of every moment of our political action. We are proud of comrade Lambros Foundas, who we honour and will always do so.

As much as the mechanisms of repression might believe that by imprisoning us they will do away with us, they are wrong. Whether outside or inside prisons the struggle, which for us is a matter of honour and dignity, will continue.

As much as the two terrorists, [PM] Papandreou and [minister of public order] Chrisochoidis laugh smugly, as much as they believe they have safeguarded the security necessary for their social-fascist party to continue with the application of its criminal plans against society, waging their tails now that their American superiors congratulate them, as much as they claim they are done with a serious threat for their regime, we assure them they will not do away with us easily.

As long as we are alive, for as long as we live and breathe, we will do our best to pose problems to their antisocial and criminal plans.

And if our hunters and the political authorities of this country believe they have the entire society on their side, if they believe that the majority of the people consider us to be a social threat, they are mistaken. For the majority of the population, the social threat comes from the government passing one anti-social measure after the other, by dictation of the crows of capital which “bribe”, with the cash they have at their disposal, the state mechanism. Terrorism is the years-long neoliberal policy imposed by the parties in power with the toleration or support of smaller parties. Terrorism is the application of the stability plan which has so far caused large segments of the population to watch this unprecedented attack against them in fear.

Terrorism is not having the most basic material to survive, having your wage and your pension taken away, the bank confiscating your house, living in lethal pollution. Terrorism is living everyday under a regime of fear for your own survival.


The objective conditions are now ideal. Let’s form the subjective conditions required for us to attempt the revolution. This is our chance.







and the link in Greek with the whole letter : http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1160101
Thought you'd be the last person the bump this thread, derf, after how you shamed yourself first time round.
Because sometimes we have to reply to questions like yours , I will post again on this board: with this kind of question you are implying that he was not treated unlawfully by those who are supposed to enforce the law.

My answer to you and anyone else of similar attitude is take a look at the photos of the detained released by the police themselves for the media human eating establishment: three of the arrested were disfigured and for the other three they released older photos of them so we have no idea of how badly they were treated, and the photos were only of the faces , no idea how much harm was inflicted on them to the rest of their bodies, and one supposes that they knew they had to photographed them but still they did what they did . I'll try to find a link for the photos.
As far as why they allowed it, because by then they were done with him, they had what they needed and after the latest finds as well they probably thought that unlawful treatment of the arrested would make no difference, since they "provided the public with a safer country" with this arrest of the "threat to our peaceful , orderly and quiet established status quo".

I hope this answers your "question"

Thank you. You have more than answered my question.

I have to admit that I find it strange that you included so much sarcasm. I've only been following this from the periphery and so asked something in order to understand. That you read some sort of implication in it is not my fault.

Understand that you are under no obligation to answer me. Another answered and satisfied my curiosity.

As far as my "attitude" goes, to clarify, as far as this is concerned, it's one of vague curiosity mixed with a healthy dose of couldn't care less.

So. Are we good?
After a long time that I was away of the boards I am finally back online. I bump this thread up just in order to inform you that the verdict of the trial against the cop Korkoneas (who murdered Alexis) and his coworker Saraliotis (who was with him on that night) has been announced today

Korkoneas is charged with murder with INTENT to murder Alexis, and he got a life sentence in prison. This is a charge heavier than the one he was initially charged with when the trial started, as they were discussing about murder without intention to murder. Saraliotis is charged as an accomplish to murder but it has not been announced yet how many years in prison he will have to serve.

The court members that voted were 7, 4 voted for this verdict and 3 voted for murder with no intention. The fact that the verdict was not unanimous means that Korkoneas has the right to appeal and try decrease his sentence at the court of appeals.

In Greece life sentence means 25 years, but you can serve the 3/4 of your sentence and be free if you also work in prison, do not create troubles and so on. So in reality with this verdict he is in jail for 19 years. IF he will manage to decrease his sentence at the court of appeals he may be freed on around 10 years from today.
I wonder Dimitris, if Korkoneas is now going to become a rallying point for the mainstream right pushing a law and order agenda in order to impose austerity? I know he already is for the 'secret colonels' longing for the old days...
how is it for you now Dimitris?

bbc story
bbc said:
The trial was moved from Athens to Amfissa - a small town 200km (120 miles) west of the capital - to deter attacks by anarchist groups that had vowed to kill the two defendants.

Exarchia is a rebellious district, popular with self-styled anarchists.

Our correspondent, Malcolm Brabant, says the chairman of the residents' association there told him he welcomed the verdict but that the district still had concerns, saying that Korkoneas's special unit still exists, has no proper training and that violence related to it continues.
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