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    Lazy Llama

Athens Greece: Cops murder a 16 year old

some updates from the demo and the anti-racist assembly and part of a demo:
I have just come back home, the amount of chemicals they threw today seemed to me like tones, but I could be wrong although at the time I was passing Panepistimiou str the stench in the air was still very uncomfortable. They were not throwing anything at that time (about 6.45 pm) but had thrown previously at the surrounding streets from the Law uni and maybe also Akadimias street, so a good hour and a half afterwards the chemicals were still floating in the atmosphere, and like I said, it was not the best place to be, especially if someone has breathing problems and I think the clashes between the riot squads and protesters is still going on and might continue (Haven't seen the news yet). Dimitris has mentioned what happened at the main assembly of the students/workers and the demo afterwards.(this is an addition to his post)
It was mainly peaceful (most of the time and the part of the demo that I attended) although by the time we reached in front of the Parliament there were chemicals thrown against us, and paint was thrown against the riot squads that were lined up in front of two police vans(-buses) that were parked across Vasilisis Sofia's avenue at the side of the parliament. I wasn't at the front of the demo when they started throwing chemicals, but by the time I reached they had thrown already at least a couple and i did not see any of the protesters attacking the police just throwing ballons filled with red paint, so I can not verify that the protesters started the clashes, but anyway paint and molotov cocktails from one side and chemicals on the other ...not the same thing I think,but anyway after some lovely abuse was shouted against the police and one of the balloons with paint hit one police man and made a complete red mess of his uniform and clapping and cheering from the crowd I left, so no actual knowledge about the rest, I heard though that the clashes started less than an hour after the demo was over, around Solonos and the surrounding str of the Law uni
As far as the anti-racist assembly at Syntagma it was peaceful and by the time I left (about 6.45 pm ) no chenicals from them or paint from our side, but I have to admitt this was a different crowd than this morning (not the throwing paint kind, maybe or maybe not, but we were definitely not as big as the crowd earlier). It was a decent enough gathering considering the accumulated tiredness of all these days and the fact that there was the bigger demo earlier. There were a nice group of students with drums that kept the beat, there were plenty of banners saying how we are all united in our fight, there were a couple of speakers and plenty of slogans shouted towards the direction of the parliament. By the time we started for our demo towards the building of European Union (I think, we never made it there) it was about 6.30 pm, we turned right to Vasilisis Sofia's ave but the same two vans were parked across the street and 3 rows of riot squads were lined up in front of them. We reached as close as they let us, shouted our slogans and there was an attempt of a negotiation with the chief there to let us through, they didn't but suggested a team of about 15 people with our written requests to pass through, at that we shouted back our slogans, some of which I thoroughly enjoyed and after that some people started to leave. So that's it from me, only I have to add there was another demo that started earlier -about 12.30 pm(organized by PAME and/or KKE), just after the rain stopped, it was not announced as far as I know, but even so it was big and also without any incidents with the police.
Dimitri, if you suffer from breathing problems around the law uni might not be the best place to be tonight
More photos


A lot of chemicals were thrown today... but not the "usual" ones. It is not just breathing problems, I had to throw out twice up to now and I still have a burning feeling on my stomach. I was also dizzy earlier but I am better now. Aparently I am not the only one, others that I have also asked have similar effects from them.... These are definately not tear gasses they are chemicals that can suffocate you .. I dont know what kind, there are people saying that those are normally used in war and not demonstrations and that they are officially banned but I cannot confirm any of these info.
There is this "bomb" they are throwing and when it explodes, tiny little things are coming from inside (like batteries ?) and they spray massive amount of chemicals like white smoke.... these are very nasty

There were 2 petrol bombs thrown before the spraying, well actually more or less on the same time... The attack against the police lines followed, but spraying had allready started of course and paint thrown.

I completely forgot to mention the KKE demo earlier than ours, it was also big and peacefull...

Stella you have any news from Peristeri maybe? I know nothing .......
tvxs.gr says it was a quite big and peacefull demo, I just saw it now. It ended peacefully, a lot of people stil remained at the pavement that the teenager was shot.
actually from a clip I just saw from the feed from mega tv there were clashes with the riot police even from the KKE 's demo, at least that's what they said, when their demo also reached in front of the parliament, balloons with red paint were thrown against the riot squads and molotov cocktails while they charged towards them and they did reply with chemicals, also the arson attempt against the new xmas tree was shown from that bit of the riots, is that what you've heard?
From zougla.gr they say the riots started after 3.00 so it couldn't have been from the KKE's demo, again mega not to be taken seriously, but I wouldn't trust zougla.gr much either-especially the last few days with the mention of the murderer going mad in prison and how they reported that.
arson attempt to the christmass tree from KKE demo ??? Nope it did not happen during KKE demo, it happened not very far from me actually
There are some comrades on the streets at various points and are giving info on police actions etc... I have been speaking on the phone to some people during the last hour or so, there are quite enough undercover policemen out, even some filming with small cameras...

There is a possibility that fascists are also on the streets
thumbs up from me about the xmas tree !!!
I'll have to catch up with some work I'll stay on line and come back with any news if there is any from the radio.
From the BBC:

Conservative Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis has rejected calls to step down, despite growing public pressure.

But earlier this week he acknowledged some of the problems that had fuelled the anger of young people.

In a speech to parliamentary colleagues on Tuesday, he said "long-unresolved problems, such as the lack of meritocracy, corruption in everyday life and a sense of social injustice disappoint young people".

I wonder what would happen if everyone decided to come out in protest at the same time, Europe-wide.

Still maybe freedom within the EU needs to evolve?
From the BBC:

I wonder what would happen if everyone decided to come out in protest at the same time, Europe-wide.

Still maybe freedom within the EU needs to evolve?

His communcation tactics and skills are pretty good, that is why no matter the fact that his government is taking serious shit at the moment his image is not really damaged. What happens daily on the streets though does not show us that they understand anything during the last 13 days.

A very big economic scandal has been revealed during the last 3 months, apparently our government via the church is selling public property to off shore companies, and what he said on that speech? .. "I had under estimated the problem" and that he takes "political responsibility" of the actions that the this government is responsible for... In reallity? NOTHING. The report that was published said that they cannot find anything so the whole story gets covered up... Millions of euros have been lost and noone pays... So what is that "political responsibility" that he takes ???? Just words on a speech in order to present a "good" image and increase his standings on the opinion polls.


Anyway I am off to bed, hopefully I will be better tomorrow because the effects of the chemicals are still bothering me.
Could be both, we know that in Patras they told fascists that they can arrest demonstrators if they get the chance.

The biggest possibility is under cover police though
Dimitri can you try to consider maybe keeping your head cool no matter what, when we get enraged we may make mistakes
By the way there was a new poll by Avgi that showed karamanlis even lower than the last poll http://www.avgi.gr/NavigateActiongo.action?depID=-1 (change the date for the 18/12 and it goes back to the first page of yesterday's paper with the poll)
I saw the tv news from mega, they removed that clip-it was a lunchtime feed with the latest news- and they only show now what they had during the evening news.
Please! consider what I said and in the PMs we have a long way ahead, we need to keep our cool
nice quote from here on bbc :rolleyes:
bbc said:
If anything like the events described by your witness had taken place, the media would not have missed the opportunity to film it
Athens police spokesman

lovely tactics too!
"After the majority of the protesters had passed one of these side streets, a group of riot police charged and forced about 15 young men and women into a dark shop front on the corner of the street.

"As the protesters put their hands on their heads to signify that they were not intending to fight, the police began beating individuals with their batons, issuing threats of extreme violence. The women were handcuffed together and the men strip-searched.

"Additional police joined the group to stop passers-by witnessing what was going on. Four young men aged about 20 and clearly not connected to the demonstration walked past. They were ushered on.

"As they were walking away, a riot policeman ran up behind one of the men kicking him in the back making obscene comments about his size. As the man turned, the policeman began beating the young man with his baton, striking him on the head and the side of his face."
Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis told President Karolas Papoulias that the "enemies of democracy" could not expect any leniency.

thanks again D+S, take care out there :)
The ballistic tests have been released. I am not going to make any comment now because I won't keep my cool ... I'l just say if they haven't been cooked, they were definitely kept in the oven too long...
Thanks for the wishes and all, we need you out there on the 20th, pass the news!

(("Xmas is postponed we have an uprising on the way" Holding banners with slogans such as "pigs, ... , you're killing kids" and wearing t-shirts with targets at the place of the heart and black letters on top saying "ricochet here" and at the back of the t-shirts "xmas postponed we have an uprising on the way" high school children and school pupils from all over Athens had gathered today(thursday 18/12) outside Evelpidon (the main courts' site) to demonstrate against those that murder 15-year olds. ))

from Eleftherotypia's -greek newspaper- web site. And that is another comment about the ballistic report...
The clashes are still going on- not sure about this, will get back on it . DELETE /IGNORE THIS,it was a repeat of a radio program (Alfa radio) from this morning and I was changing channels.(obviously lack of sleep and not staying calm enough.../ Dimitri try to consider what i said+ stay SAFE !!!)
and one last post for tonight from me , some of you might have seen it though, it is from the bbc's web site
it is an interesting view, don't totally agree with what she says, but thought it was one more point of view on this topic and I'm adding it for that. Also it is interesting for another reason, this was updated on bbc on the 10/12 and at some point at the end she mentions about things escalating and maybe someone could die, that was before the shooting of the young boy in Peristeri, also Pavlos Tsimas (journalist-usually too soft to take a stand on those stupid panels) on megatv mentioned he "had said something like this could happen again-like another shooting- when the presence of police is pathetic and any actual response(to the protesters' demands) from the government to the students' demos is non existent (actually he was ok tonight, not a total sold out p.o.s.), but I'm thinking what exactly is the "establishment" like him going to do...? Say a few things that are right and then shut up when the rest of them continue to talk b... and misinform and brainwash the tv viewers, apparently megatv had the highest ratings during the last events... interesting ...
this link is for any Greeks that don't have this link, it's mega's feed, it shows tv clips and the news after they've shown it on tv around ten
The ballistic tests have been released. I am not going to make any comment now because I won't keep my cool .....

In other words they prove that the cops shot but not at the little pervert flashing his cock in the street.

I suppose police brutality isn't justifies but petrol bombs are a reasonable political weapon when used the right way against fascist cops who you then expect to behave nicely to the bastards.

Fuck the lot of them.
In other words they prove that the cops shot but not at the little pervert flashing his cock in the street.

I suppose police brutality isn't justifies but petrol bombs are a reasonable political weapon when used the right way against fascist cops who you then expect to behave nicely to the bastards.

Fuck the lot of them.

You're like a stuck record. If you dont have something more interesting to add then why are you bothering? There's plenty to discuss yet all your posts can be boiled down in to a one line post. Which makes the rest of them superfulous.
The police brutality is appalling. The police should be there to protect people and uphold the peace, not meting out summary justice, engaging in torture, humiliating and degrading treatment and violent, life-threatening assaults.

Maybe this organisation, Human Rights Watch, could help. I am sure that they will have a representative in Greece or one that they could be sent there:


If it continues, I think there will come a point where it becomes unavoidable that there would need to be increasing calls for EU or UN peace-keeping forces to be sent in. Alarm bells should be ringing. The world can not sit idly by when the people of the cradle of democracy on the outskirts of Europe get brutalised in this fashion; it is a worrying early warning sign of a possible pogrom against selected sections of the population, by a government that should be there to serve them.
The decision of the International collective occupation of the people::

Global call out to the parents of all 15 year olds.

In Greece we are all called Alexis and Michaelis ... The cops kill us... They kill us with bullets to the chest, they kill us by beating us to death.

Cops kill 15 year olds. Not only in Greece but throughout the world in the same way.
We call for the solidarity of our parents. We call for for the solidarity of all of you.
Students, workers, the unemployed, labourers, farmers and all who have children ...
Our teachers, our lecturers, our friends, our neighbors, all those people who resist the unjust and the unreasonable.
Because they definately have children too, if we're not mistaken. And if their children do not die from bullets to their chests, they die every day in explosions in nafpigoepiskefasthikes zones with industrial accidents, they drown en mass mass in dilapidated boats ...

A week has passed since the assassination of our brother, our friend, our comrade Alexis from the bullet of a cop; those guardians of the state, the ruling class and Greek 'democracy'. A democracy that you implore us not to forget.

Alexis said goodbye to us with few words «friends, they've hit me» ... he just managed to say, then his legs gave way, he fell to the ground and died.

We are full of rage and so we should be. We are enraged and we are destroying this shell of a society you would have us further.
No we are not of this society. We are 15 year olds and we think... differently.
.. Cops kill in the same way everywhere.
Some of them say batons and one bullet is enough. Others shoot 15 times for fun..
Do not become their accomplices.
Those who remain silent, those who condemn our rage because of the blatent lies of the corporate media, the police and the politicians you vote for, determine our future ... you are responsible and liable.
Because the future of Alexis was murdered on the 6th of December 2008 in Greece. Because the futures of 15 year olds are ended by the bullets of cops in each and every corner of this world.
One night in Exarhia with one bullet to the heart.
The place may change, but the situation remains the same.
We are all, each and every one of us an «Alexis» and a «Michaelis.
And we are not celebrating our birthdays because we were assassinated at the age of 15. Pigs.
I, Alexis Grigoropoulos - was killed by a cop on 6 -12-08 in Exarhia with a shot straight to the heart. I have became an anniversary.
I, Michael Kalteza was killed by a cop in 1985. I died on the anniversary of another uprising at the Polytechnic, an uprising against the military junta which left dozens dead and hundreds wounded.
What we share in common is that both of us were killed in a 'democracy' and that we were 15 years old...

We all have one thing in common. We are 15 years old in a society that you have made for us yet without us. You never asked us, nor did you ever listen. You choke us with the ideals of wealth, of the corporations, economic growth and power.
... The ideals of the broken window displays; of luxury cars, expensive clothes, jewelry watches. You flood us with rotten entertainment, food and culture saturated in convenience and stupidity and you condemn us for the broken windows of multinational chain stores who rob everyone of us..
We are accused of destruction and arson. Yes, we set fire to all that which burns up our lives, so we can endure the tons of chemical tear gas thrown upon us by the police and the army. Because we don't have any other weapons. Only our hands, tangerines, plastic water bottles and stones, the odd Molotov cocktail, but we must resist each one of us, however we can, in the face of the military machine of repression and armed murderers.
They shoot and kill us.
And when we protest
They curse us.
They beat mercilessly.
Cripple us.
They handcuff us.
They choke us with tear gas
They condemn us.
They lock us up in pre-trial custody.

We are on the streets and we are calling for our lives.
At the age of 15 because later it may be too late. Later we may have been killed by some cop, by ostracism.
We are calling it out but again you are not listening to us.
The shooting ... and the sound of the shot which killed Alexis if nothing else, let it disrupt your apathy.

Join us, come stand beside us.
We have the strength and power of our rage.
You have your own strength and it is not possible that you don't also have your own rage when they kill us with bullets when they beat us to death ... every day because we throw tangerines and plastic water bottles at them.
Let us unite our strenghts and let insurgency flare in every neighborhood in every street, in each doorstep, in every town square of this world.

We are not easily terrorised nor made afraid. We are agents of freedom.
We say to the cops ... when they hit us and swear at us with vulgarity, both at us and our mothers... when they put us in handcuffs ... «Cops you're weak» ... «Is that the best you can do, chickens, we've copped worse from our mothers and our fathers... »
Yeah right, we're not scared of them. We are not afraid of them nor their weapons.
We answer back, right in the face of the murderers .... «One of us is buried in the earth but thousands of us are in the struggle, on the streets...»
We shout to them «Cops! pigs! killers!» «weak cops you kill children».
For all those things which the windows of banks hide from you, open your ears and listen to us.
There's no way you can not feel rage ...
So come with us, if you're afraid, we'll protect you,
We offer our hands and our souls ... and if we have to, our lives.
But you are not beside us, despite the fact that you still tell us that «you gave birth to us and we mean more to you than your own lives ...»

And even more pertinent, just think, that in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen years ... they could have very well kill your child.
- The cops killed him already. He was 15 years old. With ostracism because he was an 'untamed bum' anarchist, insubordinate, terrorist hooligan.

Think about it before you lose the opportunity to save your own child, but ...
think a little bit harder.
Because perhaps you have the opportunity to help save my life, mum, dad.
I ask of you to disarm the police, to disarm the murderers in uniform.

I'm not asking you to save me but to stand in solidarity with me ..
Because until now those that stand beside us are the ones who save us... strangers who share our rage.
They save us from those armed killers circulating everywhere ... those who purport to protect you ... you and your valuable property, killing 15 year olds in the process.

We, the minors, we the 'young scoundrels', the anarchist kids, the 'roughnecks', 'junkies', 'thieves', this countries own 'hooded terrorists', we extend to each and every parent, to all the people, we call on you all to join our protests and rallies and blockades and our insubordination.
We invite all you reading this text, to join the struggle to change our lives and to fight injustice, to overcome the inertia of apathetic acceptance.

We will be there ... every day, every night on the streets and we will be up in arms ... we will use our bodies as barricades against the MAT (riot cops) as barriers to stop them arresting and hitting those beside us. Our schoolmates.

We will wait for you... otherwise you may lose us... they may very wll kill us, the special guards of public security, the protectors of your "democracy".
We will put our bodies on the line as barricades against the MAT to prevent them beating and arresting those next to us. Our classmates.. All those beside us.

And because today a week after the cold-blooded murder of Alexis people are celebrating the day of St Elephtheris (Liberty) we say to you all think a little bit harder.
Do not kill our freedom.

Happy holidays will be on the streets which ever way you decide ...

Occuption of the people
15 year old potential victims of the ostracism of armed cops.
sick sick SICK:mad:
post reported

Like I give a shit.
There is now evidence in the public domain to support the police and true version that they did not shoot the flasher as the witnesses claimed in their lies.

I always assumed that someone with his dick out in the street is a perv and the common name for someone taking time to take part in that activity is a flasher.

So now it looks like the pervy flasher was killed as a result of his own stupidity coupled with a bit of bad luck,
The police brutality is appalling. The police should be there to protect people and uphold the peace, not meting out summary justice, engaging in torture, humiliating and degrading treatment and violent, life-threatening assaults.

The nasty little cops. All that's happening is they are getting petrol bombs tossed at them and they answer with a couple of beating of the bastards trying to kill them.
The cops are trying to protect people and property from these cretin commies out to destroy whatever they can in some revenge for the "murder" that never happened in the first place.
The left are happy to start the fight but moan little little girls when they get a bit back.
In other words they prove that the cops shot but not at the little pervert flashing his cock in the street.

I suppose police brutality isn't justifies but petrol bombs are a reasonable political weapon when used the right way against fascist cops who you then expect to behave nicely to the bastards.

Fuck the lot of them.

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