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Armstrong tests positive?

I can't wait for this to develop. Will we have forensic accountants scrutinising the receipt for Lance's donation and the Sysmex machine? Could this really rid us of the gruesome twosome forever?
Does anyone know if Hein and Pat get to dip into UCI funds for this, btw? I guess there is also the chance that [conspiranoid] they'll get some of that Livestrong Dollar [/conspiranoid].
I can't wait for this to develop. Will we have forensic accountants scrutinising the receipt for Lance's donation and the Sysmex machine? Could this really rid us of the gruesome twosome forever?

My guess is that if such a thing looks likely to happen, they will drop their case. These cases are premised on the notion that the people they single out are unlikely to be in a position to defend themselves in Switzerland.
Is there any chance that Kimmage might be able in some way to use this case to get some of the anti Armstrong testimony into the public domain? I would have thought that a lot of his defence would be the evidence collected by USADA, would they cooperate with him, indeed, could be subpoena them? If any of this was possible the whole thing could be blown sky high and might have the reverse effect than that intended and reveal the truth abiut LA.
Pretty sure the USADA case will be made public by the time the case comes round anyway - publishing on 15th October apparently.
KImmage has tweeted "found a real pitbull of a lawyer to go after those two fuckers." (Meant to be a private msg to Walsh but he broadcast it to all.) Anyway, if Hein drops the case there has been talk of a counter-suit from Kimmage. His defence fund is at $43,000. I don't suppose that goes very far in Switzerland, but still.
Pretty sure the USADA case will be made public by the time the case comes round anyway - publishing on 15th October apparently.

Which makes the timing of this decision to sue Kimmage all the more weird. its as if they knew the LA stuff was coming out and that Kimmage would come out with a "i told u so story", but by suing him they have effectively shut him up as he will be restricted on what he can say with a case due in court. there is also the possibility that they hoped to smear him enough before the LA stuff came out that no one would touch him.
I'm not sure I would look for logic in the decision. Hein is just a very arrogant, stupid, angry old man. Just one train wreck after another. This farce could well be his come-uppance.
Whoa, hold the phone. Shit hitting fan alert. From http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/report-armstrongs-ex-wife-involved-in-doping-scheme?ns_campaign=news&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=cyclingnews&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0

Lance Armstrong's ex-wife, Kristin, is said to have not only known about but also participated in his doping practices, helping to refrigerate EPO and distribute drugs to US riders at the 1998 World Championships, according to a report with alleged details from the USADA's “reasoned decision” on its lifetime ban for Armstrong.

The report also claims that George Hincapie said that he lied to US Customers officials about EPO in his luggage. Armstrong has always denied doping but decided not to fight USADA's charges.
In August USADA issued a lifetime ban against Armstrong after he declined to go to arbitration. The US agency's next step is to submit its “reasoned decision” on the matter to the UCI and WADA, which is expected to happen within the next two weeks.
David Walsh, writing for The Sunday Times, introduced Kristin Armstrong's name into the matter for the first time. A rider is said to have claimed that cortisone pills wrapped in tin foil wer distributed to USPS riders at the 1998 World Championships in Valkenburg. In his affidavit, the rider said that Kristin wrapped and handed out the pills. “Kristin is rolling the joints,” one rider supposedly said at the time.
There are also reports that the Armstrongs used to call EPO “butter”, as they kept in the butter compartment of their refrigerator.
The story further claims that George Hincapie told another rider over the telephone that he had once been stopped by US Customs. Upon his return to the US from Europe, EPO was found in his luggage, but he reportedly said that he lied, calling it prescription medicine, and that this story was believed.
In addition, the “reasoned decision” is believed to contain affidavits from two riders, in which they claim Armstrong told them of a positive doping test at the 2001 Tour de Suisse, which he had “swept under the carpet,” with another rider allegedly swearing that Armstrong “told him he could use his influence with UCI to circumvent cycling’s anti-doping laws.”

Gabrovski, who won the Tour of Turkey, has been suspended for two years after testing positive for EPO. I'm posting the link in here rather than the Bicycle racing thread since, as anyone who saw the MTF stage that Gabrovski won can attest to, it was one of the most suspect performances of the year. The initial attack in particular was Pantani-esque - even down to the motorbike outriders having to hit the gas to get out of his way.

Tbh, it reminded me of how it felt back in the olden days seeing USPS ripping it up on the mountains. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck etc. Doesn't add anything to the discussion, just thinking aloud really.
The USADA report has been sent to the UCI. Over a thousand pages of it. Apparently there will be a 200 page "summary" made public in the very near future, possibly today.

In the meantime, Tygart (USADA's head honcho) has given a statement which, amongst other things says that there were 26 witnesses, 15 of them riders, 11 of them former team mates. The team mates have been named as:

Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters and David Zabriskie.

Apparently the still active riders are copping six month bans. Which would have them back for most of next season. And they may also be backdated to September, which would effectively allow them all of the important races next season. The active riders technically include Barry, Danielson, Hincapie, Leipheimer, Vande Velde and Zabriskie, but Barry and Hincapie have already announced their retirements.

In other news, journeyman French pro Steve Hounard got popped for EPO. He had no results and Ag2r hadn't renewed his contract. That one has all the signs of desperation, someone looking for a ride for next year, doing a bit of DIY doping without the money or medical supervision to avoid getting caught. I suspect that he won't make it back to the pro ranks: French teams won't touch him and he has done nothing in his career to justify getting a ride ahead of a young rider with no positives to his name.

Also, Sky have announced that after they won't be renewing the contract of Dr Leinders. They will not however say what their investigation found.
5live lead on this this evening for a while. One of those moments when they stop the ifs and buts and second opinions. He is now guilty was the message.

What will he say now.
page 144 has reference to the 2001 tour de suisse hushed positive urine sample - not enough in this summary to back Kimmage, lets see what gets thrown up in the full version.

Theres a lot of names off the christmas card list in one go...:eek:
his facebook still has nutters comparing it to the fake moon landings and blowing up the WTC to steal afghani opium (i.e all a big set up) or just plain supportive, but much much less than normal, lots of people weighing in to him.
Christ, just back from a double shift and up in the morning for another. Best get the kettle on...
It's Not About The Bike - It's About The EPO, The Growth Hormones, The Blood Transfusions, The Analgesics, The Diuretics...
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