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Are you using a work Zoom account for personal use?


Well-Known Member
I've let my personal account lapse because it seemed an easy way to save £140 when I have access through work.

Am I opening myself up to surveillance though? I'd assume at worst this means an admin can see titles of meetings, who joined and how often etc. But perhaps there are secret admin spying powers which I don't know about.
never had any trouble getting meetings extended tho - have you?

Yeah I think they only do that at certain times of year and/or a few times in a row. If it helps with the surprise that people have their own paid Zoom subscriptions, I also used it for freelancing and just for convenience at work really. The old place had a cumbersome request process for Zoom rooms rather than just letting you book them directly with your own account.
I don't think anyone's going to mind, I just can't shake the feeling there might be a database accumulating somewhere :eek:
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