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Are You "Anyone But England"?

Ok, a bit of a change of tack eh? I have no idea what you're on about. Are you another one of his wingmen? No usernames were harmed in the making of that post, however if you have a genuine complaint, I suggest you report it to the UN human rights commission for crimes against humanity.

Given that the openly admitted intention of the thread creator was to stir, provoke and wind up a particular individual think the descriptive name is right on the money. I'm just grateful that the spin off is that I now have somewhere to post any ABE related tidbits as and when. All's well that ends well. :thumbs:
So, because you feel that one person did something, that automatically entitles you to do the same thing?

This should be interesting. No, correction, it's going to be exactly as boring as every one of your other interventions. Let joy be unconfined :rolleyes:

And username-fucking-around-with is beyond the UN's pay grade. I presume the rule exists to avoid unnecessary insult and trouble. I can appreciate why you'd not understand that, given that insults and trouble are your stock in trade :thumbs:
ABE news update...

View attachment 142603

(which should be Wales' Thomas wins Tour de France)

tbf even though I haven't been closely following the tdf, in the bits of coverage that I have seen, his "Welshness" appeared to be pointed out fairly regularly, it's just a shame that the BBC had to spoil it with their usual biased headline formula.

English winner = English
English loser = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI winner = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI loser = Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish

It's subtle.
This idea is hacknied old bollocks.

The BBC call him British and Welsh.

You sad git.
He's not, he admitted upthread that he's English .. so it's even more tawdry and sad than xenophobia, he's a self-hating Englander. And he's proud of it too.
Now I understand. He's a wannabe xenophobe, who, through geographical circumstance and no fault of his own, didn't make the cut, which has left him angry and bitter. It's hard not to feel his pain.
If you were ABE supporting in this years tour, then the only person in the whole thing (180 odd riders) you'd be against winning it would be Adam Yates.
This idea is hacknied old bollocks.

The BBC call him British and Welsh.

You sad git.
In this instance, it is largely bollocks - his Welshness has been very much to the fore. But historically it hasn't been. Linford Christie, for instance, was Britain's Linford Christie when he won medals and 'Jamaica-born' Linford Christie when he was busted for drugs.
In this instance, it is largely bollocks - his Welshness has been very much to the fore. But historically it hasn't been. Linford Christie, for instance, was Britain's Linford Christie when he won medals and 'Jamaica-born' Linford Christie when he was busted for drugs.

Only in certain sections of the media which is nothing to do with me. The same sections of the media that like to point out raheem sterlings upbringing whenever they want to slate him. I.e. the sun, mail, express. Fuck them, quite frankly.
This thread is fine, it's not attached to any particular sport and is a good enough repository for all things ABE related. (thanks OP :thumbs: ) No spoon required.

Oh yeah, and I nearly forgot...and belated congratulations to all the fellow ABE's on our 13th straight World Cup win.

what a tosser you are :D
This idea is hacknied old bollocks.
Bollocks from Hackney? :hmm: :D

The BBC call him British and Welsh.
Well if you'd read what I said closely you would have noticed me stating that his Welshness was referred to quite frequently in the coverage that I read and heard on 5 live, and that imo the BBC spoiled it with that headline once he'd actually won it. Here is an example of how the BBC could have done it... Geraint Thomas of Team Sky Wins Tour de France

...especially given the fact that the BBC prides itself on being balanced and neutral, and also that it is clear that Geraint clearly considers himself to be Welsh before anything else and that there's not a single picture of him in this tdf holding a British flag. Anyhoo, it's no big deal, nothing to get too anxious about, it's just one of those subtle details.

So you're ABB now.
Fam, London 2012 was a frikkin nightmare. ;)

PS. ABE and ABB are not mutually exclusive.

Where does England come into this. He's Welsh, he's British. What's that to do with ABE?
I refer the gentleman to the English/British media bias formula that I posted earlier...

English winner = English
English loser = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI winner = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI loser = Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish

Hope that makes things a bit clearer for you.
Can a mod kill this thread? What is the point of it except to shit-stir?
I think even the OP wanted it to be "killed" after the disgraceful posting of some of his loyal wingnuts.

Either way I'm not fussed. I don't see why it should be prematurely nuked, just let it die a natural death. The folks who are triggered by the mere existence of anything ABE are not obliged to read or respond. I'm not sure why some of them find it so hard to resist the temptation and get all agitated over what is just a bit of fun.
I see the British tennis ace Sir Andy Murray's back on form. Unlike when the useless Scotch tosser bailed out of Wimbledon...
Also interesting that PaoloSanchez should mention the success of the British rider, Geraint Thomas, in the Tour de France, but notably fail to comment on the performance of Welshman, Luke Rowe, who came 128th in the same race.
First test match tomorrow, England vs India, hopefully giving any interested ABE folk something else to celebrate following the World Cup success.
England will probably win the series though with their home advantage and if Broad and Anderson are on song. Looking for Virat to raise his game.
ABE news update...

View attachment 142603

(which should be Wales' Thomas wins Tour de France)

tbf even though I haven't been closely following the tdf, in the bits of coverage that I have seen, his "Welshness" appeared to be pointed out fairly regularly, it's just a shame that the BBC had to spoil it with their usual biased headline formula.

English winner = English
English loser = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI winner = British
Welsh, Scottish, NI loser = Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish

It's subtle.

And which team was he cycling for? Was it Great Britain, or was it Wales?

Because that would explain the headline.

subtle details
First test match tomorrow, England vs India, hopefully giving any interested ABE folk something else to celebrate following the World Cup success.
Is there a reason you hate the English so vehemently? I mean I can understand why someone might hate the English aristocracy or the English government, but a blanket hatred of the English, from an English person, seems very odd.
First test match tomorrow, England vs India, hopefully giving any interested ABE folk something else to celebrate following the World Cup success.
England will probably win the series though with their home advantage and if Broad and Anderson are on song. Looking for Virat to raise his game.

This is getting a bit weird now.
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