Tired and unemotional
So, because you feel that one person did something, that automatically entitles you to do the same thing?Ok, a bit of a change of tack eh? I have no idea what you're on about. Are you another one of his wingmen? No usernames were harmed in the making of that post, however if you have a genuine complaint, I suggest you report it to the UN human rights commission for crimes against humanity.
Given that the openly admitted intention of the thread creator was to stir, provoke and wind up a particular individual think the descriptive name is right on the money. I'm just grateful that the spin off is that I now have somewhere to post any ABE related tidbits as and when. All's well that ends well.
This should be interesting. No, correction, it's going to be exactly as boring as every one of your other interventions. Let joy be unconfined
And username-fucking-around-with is beyond the UN's pay grade. I presume the rule exists to avoid unnecessary insult and trouble. I can appreciate why you'd not understand that, given that insults and trouble are your stock in trade